High Test

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Lets change that!

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who is this absolute butterface

look at the file name dumb dumb.

Iskra weighs almost 200 pounds and everyone fawns over her

I weigh 150 and my bf bullies me about being fat. I've even lost 17lbs on a cut already and I'm still seen as fat.

>people think iskra hasn't had work done

i only fuck .pngs

Body type?

It all matters, especially height.

She has a cerebral palsy face

5'6, pear body shape--same as iskra


You're probably very short...?

I'm 3 inches shorter than Iskra Lawrence

hello nurse!

pics or what you say here means nothing

If only she didn't have braces.

Well you are a bit shorter than her, that can all add up.

Do you do weight exercises to increase your muscle mass? Yes even girls need to do shit like that, it can be the difference of a "fat" 150 pounds and a "fit" 145 pounds.

I'm not sure how old you are, but your ideal weight for your height is somewhere around 135 to 145 pounds, depending on how much muscle you want.

At 5' 6" and 150 if you aren't carrying a hell of a lot of muscle then yes, you've got some work to do.

3 inches accounts for a 42 pound difference? I dont think so m8

You know there is a search box in in the catalog right?

Screenshot from a vid, sry. Most recent pic i had

definitely not fat

ok faggot start posting photos then

Not fat by any definition t.b.h

You're not fat, but you're not high test

You're not fat you're within healthy BMI ranges, don't stop losing weight yet but if you get any smaller than 130 pounds you're going to get into skelly territory.

Your BF bullies you?

Sounds like an excuse to fuck other dudes.



I didn't say I was high test...


I was just addressing this part

Iskra weighs almost 200 pounds and everyone fawns over her


you just got memed

She's overweight for her height, gets fapped to
I'm overweight for my height, get called fat

That was the correlation i was making there


>150 pounds

there is actually no way

What about those guys that say women shouldn't weigh more than 120lbs? Shouldn't i lose weight until im 120?

O but you're not overweight because of fat, you're overweight because of muscle.

It's not the same

do you have a fat face?

it's the only thing that would make people see you as fat despite your totally not overweight body

150lbs, 5'6

Sry idk why that went upside-down

those are faggots who think women should be twigs with big fake tits

best look for a woman is muscle + enough fat so she's not shredded

Quick question, does your ass look that good out of the pants?

i.e. do the pants make you look better than you actually are?

also, u aren't fat.


Post pics faggot. We'll soon tell you if you're a fatso or glorious high test.


Are u single

He's either go high standards, or you're hiding a few extra pounds under your shirt. Either way, hit the gym and make then muscle gains.

I already posted pics and got the verdict


muscle of any kind on women is fucking disgusting

work the lower body, that's it. don't go into low bf% territory ever



I'm by no means self conscious about my ass, in any way. That should answer your question.


kk, may i ask why you're on fit?


chicks who have had tons of cosmetic surgery kind of go against the whole concept behind high test. if the idea is that women with hourglass figures are better mating partners, then it doesn't apply to her. fake test.

>I could just say no but I'll say it in a roundabout way for no purpose at all

why though


Because I am losing weight and started lifting ~2mos ago. Where else do you expect me to get info on this stuff?

Is this the highest
High test?


just curious, no offence intended, thanks.

If im self conscious about everything else but say I'm not self conscious about my ass-- i definitely mean that it looks good.

fucking GROSS.

get your shit out of my high test thread


Meant for(Im on mobile sry)







Klokov is highest test, if you aren't rapping to klokov you won't make any gains.





uhm that doesn't look like she's had work done
she just gained weight
her entire body is more filled out
when bitches get ass fillings, you can immediately see that from the unnatural roundess of the ass juxtaposed against the relatively thin and shapeless legs
also an ass that's had work done increase in volume but not from the side





das it mane

Who is this!?




I want her to sit on my face.


Is it wrong if I want her to sit on my face?

I prefer earlier version of Iskra
she's just fat now, SJW are all in love with her because she's still fit and fat

Iskra before fat is one of my body goals, too bad I'm fat n uggo

that ass is flat as a pancake and just sags. you can tell from the profile pic. without any kind of support pants, she's just a regular piece of shit girl with a crap body.

>Entire body filled out
Hmm... might wanna take a closer look bub. Her torso looks almost identical to me.


it's called liposculpture, they take the fat from the belly and put it in her ass

Your virginity is showing m8. Doesn't seem v saggy to me-- pic related (yes i have a birthmark on my ass cheek)

pls be in south dakota

reminder that iskra is a "body positive" social justice warrior and a C O A L B U R N E R. Sage threads about her.

Btw i know my ass isnt high test tier, but saggy? No

jesus fuck that's perfect