Reminder that being big means nothing if u cant fight

Enjoy your bloated useless muscles, it just means there fore surface area of you to be cucked by a real man.

> Inb4 "muh gunz"
> Inb4 "fighting is for losers real men run"


Other urls found in this thread:


>you suck at the thing I'm good at

Enjoy working out your anger issues over being a short neanderthal. We'll be over here looking better than you and fucking more women per capita.

I would literaly kill bruce lee in one hit
Hes like a 10 year old boy

The force of your hits is determined mostly by bodyweight speed and technique.
Bodybuilders got the bodyweight but can easily be dodged by a skilled fighter.

One lifts for aesthetics the other learns to fight.
In the end, you both follow your dreams, also
>get in fight
>get extra years because your knuckles count as weapons
Edgy kid

>not strength and explosiveness
you have shamed the trips
kek, do you know how i can tell you've never been in a fight?
>you suck at the thing I'm good at
it is indeed the cancer that is killing Veeky Forums

> implying I'd bust your face up for anything less than self defence

> police laughing deep down as they take your details because a lumbering 220lb schmuck took a spanking from 155lber

Why would I need to fight?

Reminder that being good at fighting means nothing if u can't do Calculus

Reminder that being good at fighting means nothing if u don't have a lot of money

Reminder that being good at fighting means nothing if you don't have a nice body

so you go around picking fights with people or what

What if you got shot in self defense and the police laugh audibly as a 155lb skinny manlet wannabe boxer got put into the ICU before passing away?

>In the end, you both follow your dreams
Well said.

Get good at fighting if you want or just lift to look pretty if that's your thing.

If you get in more than 2 or 3 fights in your life, then you're either of white trash or a nigger. obvious exception is people getting paid to fight.

The asian lifts to, he has big quads and glutes

thess threads are like clockwork. The insecure meatheads come running in to band together and convince themselves that their 16inch biceps are of any worth

The body builder was a good sport about that

The insecure boxers/mma losers come running in to band together and convince themselves that their ability to fight is of any worth


250 lb BB vs 150 lb jujitsu fighter

Just charge his ass lol, not much he can do if you just fucking go at him. The man held back while he was being kicked in the shin 20 times. If he charged him he would have beat that ass.

Reminder that there's no credible evidence pic related could fight either

>implying I don't just lift for looks
>implying I would want to fight people
>implying my good looks don't make people want to be friends with me
26 years old and still haven't gotten into a fight, idk why I would need to start caring now.

You didn't watch. The BB did charge him, wrestled him in the ground, but couldn't do any damage. The jujitsu guy then got him in an arm bar and the BB tapped out.


If i ever get into a fight or a confrontation I can't get out of I'll just stab you or hit you with a heavy object I have at hand. I'd like to see your kungfu protect you

Wow amazing.

You mean to tell me... AN UNTRAINED PERSON got beaten by.... a TRAINED FIGHTER... in a FIGHT?

Stop the presses. Next you're going to tell me a 2k chess player is going to beat a guy with 140 iq who doesn't play chess. This is incredible

Tell it to this guy He won't believe you

I can deadlift 480 and OHP 3pl8s. I could literally pick up bruce le and repeatedly slam him on the ground gorilla style.

>that slam

That's the whole point of this thread you retard.

>Implying Bruce Lee is an inanimate object

Yes, we believe you, we really do.

Im 6'5 220lbs and could fuck up bruce lee anyday

What is?

The point that someone who is untrained in something gets beaten by someone who is trained in that?

You can literally say that about anything in the world, it's completely irrelevant



He was an actor. Do you also think Segal is a 2dedly ninja warrior?

Read the fucking thread you mong.. I swear whey protein rots the brain of you fuckers.

You watch too much anime you weeb. broce lee isn't some fucking superhuman ki master, he's not gonna be dancing around me leaving afterimages. The second I get a hold of him he's going to get demolished.

Lol me 2 bud. Bruce lee is such a weakling. i would rekt him given the chance tbfh senpai please notice me

Point out the posts then

>Enjoy getting cucked by real men
This implies that you need to fight for some reason

Seagal's a 7th Dan Black Belt in Aikido. While he's obviously not a one man army like his movies depict him as, to claim he can't fight at all is ignorant at best. The same could be said of Bruce who trained in everything from boxing to Kali.

you can throw that actor thing around all you want. His martial arts shown on film even if choreographed are way too strict in form to be "just acting"
regardless he was an idiot in the end, he probably died by living in the 1%-2% bodyfat dangerzone too long.

I'm using Bruce Lee as a shorthand for "experienced fighter." If you're using it as a shorthand for "actor" and want to brag about how you can beat up 150 lb actors, you're more than welcome to. I'm sure you could beat up Michael J Fox too. You're such a tough guy.

The question I have is, could you beat a genuine fighter if you have no fighting experience? I'd wager no.


guys please stop making these threads. We NEED TO MAKE /FIT GR8 AGAIN. and we arnt going to do that with these autistic /b/ tier bruce lee vs tyson type threads. if you wanna argue about how krav is real or how you could beat conor mcgreggor, this ISN'T THE PLACE. anyway what size lifting plug do you guys use?

Lol, the level of discourse in Veeky Forums cracks me up. Love this place.

How will you handle pic related OP?

REMINDER That being good at fighting means nothing if you can't dodge bullets or absorb them with your steel skin

>he thinks muscles don't do shit in a fight

I've been doing MT for 10 years and even I'm not that brainwashed.

Video related, manlets and fightfags IRL against a stronger opponent


Aikido is a fucking meme dude. Do you really buy in on those wrists throws? Those opponents throw themselves so suckers can sign up for classes and get their ass kicked when they try it in a real fight. Any Martial Art with Asian origin is a meme, literally Asian Professional Wrestling.

Aikido is actually pretty legit if you're a bouncer

At least in my experience. I've trained in other shit too, obviously, but wrist/arm locks and using momentum against drunkards is fucking brilliant.

>muay thai is a meme


That is exactly what i'm saying aswell brother. I'm not scared of a single person on Earth because I know that if they tried any thing...well you know....crazy...I would pull my glock 17 out and load the clip into them

Haven't you guys seen that video where a random Turk wrestler beats the shit out of a Aikido national champ or some shit

I train in muay thai, kali, ,csw,mma, and jiu jitsu..havent trained in a while due to money and insurance issues. wanna get into some boxing too.

Nah I'm a orange belt in Muay Thaii and also Blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

my skinnyfat, balding teacher in BJJ taught me this one fancy roll to kill all enemies. I'll just do that and disarm you then i'll put you into an armbar and make u tap out on the street

M8 you could be osensei himself and you'd still get your shit pushed in by someone actually trying to hit you.

There is literally ZERO (0) credible evidence of Bruce being able to fight. Even his own student ( joe lewis) straight up says he never sparred. As an aside joe also said he wasn't terribly impressed by his kicks.

>implying you even know how to fight

>Bruce Lee

pick one

I can beat him and any experienced fighter. The only fighter that can potentially step up against me is a boxer with high destructive power.

Maybe a submission fighter, but desu I doubt some scrawny fuck could force my joints to snap. My shit's way too tight and powerful to be forced by some dyel.

So Bruce Lee couldn't throw a kick any better than someone with zero fighting experience?

>all this weak bait

mt doesn't have a belt progression system

So you can beat anyone except strikers and ground fighters. Well, that certainly narrows it down, doesn't it?

>talking shit about Seagal
Sounds like someone's birthday's about to get snatched.

You don't want to be on your back in the street.

>His martial arts shown on film even if choreographed are way too strict in form to be "just acting"

Bruce Lee had goofy, uncoordinated movements. Nobody else is willing to say it but I'll say it. His kicks wouldn't get him a blue belt in most strip mall krotty or tkd studios in the 21st century.

Watch one of his movies and try to focus on it without beating your meat just once and see how he locks his supporting leg half the time, flails both arms around like a mongoloid, and generally barely keeps his balance in his movies.

Damn son. Anymore webms?

It's not bait, it's fact. I've met a lot of you cocky ass Martial Arts cuck. You learn some fancy shit in your classes but at the end of the day the only thing that matters in a REAL fight is pure strength.

>the only thing that matters in a REAL fight is pure strength.

You're the shittiest, least convincing troll on earth. Tone it down, try again.

God I wanna break your fucking back so bad. I hope you're not this much of a punk ass bitch IRL for your sake.

In his current state he is.

lmao this is fucking fake, if you think this is real you are EVEN worse that the bodybuilder guy

Go start shit with mayweather or buakaw and let me know how it works out for you

lmao jesus christ

No thanks I'd rather learn how to shoot more precisely. That way I won't kill you whenever you try and show off your amazing fighting skills on me.

increased muscle mass correlates with decreased all cause mortality. that's my reason: health.

If someone's close enough to hit you they're too close for you to draw, m8

I'm trying to help you. A good troll is absurd but still on the edge of being plausibly sincere. You just drove straight off the cliff. Keep practising. You'll get it one day.

>all guys get triggered by their primate brains because what they literally feel is that "they won't be good enough to protect their tribe and will be left alone and die forgotten"

>they literally can't realize this is just a feeling

you nigger are all stupid, i can bet my ass off that if you get in a fight in your life, you will be fighting drunk as fuck and probably against more than 1 guy. Probably some of them will have a knife or a blunt object to fucking wreck you

If not, then you are looking for fights everywhere you go and that ironically will make you a lonely person (which is what you fear)

We are in fucking capitalism, buy a gun for PRAGMATISM purposes about stealing and try to not get in a fight in a FUCKING BIG CITY WHERE NOBODY CARES IF YOU KNOW TO FIGHT OR NOT

fighting for fun purposes and sport purposes is good though

>buy a gun for PRAGMATISM
Alternately don't live in a shithole and you'll never be in a situation where self-defense is necessary that isn't self inflicted

>reminder I can take you down with a key chained size pepper spray

fucking years of training for what..christ, fight fags must be the most autistic group of people on Veeky Forums

and if thats too gay for you, you can carry a knife.