
Anyone has manboobs? I've been lifting for 14 months, I'm 166cm and 58kgs, with low bodyfat%, yet, I have manboobs.

How can I get rid of it?
Also my big brother have been lifting for 7 years and he has manboobs, so my guess it's in our genes, or lifestyle since we live in the same house...

Please help your big-titty'd bro

Takes 2-3 months hard work in gym, with good diet to lose those bitches. Titty fat seems to be the last to go

Pathetic self-bump

I've been working really hard but they don't want to go... I'm starting to think I have high estrogen

your diet prob isn't on point

Post mantitties

post a picture. i had them and dey gone now. took about 3 months could be true gyno though....

I'm not currently home, but they are pretty big comparing to my size

this guy has a similar body to mine, except I have broader shoulders

you still have more bf that needs to go. im in the same situation

Gynecomastia, look it up. Doesnt go away. Its glandular tissue. Requires surgery.

Could be fat, kts very possible, but the pic you posted looks very mich like gyno

eating less and moving more
if you find that you are getting skinny and your manboobs are still the same size (and are hard, tender & painful) then you probably have gyno and the only way to get rid of that is go through puberty and hope it goes away or get surgery.

Idiots on Veeky Forums will call anything gyno. From the looks of it you don't have it (coming from somebody who actually needed to get surgery done. two surgeries actually)

I knew it!!
Is it genetic? because me and my brother have the same problem...
I'm gonna go to a doctor next week since it's a medical problem, but what kind of doctor? Derm? plastic surgeon?

I went from 75kgs to 58kgs, and my manboobs got slightly smaller.
I want to get rid of it completely

keep going it's most likely just fat. Gyno that stays after puberty is much rarer than Veeky Forums would like for you to believe

I'm 18 and my brother is 24, and we both have manboobs even though we both have low bf%

Normal for your bodyfat %
If you have a hard lump, yes.

If it feels like soft fat tissue, 1000000000% no
Pseudogyno at most

Your doctor will most likely tell you it is not gyno, and you have body dysmorphia
Lose weight

>low bf%
You are like 20%

Lift while cutting weight

hook a nigga up with proper dietary routine to lose the bitch tits? Wanna make sure I'm not missing anything

Why do people keep saying requires surgery? Do people on /fit really just pass around memes all day? Pre pubescent gyno has been successfully treated with tamoxifen and raloxifene. You'd be pretty stupid not to try this before dropping 10 grand on cosmetic surgery.