Have any of you seen changes in your sexual preferences from losing fat and gaining lean muscle? I'm a fat KV and am sexually submissive. I'm just wondering if it's likely I'll become less submissive and more dominant the leaner and more muscular I become.
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Leave you cuck fag.
Its a cliche, but I definetly went from liking the petite skinny body when I was skinny, but now I want women who have a fat ass and full breasts with curves. Not fat though. But I have also grown older which might affect it too.
This is Veeky Forums you can just admit you are gay.
This, being fit made me gay
Is that the qt att girl? Sauce?
doubt it user, you get off to what you get off to.
Yeah I stopped looking at Porn and noticed that i am turned on by real life stuff like panty lines and cleavage
I'm fat and I generally (every case is unique) prefer curvier women. Not fat, but "built to impregnate" bodytype, such as this
Milana Vayntrub
The more I've been working out the more degenerate my desires became.
High test turns you into a monster my friend.
The higher your test becomes the more sadistic you become.
Stop before it's too late.
definitely like fitter females.
Nope I was always a switch.
The higher my Squat 5rpm, the more I got into sissy porn.
Luckily a wee bit of NoPorn does the trick.
I'm just wondering if it's likely I'll become less submissive and more dominant the leaner and more muscular I become.
Probably. I'm much more aggressive and dominant sexually when I'm fit vs fat. You get kind of a predator mentality vs being a lame fat degenerate masturbating to weird ass porn.
OP here, I'm definitely subbier but have been having minor interesting in dom stuff lately (not choking/hitting, but commanding/guiding/light slapping). I just don't think I could be super aggressively dominant. IMO sex isn't some fight where I'm mean to her, it's sex.
another user here, IMO, sex is generally meant to be a situation wherein a man is more the more dominant of the pair.
I think women a naturally predisposed towards being more sexually submissive and likewise males more dominant.
Physical strength is something which adds fuel to this relationship.
>IMO sex isn't some fight where I'm mean to her, it's sex
>I'm a fat KV and am sexually submissive.
Wow I was the opposite, might because girl with huge tits n ass n small waste always go for me but petite kawaii Asian qts run from me
You have low test, go to the doctor and get your t-levels checked.
Before it's too late...
do girls like a guy who is a bit submissive in bed
i.e. spitting into his mouth, fucking his butthole with a strap-on, etc.
you are gay
I've from 126lbs (depressed) to 180 lbs and all I've ever had sex with is skinny girls, would like to try a slightly chubby girl to see what the fuss is all about.....
>do girls like a guy
90% of times, no. No they do not
Sad but true, girls are programmed to reject guys
In general, fuck no. Period.
I have prett decent body/facial hair.A somewhat young sounding voice but not oddly young...are you assuming low test because I'm submissive? Not trying to argue, genuinely asking
Losing fat and gaining muscle will significantly raise your testosterone levels, which could lead to being more dominant. You also will get more confident and realize you dont want to be made to feel like a bitch after all
i mean i was joking about the pegging thing, but would they actually be turned off if they were fucking a guy and he said "spit in my mouth"? seems unlikely thb
That and you're writing style
>Not trying to argue, genuinely asking
an extremely low test thing to say, tbqh
I crave women more the leaner I get but more and more chubby woman with massive tits and big asses.I get erect very fast from seeing girls with this kind of body IRL and through pictures.I still love skinny teen type girls with tight,banging bodies but in a different way.
Obviously I have limited field experience.
I ask because I don't want to be turned down by most women because I ask them to be dominant. Right now I'm naturally submissive, and I'd like to hold onto a little bit of that, i.e. cowgirl position, her being bossy in bed every now and then, etc.
But I also want to be more dominant since apparently thats what most girls like (stuff like "choke me daddy" will probably still be a no-no tho)
High test males don't give a SHIT what other people think my lad.
Seriously if you want advice go to the fucking doctor and get your t-levels checked, it only costs like $50 and if you have below a certain amount they'll prescribe you test supps.
>seems unlikely thb
Clearly you dont know women
Women flake and run off at the dumbest of things and change their minds constanly
Would every girl get turned off? maybe not and it sort of depends on how lazy she is or what her goal with the sex is
Guys and girls are WAY diffrent, if a girl talks to a random guy about whatever kink she has (no matter how sick or disgusting it is) she will likely recieve a positive reply and get to try it
If a guy does the same he will most likely be looking for a new gf at the end of the sentence even if its as simple as hand cuffs
>"choke me daddy"
>a no-no
definitely low test.
I feel like people jump to conclusions and argue on Veeky Forums, so I was just making sure this thread was kept civil so I could get more advice. It's not like I'm scared of confrontation from user, lol
>no choking
But bro dat tight pussy bro.
Didn't see a change with muscle, but saw with age
At 19 I would only fuck skinny petite girls, at 25 I'll fuck anything
You will be turned down by +95% of women for asking them to be dominant. They might do it once out of curiosity but they will feel contempt for you. Even if you find a fetishist that's into it, it's only a matter of time before she cucks and breaks up with you.
Straight up, a man being dominant in bed is THE most important thing for a woman sexually.
This is not a meme, virtually every girl, normie, feminist, Veeky Forums roastie, church girl and campus slut alike, wants to be choked and pushed around.
You can change your desires. Try being dominant and who knows you might like it, because you will never have a happy relationship without it.
I'm warning you now user
It doesn't get any better
>tfw every woman is either sexually submissive and wants to be dominated, or is a ballbusting femdom who wants to tie you up and peg you
I gave up a long time ago.
Daddy stuff is reminiscent of incest, no way around it. That's the turnoff for me.
And I never understood the whole choking thing...care to explain what you get from it? Hurting girls during sex seems weird, even if theyre into it.
>explaining your feelings and and feeling the need to justify yourself
still low test
>You will be turned down by +95% of women
Well this statement is pretty true without the affixed part aswell, just saying
As said previously, I'm a KV. Do girls usually get tighter when you choke them?
When I see a cute girl on the street, I want to grab her throat and choke her while I slap and fuck the shit out of her
The prettier the girl, the more I want to degrade her into my personal, filthy slut
>do muscles contract when pain stimulus and oxygen deprivation are applied
Don't they teach biology is school?
>there is now femdom porn ABOUT porn addiction
and it's hot as fuck.
this shit will kill me.
>not taking pleasure from the pain of women
>not fucking women up while you fuck them
This should be your inspo m8.
Guys, protip here
Gripping the bottom part triggers panic reactions, try it on yourself and see
father =stern, loving caring, dominant, authority etc.....
its not incest actually, its like saying sir or master, but more personal.
No, it's partially true because of the part affixed. They can smell your submissiveness from a mile away
>want to be choked and pushed around
Why wasn't I raised knowing this?? I feel like I'm a million years too late. My whole life I was raised to respect and cherish women, and it's become a part of my core being. Mind you, I argue and scream at the women in my family when they get me heated, but I've always thought sex was two people just coming together through lust to form a connection and cum. But now, in my late 20's, I see every girl wanting daddy to choje her and it quite honestly sickens me. All tgis 50 shades shit.... Why am I the hunter and she my prey??? Why do I have to fuck her like I hate her when I clearly dont?? Why is sex so different and animalistic than real life male/female interactions?? I wasnt fucking ready for this BULLSHIT.
Read this shit ASAP
Greatest sex book ever made
Honestly changed my life
>Legitimate advice to a clearly delusional fat man
>Heehee, why don't I just make a snarky self-deprecating comment about it
You should respect women, sex is a different rule-set
Treat her like a lady outside, but like a whore in the bedroom
Oh you poor bastard.
Its obvious that sex is more animalistic, heck, its almost rape when looked at in a certain way.
women IMO, like to give up control during sexy time, prefer an authority no move them around and fuck them, because at the end of the day, humans are animals and strength of will/body is more important during sex than what we use to get through normal daily life.
tl;dr take what you want
Femdom JOI is the best porn. Spankbang is by far the best streaming site, on mobile and desktop.
>my nigga
I cant relate, im very dominant in bed and used to choke my gf when we were together and do all kinds of things to her but that dominant attitude isnt getting me laid at all
Girls might say they love one thing but really they seem to have emotional ADD and flicker about like a butterfly between turned on, interested, cold and disgusted very quickly
But im not arguing that being submissive is way worse and probaby more of a turnoff to women that a "normal" guy would be but its really like picking which kills you better. being burned alive or shot
Will do, thx
I was IRL PUA-style dominant when i was a skinny twink to compensate, and it worked. I think women aren't used to it and it's exciting for them
OP here, that wasn't me. I try not to be self-depracating as it is.
My ex had a rape fetish
She wanted me to surprise her when she least expected it and fuck her, hard & violently
When she would object, she wanted me to say "shut the fuck up" and fuck her harder
One time she screamed, "this is rape" as I rammed her, I responded "I don't give a shit" and fucked her harder, moments later she had her biggest orgasm yet. After she told me it was some of the best sex of her life
Funny part is, she never admitted this fetish to her previous bf, who was a nice guy like you
Women will present themselves, if you act like you want an angel, they'll act like an angel.
Act like you want a slut, and they'll admit their deep desires to be a filthy sub.
Anyway, better to find out this shit now than when you're 35
Welcome to the real world, familla
Explain more please
What did you do and in what setting?
I want to try more out when i hit my target weight
>rape "fetish"
I have met a handful of girls in my life that don't have this "fetish". They all think it's some weird kink too.
She needs a black cock in her womb >:^)
Hot. got pics of her?
Most girls want to be dominated, but she was the first one I met who wanted to expliticly call it "rape"
OP here, I got hard af to this. Maybe there's hope for me yet?
>who was a nice guy like you
Please don't tell me being nice is now off-limits too. That's too much to handle.
I don't want to be a "nice guy" as in obviously sucking a woman off and being a doormat to get laid, but I do want to be a genuinely nice and amicable person to all who are deserving of it.
TBQH I'd watch any porn with her. Her begging for a black breeding would be hot af. Would you rather watch her on Blacked or Dogfart?
Literally watch any PUA vid on youtube, they can be cringey but it's mostly common sense.
You have to rewire your brain it takes a long time. Remind yourself you own her, you can do what you want with her, you are deciding if she's good enough for you. As you get more girls it will actually become true, you won't really care if a girl doesn't like you because you have had and will have others.
>But that's rape!
Yeah of course keep it within the bounds of the law. Your mentality however should be "I want to do this and I'm going to carefully approach it so I don't get arrested" not "I want to do this but I'm afraid she will get upset and not like me". Her opinion doesn't matter etc etc
IDK I could write a whole guidebook for you but at the end of the day, most of the memery around being "alpha" and such is true, just buy into it and consciously train yourself
Being dicks to women on omegle and getting them to show tits is a good start, then move onto tinder, then bars and irl venues
It's okay to be nice, but understand this from a womans perspective:
If you see her as some innocent little angel, how is she EVER going to admit her dirty little desires to you?
The reason "nice" guys don't get the best sex is that they often seem too judgemental about it
You can be a relaxed, friendly guy, just accept that women have dark desires too, when she sees that you're not judging she will show that side of her to you
>I don't want to be a "nice guy" as in obviously sucking a woman off and being a doormat to get laid
Good, because you wont if youre a nice guy
yeah i guess youre right
I gotta get a webcam and start being an ass on omegle then i assume
I fucking hate tinder though, never tried it because ive seen videos of dickweed girls using it and the only times they swipe right is when they see a cute dog
They litterally use it to judge guys and feel better about themselves with no intent of dating/fucking
Sure, its a free country but the fuck are you doing on a dating app if youre not there to date?
Anyways, thanks bro. good tip
Y u got to do op like that
I don't biew her as an innocent angel, I view her as a person. I'm judging her, true, which is unfair because I have dark sesires as well. But I think a certain level of her wanting an agressive dom will always turn me off. Although that rape scenario user was talking about was hot af.
Maybe I should use my disgust for her kinks and hatred for not knowing women liked this as fuel to be dominant? Seems like it might work.
Just accept that women are hoes, man
I know it hurts, but it will make your life better
You can't change other peoples nature, just accept it
They will walk all over your ass with that mentality of yours.
> rape scenarios turn me on
> I don't want to be a rapist
d...do you want to be the rapee?
>Just accept that women are hoes, man
But how about when I meet a woman I love and want to marry her?
For me, it basically became open season
So what should my mentality be?
You meet a young virgin and keep a tight hold and make sure to satisfy her enough (by being dom) she doesn't want to go elsewhere.
I love hoes and want to marry a hoe desu
If you can't adjust your mind to it, find some way to rationalize it in your head
Like considering sex and her personality two different entitites
I'm sorry man, I love dirty hoes and always have, I don't have much advice for you other than rationalizing
I told my ex that she should slap me every now and then in the face when we were having sex, like once per session
Didn't do anything when it happened just went harder
No I'm just used to being a sub and dont find hurting women hot
But that pent up explosion of passion and taking what you want and her cumming from it is hot
Who are you responding to?
Literal cuck. Ignore this guy he will send you down a dark path
kek, think what you want
Enjoy your missionary duty-sex, meanwhile my girl will be bringing home other hot chicks for threesomes every saturday
OP here. Maybe I to be more dom, power play is a good way to start? I saw a porn where Mandy Muse and some dude were basically fighting during sex...both were holding each other down, holding back the other's arms, etc...she was basically making it hard as fuck for him to dominate her, and fighting back. A truly legendary sex scene, perhaps I should go that route?
Enjoy finding out she aborted your baby to make room for chad to impregnate her on your wedding night.
Read this It has some good chapters on dom
My girlfriend is a 19 yo 100% straight virgin-except-for-me and I still bring home other girls with her knowledge. Yours is probably already cheating on you
Why is your girl such a clingy cuck?
I started getting interested in high test girls
>clingy cuck
only a cuck thinks that is a bad thing for a woman to be. Bet you want a badass independently driven equal partner
I'm I wouldn't go that far with it, I enjoy a chick that takes charge but I'm fucking her, not the other way around, for me it was more to spice things up than a way of life or legit fetish
you are a literal cuck, every woman cheats
...I don't even know where to start with you....see how long this relationship lasts with it's current dynamic, "alpha"