Doctor says I can't lose anymore weight, I'm 145 @ 6'1 but looking at my body I still have plenty of fat, love handles...

Doctor says I can't lose anymore weight, I'm 145 @ 6'1 but looking at my body I still have plenty of fat, love handles,etc. What does fit think? Can I keep cutting a little bit more. I just want the love handles gone.

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Looks like your musclemass has gone into the negatives user.

Those are just your hips and what ever shitty composition you have. You need to stop cutting and lift. Strength training with weights or body weight will build muscle and tone your sorry excuse for a male body

Pic screwed up trying again

Eat at maintenance and start lifting is my suggestion

Hell maybe eat at a slight surplus to build muscle, you don't have anything to cut down to bro

I don't get it
why didn't you lift weights while cutting?

You want to GAIN weight bruh.

Eat at 300 calories above maint until you hit 1/2/3/4 and then jump up to 600 calories above maint until you hite 2/3/4/5, then cut at 200 calories below maint until you are a god.

don't listen to your doctor m8.
listen to inexperienced anonymous manchildren.

I've mostly been doing cardio,till I started having a problem with an injury. I don't lift but I do my cardio with a weight vest. Everything is kind of on hold at moment due to injury so I was just trying not to gain weight now until I could start exercising again.

Maybe this pic isn't demonstrating the problem, when I'm standing upright it may not look like a lot of fat but standing more casual fat seems much more noticeable.

why don't you lift?
cardio is great, but when you have zero muscle on you from not lifting then you end up looking like shit

also cardio with a weighted vest is stupid and fucks up your joints, if you want more intensive cardio then do HIIT or just run faster

go on a lean bulk, 500 above your TDEE (800ish if you still plan on doing cardio) and find a beginner lifting routine and stick with it

if you're afraid of getting too bulky and you just want to be "toned" or whatever then I'm gonna need you to stop being retarded
you need some lean body mass in you otherwise no amount of weight loss will make you look decent. I mean ffs, you're 140lbs at 6'1 and look like you're 190lbs

also what's your injury btw?
You should listen to your doctor. Eat at maintenance for two weeks to get your metabolism back on track, then lean bulk.

Its because you have zero muscle fagget

Body dysmporhia. Your bmi is 19.1, under 18.5 is underweight.

I have the same problem as OP. I started cutting two months ago at around 195 and I'm 170 now and still look like shit. I'm 6' tall as well.

Difference is I've been working out 6 days a week. I'll be 160 before I know it (my goal) and I don't think I'm gonna look all that great. My hips are so fucking wide and I don't know why.

Also here are my maxes
>135 BP
>90 OHP
>115 BOR
>145 squat

I've maintained these figures with little increase since I've been cutting. I doubt I'll gain muscle eating 1310 cal./day. Also I'm eating 150+ grams of protein per day. I literally couldn't do any better right now.


Neuropathic injury, I'm on waiting list for nerve test because any time I put weight on my foot I get burning pain on my foot, I've started taking gabapentin, but I'm not really able to lift or exercise right now

This may be true,I weighed 250 before I started losing weight and I still feel like I am fatter than I should be for my weight. When I look at that picture I don't see 145 pounds . I don't see how I can have the fat I do with a weight that low,I believe it's because I had so much fat before that I may need to go below 18.5 bmi because of my starting weight bmi may not be accurate for me.

Look at your arms and shoulders. There is absolutely no muscle mass. Your fat and nipples are screaming low test.

You need to start lifting asap. Your foot hurts when you stand on it, fuck off my mom gets out of her wheel chair and goes through considerable pain to do her morning exercises. Go to a gym, use machines until you have enough muscle mass to actually lift the bar. Lift hard for at least an hour 3-5 times a week

Eat more meat and vegetables.

I have diagnosed nerve damage, I'm not just saying "ow my foot hurts". And using that as an excuse, as soon as I can stand I want to exercise, I'm about to have free access to a gym so I'll have more options. based on the feedback here I will focus more on lifting and eating above maintenance to build muscle.

I understand its nerve damage, but can you get it through your thick skull you dont need to be standing to lift????

Especially if you go to a commercial gym with machines. You can train almost every muscle in your body without putting a lb of pressure on your foot.

Cutting like that is not helpful at all, you need to have your body nurtured and trained, then overtime it will be able to fix whatever problems it has like lovehandles or whatever. I thought only girls are obsessed about things like that desu

I get what your saying, no reason to be mad. I made this post to get advice and appreciate it.

Good point, I know building muscle will get a lot more definition then I have now and improve those areas. I think I'm just approaching a new element of my diet and I need to focus less on cutting and more on lifting and eating above maintenance.

nigga if you cut until shred-level you WILL be a skeleton.

the reason you're flabby is because you have absolutely no muscle on you