Can someone help me out? I do not understand how to fight my gut (currently 186 cm, 90 kg). I've started working out about a month and week ago. Read Veeky Forums sticky, dieting and cutting, doing SS all of that good stuff. Managed to drop from 102 kg to 90kg in this time and everyone is telling me that I've dropped a lot of weight, but my gut got worse. I can't tell if it's because rest of my body was a lot fatter and now my gut is more visible or maybe it's that my body just collects all of the remaining fat on the belly but it doesn't seem to be fat...I mean I undoubtedly have a shit ton of fat on my gut but my gut almost looks as if it's filled with gas or something. Should I try to do vacuumes? If so could you give me an info on how to do them properly, all that I got from google was extremely mixed up.
pic related, when I actually let my gut go. Also I am pretty sure something is wrong because sometimes when I eat certain foods and/pr have not eaten in the later part of the day next morning my gut is not filled like this and I can actually relax.
I'm tired of having to pull my stomach in all the time not to look like some African child.
Owen Miller
Probably visceral fat, tumor or parasites
Jose Lee
Its normal, especially for Men, to keep a lot of fat at the belly area. The only true tip to give is workout and patience. Not some meme-exercise like vacuums. You'll propably See noticeable results in Terms of flattening the belly 6-12 months in.
Tyler Peterson
Gut fat on males goes last. Keep lifting, cutting, and generally working off the fat and it'll go.
Easton Adams
i actually got scared for a second. that looks exactly like me.
Evan Miller
most people have guts like that
all it means is you're a male and have poor posture
Jayden Allen
This. But for the record, if you keep working out, your gut will make you less self-conscious as you progress.
If you start putting some muscle on, and maybe tan up a bit, your gut will seem less gross.
Joseph Scott
Looks like poor posture, poor muscle tone. Do a pinch test to gauge subcutaneous fat. Otherwise visceral fat.
Angel Carter
Stand up straight
Connor Bailey
I agree. If I slouch, don't tense my lower back/core this is how I look too. Years of sitting poorly has given me weak back and core I suspect.
Jaxon Anderson
Your abs and glutes are completely deactivated, they should be on at all times. You need to stand up straight. Shoulders back, chest up, abs in, hips forward.
Angel Johnson
Then you bring it arooooound town!
Eli Kelly
Adrian Reed
Thanks for advice. I guess I will just keep working out and dieting until this shit goes away. What do you mean by this? When I walk around usually I have my abs and glutes activated (if that's what I think it is) not to look like this.
But I assumed that in a completely relaxed form you are not supposed to have a gut either.
Ryder Allen
What he means is that your stomach muscles are relaxed, and when a muscle is relaxed, it sags, due to being heavy. Your posture is poor. You bend forward, and if you have relaxed stomach muscles and a forward posture, they're going to sag forward and down, like yours.
Stand up straight, senpai.
Easton Smith
>completely relaxed form You are never supposed to be completely relaxed when standing up.
Oliver Walker
This. You completely relax standing straight, you're going to look 8 months pregnant.
Nathan Thompson
What can be done specifically about visceral fat
Dominic Kelly
So I guess I was doing the right thing in public? Here is how I go out usually, back straightened, chest forward, stomach flexed so that it doesn't sag.
But again, I assumed that after you lose enough fat your gut will disappear even when not flexed...right?
Aaron Butler
>>abs should be on at all times >chest breathing
Tyler Rodriguez
So long as you're not sucking in your gut a huge amount, yes, that's how you're supposed to be standing always.
Aiden Bailey
It's possible to have abs flexed and breathe at the same time. How the fuck do you even do all of your core exercises? That's one of the main principles, you activate your you just hold the breath in until you pass out when doing squats and deadlifts?
Anthony Reyes
>he can't control his core and do diaphragmatic breathing at the same time
Nicholas Russell
That sucks. And not, it's not a huge amount but it does get tiresome when I have to run around the town for 2 hours at 40 c degree heat.
John Russell
James Martin
If it gets tiresome at all, then it's too much.
Mason Evans
Okay, thanks user.
Blake Wilson
youre just fat you lazy beta ass cunt, you'll never make it.
you have zero muscle at this point and considering this you should be around 75-80 kg at best, so you currently carry around a 15-10 kg sack of lard
You will have to cut a lot until you lose that belly
James Long
>that pic
You don't have a gut ie: a large mass of abdominal fat, what you have is very poor posture. Standing up straight means tightening your core and pulling your shoulders back a bit. For people who have spent too much time sitting slouched over a computer desk this feels wrong and hard to maintain but with enough practice it'll become second nature.
You should never let your core be fully relaxed just like you should never let your neck and shoulders roll forward. It's not a gut, it's posture.
Nicholas Butler
With your height and as a beginner without any meaningful muscle mass, you should be down to 70kg for a bf% of about 10-11%. So you still got 20kg of surplus fat and much of it is in the gut, naturally. Your current bf% is slightly above 30%.