Are jaw gainz a meme or has anyone actually improved their jaw wideness with falim, mastic and the like

Are jaw gainz a meme or has anyone actually improved their jaw wideness with falim, mastic and the like.

Any progress pics?

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Can't change your jaw structure.
Just accept life Faggot.

>inb4 that /mewing/ faggot spews his misunderstood bullshit again
Once you're out of puberty your only hope is surgery

what the fuck is that?
The only way to get a different jaw is surgery.

There was a facial gainz thread the other day. Your chin can look better with less chub surrounding it, but at the end of the day, the chin itself doesn't change.

Just try it, brother. The gum is a 20 dollar investment, and mewing or whatever it's called is free.


I think the only way is to leave humanity behind

Jaw gains are absolutely not a myth, i've never used mastic but i've practiced proper orthotropic posture for around 8 months and my results are good enough to have 3 different people compliment my jawline (which has never happened before)

Same here. Either that or i went through a late puberty since i started lifting. I was looking back at old pics of my hungry smelly self back in 2011 and my jaw was weak af. Now i look like i can actually take a punch. Its not a myth, lifting WILL increase facial aesthetics.

>55 minute video of a guy giving a powerpoint presentation

Nigger, who the fuck is going to watch that?

How do I get a jaw like Mike P?

Anyone with a vested interest and and attention span?

you mean the tongue on roof of mouth shit? is that all you do?

I.e. Nobody from Veeky Forums


I'm going to watch it.

you probably just lost weight.

Been mewing for a month. Starting to notice a bit of difference.

I watched it nigger.

Do starting blowjob and gomad
3xf every Friday and Saturday night

OP here. I took a starting progress pic and I chew gum daily but it's been the weak soft pastey sugary crap so we will see in like a year.

My suspicion os that the small muscles that you feel on the sides that I am trying to work aren't really what's going to get stronger. I think that there may be some swelling and, I don't know if definition would be the right word but, definition to the muscle. Maybe give it a little pop and sharper feature there but nothing that going to drastically change the way my face looks.

Tren jaw m8

Tren or surgery are your options. Only got yourself to blame for being a literal mouth breather

Too late now of course but I have a deviated septum and a broken nose that healed wrong that made it worse.

I have one working nostril. My parents had the foresight to get braces for me but not enough to fix my nose when the doctor said it would be a lifelong issue.

I've saved up enough cash for a rhinoplasty and have been told by some that with the breathing issues, it could be covered by insurance.

Still on the fence though. I'm afraid of changing that kind of thing at my age because of all the pictures of me with the crooked nose and everyone knowing I "got a nose job".

>wasting an hour listening to some faggot telling you lies because you're so insecure over your facial structure

Fuck what other people think. If you're really worried about it then tell those who bring up your nose job in a negative light that it was for medical reasons. I think you should work on self esteem before you get the nose job though

Jawline is genetics or surgery. Come on bro.

if your still young
first GTFO

but if you get in the habit of chewing things that make your jaw muscles tired your muscles in your jaw will get bigger influencing your jaw bones to get a little bigger