HGH --

HGH --

redpill me


big head big hands and a hgh gut. go for it pal

Sajad Gharibi takes it supposedly.

enjoy your wide feet and oversized organs

Is this any good?

do you really get a gut from it? i've been told if you take it after a certain age, you should take it in low doses

don't take more tan 1-2 iu, unless you're going the bodybuilder raoute and don't mind big ass head and big ass jaw and bigass stomach bloating and bigass feet

I makes your bones denser so there that, also it gorws your lower jaw, by grow i mean it elongates it at the jaw pivot

Does it make you tall then?

only if your growth plates havnt closed, then it makes you taller yes.

if plates are closed then no, it doenst make you any taller

Shit, so will it work at 18?

(Yes, I am spending $80 on GF9)

if you confimed that your growth plates have not as of yet are closed, via an xray rreading , then yes they will help you grow even taller.

1-2iu a week is normal for most at this ranger there shouldnt be any feet/head/jaw growth, after that you just gotta check and see what grows bigger feetor head or jaw or guy lol

I'd say once at around 5-7iu ranger you will definely feel your feet grow 2-4 sizes bigger and start to see your head getting bigger and lower jaw getting bigger/longer, jump start them growth plates bro

nigger you best spend some real bucks on some real HGH

that supplement shit doesnt work

HGH is very delicate and can be ruined from shaking the vial, how do you think a capsule is gonna survive the stomach acids?

HGH is a great way to get cancer and die

Of course not, don't be stupid, its just selling bullshit.

Yes it does make you "taller" even if your growth plates have sealed. You mentioned bones getting denser and yes that is true, and a lot of people can squeeze out an inch or so from their bones becoming denser.

So... HGH will give me a chad jaw?

What about the effects on acne, the skin, hair and nails.

The recovery stuff and new muscle cells is awesome but im more interested in the fact that it can give you baby smooth skin

What, are you sure you got the dosages right?
Its 2UI/DAY minimum as far as I know.



Will it make me white?

What's HGH for?