If I want to get fit for the military, should I just focus on bodyweight and running...

If I want to get fit for the military, should I just focus on bodyweight and running? or would some weight sessions be beneficial?

Other urls found in this thread:

benning.army.mil/tenant/75thRanger/content/PDF/RAW Handbook Final v4.pdf


aim for a perfect PT score.

run some more.


Some interesting advice besides the usual "go running and do push-ups"

“But in a combat situation, a person’s deadlift is much more indicative of his value than his 5-mile time”–Mark Rippetoe

and you can do all the lifting you want when you're in.

there's a strong correlation between PT scores and advancement in the military. assuming you're not fucking retarded which is assumed since you're enlisting.

Not bothered about lifting but if it can help then I would include it.

thats because PT and CFT scores are part of getting promoted

oh yeah mark rippetoe is an expert in the millitary is he?

weight lifting is always beneficial just dont let it take precidence over runing and agility, its also easier to do that shit when your lighter.

Which nation's military are you joining?
