What are your 2 favorite fruits?

What are your 2 favorite fruits?

>The one that makes you feel the healthiest

> The one you find the tastiest

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just fruits?

i think apples make me feel the healthiest.

My favorites are raspberries but i rarely eat em cuz i only like em fresh not frozen (taste like candy after defrosting).

Healthiet: tomatoes
Best: grapefruit

What the hell is that?


Not OP, but I've had it before. I can't remember what it's called. Tastes like shit, though.

Strawberry and Mango

I like fresh pineapple and watermelon.

Healthy: apple

Tasty: mangoes hot damn i can eat like 6 of the huge ones in one sitting if I let myself


Pretty much all fruit desu lads

What's special about apples? They have decent fibre but shit micros.




>Peaches that are just under ripe so they're kind of hard and sour, not too soft and juicy yet

Tomato. Shit is like the Campbell's soup of fruits. Absolutely filling, 10/10

Toss up between tomato (don't shoot me senpais) or kiwi. Both taste great, just depends on my mood.


they smell good. they feel good. they taste good.


>inb4 nigger

hhealthiest is deffently tomatoes, but make me feel best is a banana.
the best tasting fruit is mangosteen. try it faggots.

Healthiest feeling is probably an apple (I like gala or ambrosia apples best)

Favourite to eat is probably cherries
I also really like mangos
It's a hard choice, all fruits are tasty as fuck pêh

>the one that helps you poo the best
>most tasty

Horned Melon. I absolutely hate the texture.

idk op asked what made us FEEL healthiest. Totally psychological for me, but I think its cause its the most filling fruit for like 60 cal/apple

>peaches with a bit of acidity
my nigga

Grapes make me feel the best.

I like watermelon and pineapple the best.

Healthiest is totally tomato. It kicks ass.

Tastiest is probably like fresh Pineapple which you can't really get where I'm from. Different Citrus fruits are also good. Lots of fruit is really good actually.

Lychees cmon ladsss

Fruits dont make me "feel" healthy.

But blueberries and mangoes are GOAT.

Frozen raspberries and stevia is great on a cut. Like eating sorbet.

You could probably blend it and it would be exactly like sorbet, but i just chew that bitch

I just bought a bundle of peaches from Costco. It's been years since I've had one.

>Tfw when it's just slightly soft and perfectly balanced in sourness and sweetness.

Makes me all moist between my legs.


>"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old Welsh proverb that most of us are familiar with, but what makes this fruit so special? What health benefits are associated with eating apples?

>As one of the most cultivated and consumed fruits in the world, apples are continuously being praised as a "miracle food".

>In fact, apples were ranked first in Medical News Today's featured article about the top 10 healthy foods.

>Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber.

>The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

Basically, apples are very high in many different types of antioxidants and have all kinds of health benefits. Many fruits are like that, having a modest amount of vitamins and minerals but tons of antioxidants.

And in addition to apples, berry fruits look like they are making people feel better too, and berries are loaded with antioxidants. Maybe antioxidants don't make it into nutrition labels and stuff, but they are incredibly good for you.

Its funny because grapes are like pure sugar, and watermelon is mostly fiber and water

>The one that makes you feel the healthiest

> The one you find the tastiest

bananas but shit fiber contentt


Man fucking cherries taste so fucking good.

>What are your 2 favorite fruits?
If I wanted to hear about someone's favorite fruits, I'd ask your father about you and your brother.


Any other answer is objectively wrong and/or shit taste

Tomatoes and avacados.

I'll give you a taste of kiwi lad high in protien too


The horny nutsack fruit.

Banana, I'm a cyclist

The healthiest fruit is probably pomegranate, just because of nutrition (I still like the taste)
However, my favourite fruit is mango, by far. I'm surprised that I see so few mango- lovers here.

>Nigger detected

tomato is a fruit

Definitely not whatever the fuck that shit is

Tastiest pineapple
Healthy banana

Mango master race. They're so fleshy and juicy, I can't imagine how anybody couldn't love a mango.

Healthiest oranges
Tastiest Damson plumes, I now know how they're called in English


Cherries and golden peaches, though they're hard to find at a decent price for most of the year.

I eat a 250g pack of strawberries with my oats every day. Often chuck in some mandarins too, but they tend to vary in quality vastly.

I know! Fucking love the fuckers, taste and texture alone makes it GOAT.
Fuck this thread, how about we all just talk about how much we love mango.

WAnna know how I know you're from a third world country?