Mirin thread

I'm still a skeletal dyel bitchboy so it doesn't happen to me yet. I just love reading Veeky Forums greentexts about it. Anyone had any hot girls eyefucking them lately?

>Go home from college
>Started training at 17, 22 now
>5'8" manlet, but handsome face, 190lbs, 12%. 335 lbs bench.
>Sister is growing up, 17 now
>Has 17 year old friends over, all drooling over me and constantly staring
>Drink a bit much that night
>Sister's friends still over
>fuck my gf on the couch later when everyone goes to bed.

be lifting since 5 months, always used to wear hoodie since i started lifting, took it off about a month ago and getting mires pretty much every day now.

>be me at some party last week
>haven't seen most of the people for over a year
>they all remember me as the skinny kid with ugly clothes
>turn up there, getting mired by all of my old mates
>"omg user, what have you taken"
>"what happened to you bro"
>"you used to be such towel men" (german word for skinny guy)
>"user on roiiiids"
>literally like 7-8 old mates complimenting on my gains
>later some drunk chicks came up to me
>"heeeey, aren't you in that school ..."
>literally never talked to them before so dunno how they know
>a few hours later some other drunk chick comes
>ask her where my mate is
>she takes my arm and tells me to come with her

not drinking and it's lame fucking drunk girls so nothing happened that night

Gonna go to the seaside with some bros in a few days and stay there for a week, hoping the sloots will be mirin

>having sex with new fuckbuddy
>doing it with my feet by his ears, like pic related
>hes holding onto my calf area
>my calves are so jacked he cant properly hold them with only one hand for each and he keeps dropping them
>we have to change positions so we can fuck properly lmao
>afterwards while we both relax he runs his hand over my quads and mutters "holy shit"

Thanks rip!


Did ss turn u gay or all the milk?

no ive been gay ever since i first saw your mother



Kek, ever tell your stories in /lgbt/?
n-no homo bro

Kek idk if bats takes it up the ass yet, we should put it on the Q&A

What is it with gays and hating on mothers? Do all of you guys have mommy issues?

Bats, gay people, what's the difference?


Used to be in love with running. Great scenery and wild animals everywhere. Small "mountains" were hard to climb but once you reach the top there's nowhere else Id like to be. That was 4 years ago and ever since I moved to boring old Kansas I became a fat fuck. Go to college and ate fast food 69% of the time. 2 months ago made my decision to get Veeky Forums. Self hatred pushed me forward. 2 months ago could barely run a mile. Nowadays running 5k's for fun every day.

College grills knew me as ugly fat fuck. Now that I'm at 15% body fat and lifting weights they like to stare at me. Guess they can't believe transformation

I'll be the first to admit in this thread that I flirt with reception qt 3.14 but fuck it. She flirts back!!
Kinda goes down like this.
> Arrive at gym.
> Check in and chat it up a bit. >Weights fucking everywhere.
> Get started.
> Mid workout she always comes to rerack weights no matter when I come in.
>I can see from peripherals she stareing at my passion. Not my gains.
>Honestly they're not that great but slowly making it.
>She's nice and all. Might ask her out next week.

>it's lame fucking drunk girls so nothing happened that night


I think he likes a challenge

The level of Cardio is too damn high. Lift more. But good for you on that chick. Hope you fuck her good

Is wearing a hoodie frowned upon ?
I'm 295 (down from 350+) and always wear a hoodie to hide my man titties
it doesn't work well
but the hood keeps me from looking at the ladies at least
it doesn't work well either

>Is wearing a hoodie frowned upon ?

No. Wear whatever you want.