Foam rolling

All this time I thought it was a meme

How did i not use this for so long?

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Any good? How does it affect you?

I love it myself. Keeps me very loose my chiropractor tell me she can definitely tell I do it by how my muscles feel.



My back crackles and snaps every time I ride one of these. It feels good doe, I have started doing it almost daily.

Foam rolling is a meme is a meme.
I do a routine like that every day (before workout, if I workout, or while watching TV):
1. Foam Roll IT Band
2. Foam Roll Adductors
3. Foam roll glutes
4. Foam Rolling of the Thoracic Spine
5. Thoracic spine extensions on a peanut roller
6. Foam Rolling of the teres minor, infraspinatus area
7. Foam rolling of the lats
8. Ball rolling glutes
9. Ball rolling feet
10. Ball rolling calves
11. Ball rolling rotator cuff
12. Ball rolling pec
13. Bent-knee hip dislocations
14. Rocking Frog Stretch
15. Fire Hydrant Circles
16. Cossack Squats
17. Seated Piriformis Stretch
18. Rear-foot-elevated Hip Flexor Stretch
19. Sleeper Stretch / Shoulder Capsule Stretch
20. Band Pec Stretch
21. Lat Stretch
22. Shoulder rubber band dislocations
23. Wrist stretching (
24. Wrist extensions

You will see improvements in mobility and muscle control quite fast.

watching tv [IN THE YEAR MEME HERE]

do you also burn candles and pray too the ghosts of the squat rack?

Well they show my 600lbs life on TLC, it's not like I have a choice.


foam roller over large areas and lacrosse ball for pinpointing works great

you want something really crazy get a random orbital car buffer and use it on your muscles or a percussion massager

I don't understand how people can squat heavy without foam rolling first, I tried once because I was feeling lazy and it was so uncomfortable and I felt like I was about to tear a tendon or something.

Bought that one in the picture 3 days ago

Just your quads or everything lower body?

When I squat I foam my thighs; quads, hamstrings, IT Band, and Hip flexors, as well as my lower and upper back.

Then I do a flexibility thing to open up my hips;

You shouldn't foam roll your lower back, numb nuts.

It's alright. My gymbro loves to help me stretch with it though. He likes to put my legs over his shoulders as I foam roll on my back.
My ass always becomes sore afterwards though.

Why is that?

Foam rolling is literally a meme


>Hurr durr applying a lot of pressure to a tiny surface area of a muscle hurts




You're dumb.

Kelly Starrett PLS go

for the vid how long do you hold each position?

~60-90 seconds

Your dick will never know, faggot

The penis isn't a muscle, faggot. Try again next time.