It's summer guys

It's summer guys

But i cant' tan, i cant' fucking tan i'm so tired of being white

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How can i show my gains when i'm a pasty fuck who turns red under the sun ?

>Wanting to tan
You desire cancer and shit tier skin or something?
Just wear suncream and do it faggot

Melatonan in low doses, source Veeky Forums skincare

The skelly of tanning, everyone

>tired of having the best genetics one can get

Just kill yourself then. Why are you even bothering if your first world problems hurt you so much, you ungrateful cunt?

Pale skin looks infinitely better than cancer ridden tanned leather.

All the top models are tanned and toned gods and goddesses. Tan is God tier. Pasty cum skin is shit tier sempai

One of the best ways to tan is to be black.

My name is Michael Weston. I used to be a spy.


You can tan you fucking retards, tan for a short white, then just keep increasing the time spent out in the sun.

You skin will adapt but you have to take it slow.


So, eat lots of carrots?

You mean the shit you inject in your belly?
Seriously, if this shit is approved by FDA/government I'll take it, but I'm not going to play guinea pig and die in my 40s just to get a tan.

I'm pale as fuck and I use a really light self-tanning lotion. In addition I take Vitamin B Complex pills which helps you to get tanned. I'm a blonde blue-eyed German, no need to get super tanned. Similiar to Charlie Hunnam, but not that jacked.

go to a drug store and look for 1mg tablets. anything above 2mg will make you really sleepy

or buy this:

i use pic related. it's low SPF so it still gives you some protection but also allows you to tan. this one is also spray-on which is way easier to apply than cream. just be sure to only do single passes over parts of your body; if you spray over multiple layers the stuff will build up and you won't end up getting any tan. that could be complete broscience but in my experience that's what i had to do. i'm eastern european by lineage so i'm white as a sheet if i don't tan.

>be the most visually appealing
>intentionally subject yourself to cancer/aging causing rays to appear more in line with what the multicultural society tells you is good

Be happy of your whiteness, if you use sunscreen you'll look younger for longer, and live longer.

Its safe
Makes you horny af tho

Sorry OP, you're doomed. Make it better for your future offspring by getting a BBC injection.

>i'm so tired of being white
Wow the SJWs really got to you huh

I'm Medfag and a natural tan takes at least a week exposure using sunscreen, so a month for you. If you don't use sunscreen enjoy your 1st degree burns and cancer

>blacks/hispanics/mudslimes value lighter skin
>whites value darker skin

Why do people do this?

people value what is hard to achieve
that is why fat people are the ugly now, but were the beauty standard in prehistoric times and the middle ages


More of the redhead!

top fucking kek
I'll lose it if that user falls for this

>not wanting snow white-mode for your women

truly 3rd world

grass is always greener

you are probably right

I still think that people desire what is hard to achieve
it explains why almost all of us here want to be muscular and not a disgusting skelly or fatty

>tired of being white

said no one ever

nice try

>blacks/hispanics/mudslimes value lighter skin
>whites value darker skin

Traditionally the ruling classes spend less time out working in fields so were paler than their serf underlings.

This meme has stuck around for a long time so paleness is still associated with class in most of the world.

Also pale clear skin is a good marker of health (so long as not sickly leper pale), whereas with dark skin is harder to determine defects, so going for pale clear skin makes sense.

There is also a racial element, whiter Hispanics have less Amerindian/Black blood on average and the Spanish rulers were generally more educated and powerful similar deal with Blacks.

Among Western Europeans in the 20th century on the other hand, paleness was associated with being forced to work in dark factories and being too poor to go on holidays to warmer climes.

The rich could afford leisure time in the South of France, the Mediterranean or Exotic parts of the Empire. Resorts were also meant to be curative, time in the sun and fresh air considered great for health, so if you could afford it you did.

that actually makes sense tbqh

You actually need some sun you know, also sun feels good on your skin right? Everyone loves the sun.

Why would your body make something bad feel good?

Listen to what your body tells you.

Off coarse in moderation.

Why would I want to tan?

inject melanotan you fucking beta. People have been doing it since the 80s and don't think any are dropping dead.

Lol at the fucking nerds wanting to be pale. Enjoy looking like a basement dweller. Unless you have perfect skin quality on your face, you'll look much better with a healthy tanned glow.

If its really consumed since the 80s without any harm pharma companies would have already released some overpriced shit on the market.

Are we all talking about the same melanotan because Melanotan II is an aphrodisiac...

I'll never understand why people want tans. You're just ruining a good thing on purpose.