Physical Therapy

Is PT just bullshit?

No you fucking retard

How would it be bullshit?

My PT is trying to keep me out the gym.

Maybe he has a good reason for it, but also maybe he's a bad PT, check with another one and compare what they say.

You're confusing physio with chiro

if you have anything more than mild muscle imbalances, it can be helpful. probably a good idea to lift lighter until you can get those fixed. or if its for recovery from an injury youll probably want to lift way lighter and avoid direct stress to the injured area

PTs are good

they standardize the rehab portion for very weak individuals or special cases where manipulation is required

BUT if you're healthy and young enough to recover. You can usually see someone Sports med or an athletic trainer to regain mobility/strength

A lot of it is bullshit, yes. It depends entirely on who you get, which is unfortunate when most physiotherapists are idiots or just don't know any better.

Having worked alongside some, every knee pain is 'patellar tracking issues' or 'tight/weak VMO' (despite the VMO pretty much not existing). Every hip pain is 'tight hip flexors'. They never shut the fuck up about 'glutes not firing'. Every shoulder pain gets prescribed shitty rotator cuff exercises.

I don't know if it's just what they've been told to do as part of their education, but every problem is met with some tiny little isolation exercise, alongside recommending that the person rest and take it easy.

Time and rest heal most things. It's hard to justify paying somebody to tell you that though, which is why they prescribe very light band/dumbbell/bodyweight exercises. They're not going to make you any worse, they feel like they're doing something and they'll waste some time whilst your body does the rest.

Exactly. Doesn't help that none of my PTs can even bench their body weight. Beta fucks ruining my gains

Active recovery works like exponentionally faster and more efficient than passive recovery. There's like a billion studies on this. It's why stretching after a workout and during doms is so beneficial.

Not at all, if you're a normie or an old person with the will to do the exercises they tell you to.

If you lift, see a sports med or a specalist. Prepare to wait for the most part, do what you can until then.

They aren't going to help you a whole lot if you tear a shoulder labrum but have full range of motion and already know a few stretches and rotator cuff exercises.

It's more for cripples, like the olds and people with injuries that are getting in the way of basic things in daily life. Not to get help with your elbow that hurts when you french press and curl or whatever.

Yes but physiotherapists do not advertise it as active recovery. They're giving you these pitiful exercises as solutions to the root cause of your problem. Active recovery at that level is not complex and does not justify the $$$$'s that you will be charged. That money would much better be spent on a vicious massage from somebody who knows what they're doing.

Would you pay money for someone to tell you to do some active recovery? No. So why should anyone else?

Dunno, is medicine bullshit?

Most doctor's will tell you that squats are terrible for your knees, deadlifts will wreck your back, and will recommend that you stick to jogging.

But I guess doctor's are infallible geniuses just like physiotherapists. We should trust everything they say and tell us to do without question.

>Most doctor's will tell you that squats are terrible for your knees, deadlifts will wreck your back,

Idk what fucking doctors you've been to but most that I've ever seen or visit, even those who don't know anything about lifting urge you to get back to active recovery asap.

I've fucked up my shoulder before and required surgery and before I would even get the surgery my doctor kept pushing me to keep lifting and working on strengthening to hopefully improve my shoulder. That obviously didn't work but he did say it.

As someone who has chronic shoulder pain from an injury. The "shitty rotator cuff exercise" do work. The exercises aren't shitty it's the prescribing them to people who don't need them that's shitty

>implying the average person wouldn't benefit from a few sets of external rotations a week

PT here, the only criticism here is either 1. bullshit or 2. limited to really bad PTs which means youre probably poor.

Yeah, I'm sure they told you to get back to squatting and deadlifting ASAP, and that's what they meant when they said active recovery. I'm not even talking about surgery anyway.

If you had a doctor that encouraged you to keep lifting as rehabilitation then congrats, you found the exception, not the norm.

I called them shitty because there are better exercises and they just get thrown at every shoulder problem. Glad they worked for you.

>Limited to really bad PTs

So it's 'limited' to most PTs then? Good physiotherapists are few and far between, and takes a good physiotherapist to recognize this fact. Every competent PT I've encountered was very critical of their industry.

>If you had a doctor that encouraged you to keep lifting as rehabilitation then congrats, you found the exception, not the norm.

Idk dude, several have told me the same thing.

if you think your PT is a fuckhead then ignore them and get back into lifting if you want as long as it doesn't hurt. Just make sure to warmup pain-free.

Idk what else to tell you

>Yeah, I'm sure they told you to get back to squatting and deadlifting ASAP, and that's what they meant when they said active recovery.

And I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but yes they did.

They told me to get back into my regular lifestyle and work on building more muscle to fix my shit up.

Outside of surgery there really is no reason to stop lifting unless temporarily to wait out an injury to heal.

What I am saying is when the rotator cuff exercises are prescribed to the correct issues they do work. If other ones work better I haven't seen them anywhere on the web or in person

Probably but I can imagine people would fuck their shit up ego lifting with them "what I can start at 5 kg *snap* this exercise fucks shoulders you arsehole"

Wait, are you talking about a PT or a doctor. Doctor as in MD.

PT school focuses a lot on neuropathy and myopathy. A lot of their practice focus on helping patients to regain basic motor functions like reaching, siting up straight, transferring between different positions and walking.

Since all PT programs are Ph.D. Programs, many of the newer PTs are actually allowed to specialize in specific fields like sport rehab or sport medicine.

Any general practice PT are just like doctors; they'll tell you what they know will help you recover to a specific baseline, they won't be able to advise you on how to hit a new PR out of surgery. There's a lot of risks in terms of liability when handling patients, anything that goes outside of what is covered by a hospital's legal policies for patient care puts the PT and doctor at very high risk for losing their license to practice.

So please don't hate PTs and doctors, they're just trying their best to help you within what they can do legally.

If you want someone to advise you on sport rehabilitation you're best off asking an athletic trainer or sport specialist.

>So please don't hate PTs and doctors, they're just trying their best to help you within what they can do legally

But this becomes a problem when these people start giving advice outside of their field of knowledge. Then when people question this advice, they get told by people 'so you think you know better than a doctor/PT?'.

I know people who listen to what their doctor tells them about nutrition and training, and don't question it simply because the advice came from a doctor. Since when do doctor's get trained in sports nutrition and lifting? They don't.

There are so many threads on Veeky Forums where people say 'well your doctor said you should do XYZ, so you should do that and not listen to anything else' regardless of whether the advice was good or not.

Listen to your PT, dumbass