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First for friendship

Second for segregated schools

Third for everyone kill paul

Fuck maxing out

Why did I think this was a good idea

I've taken 3 days off already and still haven't fucking recovered.



>3 days
Give it another 4-7 m8


>I've taken 3 days off already and still haven't fucking recovered.

Sounds like you're due for a deload.
>reduce intensity
>stray from the competition movements
>do some cardio and bodybuilding
>rest your brain

Then get back into a "powerlifting routine". Taking some time to dial back intensity and focus on conditioning/hypertrophy can pay off in the long run.

Also, check your sleep, diet, daily stress, and if all else fails, go see your doctor.

Give me a non powerlifting program to run next week and I'll do it
3 day pls

Idk what it is I'll do what whatever u post


Unfortunately I can't squat because my knee has osgoood schlatter disease.
But I'd run it for w eek if I could

>Give me a non powerlifting program

Find it yourself and get excited about it. Take ownership of your training.

Or, build your own programming. You can't go wrong doing the following...

Each session:
>Hip Hinge
>2-3 bodybuilding isolations

Don't go above an 8 RPE on compound movements for a while. stick to sets of 6-12 repetitions. Full body, 3x per week. On days between, go do cardio. LISS/HIIT/Complexes, whatever.

Whenever I do my own thing I default to maxing out and look where this has gotten me


Too bad he's near guaranteed to wreck his shit at some point, easily one of my top 5 favorite lifters in terms of personality and entertainment factor

Then you have a couple options:
>Hire a coach (best option)
>Find training partners
>Do more research until you have a program you trust

>quit lifting and find a new hobby because you are clearly miserable

>bought most of my clothes back when I was a 155 lbs skelly
>most of my shirts are getting really tight
Fuck, I don't want to have to go blow hundreds of dollars on a new wardrobe. At least I'm getting bigger.

>guaranteed to wreck his shit

I can lift and be miserable, it's s-synonymous.
Where can I find programs? I spend yesterday googling "strength weightlifting programs" but it's junk. Men's fitness articles, 150$ gold signature programming, some football strength programs.

I don't understand where you find programs. I've looked through the sticky programs on here and reddit and its all the same cookie cutter shit I've already tried.

I am looking for something new that gives me a lot of freedom but looking =/= found.

For all the praise I've seen of these, I think I've only ever seen a couple of olympic weightlifters perform them. Are they actually useful?

Because he's at RPE >9000 literally every second of his life lad

Is the 3 days enough time to rest between testing a 1rm squat and deadlift? I maxed my squat Monday night and my back/legs are still fairly sore. Is it a bad idea to test my 1rm deadlift tomorrow night? Should I wait until Saturday?

>Are they actually useful?

They're useful for getting your heartrate up and making you want to puke.

They're just convenient for cardio, since you're around barbells anyways.

It's pretty fun to make your own complexes, then try to beat them for time or volume (but not weight) each week.

When it gets really cold and I can't walk/jog with my kiddo in the stroller, complexes are super-economical for building conditioning.

Just pick a handful of movements, never drop the barbell, and keep moving.
Front Squat
Push Press
Good Mornings
BB Row
Ab Rollout

Do them all for 10 reps with super light weight, and take a minute or so between circuits. You'll be sucking air in no time.

>I spend yesterday googling "strength weightlifting programs" but it's junk
It is what you make it.

Might try tonight for the fuck of it then. It's been too long since I did any form of cardio (read: three weeks) but walking around at work.

Ok I'll make my own
shill it
Everyone will get strong on it
Then I'll start selling programs
Then I'll buy a house next to yours
Then I'll become your neighbour from hell

Starting today this is what I'm going to do

No the Fedorenko cycle as translated by Polkov

Tfw I can do all of those for 1pl8 so I eont have to change the bar

Or is this more or a 1/2 pl8 kind of thing

Writing my own program. HOW DOES BENCH LOOK?

Bench press - % = Of 1RM:
D1 - Maximal practise:
1x8 @ 65%
1x5 @ 75%
2x2 @ 85%
2x1 @ 95%

D2 - Volume practise:
3x8 @ 60%
2x5 @ 70%
2x3 @ 80%
2x2 @ 85%

D3 - Recovery:
2x10 @ 50%
2x8 @ 60%
2x3 @ 70%
2x2 @ 80%

Increase max by 2.5kg each week


It's like a shitty version of gnuckols' program

Well it's not, so KYS

Buda you fucking retard on a shitty moral trip. Just give him a fucking program instead of being a prick. Askign on here, a fucking powerlifting thread, for advice constitutes searching for a program.

What is your training age? Bodyweight and lifts?

84 twink

>people THIS afraid of experimenting and having fun lifting

I actually want to lift more than

>Then I'll become your neighbour from hell
Glad I could be of assistance.

Just a warning, though... my county is pretty keen on the Castle Doctrine :)

>I can do all of those for 1pl8 so I eont have to change the bar

Yeah, you don't want to stop at all to change the weight. It's about conditioning, not about strength.

I use 95 lbs, and I'm tuckered after 3-4 sets, so if you can manage 135, ho-rey-shet.

I'd recommend Volume, then Recovery, then Maximal work (order wise), but that's just what I've heard from Zourdos in terms of what works well for DUP.

>Just give him a fucking program instead of being a prick.

If an athlete doesn't own their training, then it doesn't matter. I'm not his coach, so I refuse to write a program that I can't monitor.

It's all just moving weight around. If he can't just go to the gym and lift because he wants to get strong, then he needs to quit and find something else.

>people THIS afraid of experimenting and having fun lifting
>I actually want to lift more than

It's okay lads I've got a program

I just googled "crazy Russian powerlifting programs" and found some cool sufff

Please delete this post.
You are only allowed to run the same program over and over.
Preferably sheiko.

Anything 'interesting' and not 'cookie cutter' is likely to be fine tuned, and not very customizable.

Just stick with something similar to a cowboy method. You can do your own rep schemes as long as you stick to the basic template of HEAVY volume, active recovery, HIGH INTENSITY you fucking PUSSSSSSYYYYYYYYY

I'm gonna run the Russian "getting in shake for great sex" weightlifting program

Looks good

>only allowed to run the same program over and over.
>Preferably sheiko.
SHIT, that's what I meant. Over half my training year is Sheiko, and the other half is more Sheiko.

Sometimes instead of walking somewhere, I do Bodyweight Sheiko in place until someone stops me.

>Not linking the program so we all can get in shape for great sex

W-well its n-not like Im having s-s-sex anyway right?

Ah yes. Glad we worked out this communication error.

So apparently people dont like me cause I told someone to SEE A DOCTOR for a NECK INJURY????

Fucking assholes.


Forgot trip

A bilater trap strain, retard.
Fuck your trap.

3 day smolov jr for deadlift???

Why Not?

>What is referred pain

Only if you do it woth dumbbells

Not this, idiot.

People is plural, the only person who talked about that was esmeralda.

>I can diagnose injury with minimal detail over the internet


There is a guy on Reddit that documented his Smolov Deadlift adventure.

If you have the leverages for it, it is survivable. The PTSD might be irreversible, though.

I predict a burnout rate of 95%.

This is literally true though...

Yes, that is what you tried to do, fucking retard.

What about this?

Just mad that Im smart thats all. What else is new

That's just sean or someone who hates weak people using tripcodes, welcome to /plg/

Goodlifts is Sean, dummy.

If I run it successfully will you reinstate my friendship token
I'm going to run it regardless but need that driving force.

It's not, it's weaklifts

>If I run it successfully will you reinstate my friendship token

Good luck, though.


You're dead to me


A /r9k/ faggot. Literally. Why he's tripping on /plg/ is beyond me.

Yeah fuck people who don't deserve their trip amirite

>You're dead to me


I'm dead to all of the people that have never met me, too. What's one more?

This is a powerlifting thread. I don't mind weak people like you or rasputin who are actually training and trying to get stronger.

Weaklifts isn't training, he's just a weak /r9k/ neet who says he does 6 hours of cardio everyday.


Fuck off sean

banged a hot asian chick with big boobs today

have i made it?

Only if she had a feminine benis.

Had a look at the 3 day over 80 high load sheikoyears program and immediate thoughts I have are

I understand you do 3 4 week cycles, but how much do you increase the weight by each cycle?

It also looks scary and that's making me not wanna run it

over 80 is medium load, the high load is the under 80

you keep the max until the comp cycle, where you can increase after the skill tests or wait until the end and do a mock meet where you test new maxes.

Sorry I meant I am looking at Sheiko 3 days Intermediate Large Load

That's a 12 week cycle..... How much do you think my maxes would increase by?
I wanna get places and this seems risky working at such lit weights for so long...

people get huge results from sheiko, don't worry about it. it works.

I'm scared. I'm sick of doing cycles and maxing out at the end to realise I've added NOTHING to my total.

T. Greg nuckols 4 week cycles

>4 week cycle

That's enough to add 10kg to any lift and I added 0kg
So I tried again and added 0kg
So I tried a different one of his cycles and added 0kg

His bench programs only seemed to increase my rep max but not my one rep max??

what i do is just increase the "prs" by 5kg on dl/sq and 2.5k on bp every 4 weeks. The working weights will go up slightly and doable, without having to actually lift the prs all the time.

If you can rep out 5 of 225 in June, then at the end of July you can rep out 12 of 225, have you not gotten stronger?

It's not like that, that's not what happened. I just got better at handling volume.
Which is nice tho

That seems awfully slow

You just made it clear that weekly progression didn't work out anymore.

Besides that, in optimal conditions i gain 60+60+30kg on my big 3 in a year, thats insane progress.

It does work for me
I've just gotta believe..........

or accept losses and make sure to gain +- 12.5kg on your total each month for certain

Ok I'll run it

But can I skips abs? I've not found a single abs exercise I enjoy. Ever.

Ab wheel? (Weighted) Planks? Windshield wipers?

Hate them all


Follow the program as is, just make sure to add in chin ups/some form of rows each day. just a 3x5 or 3x8

j-just kidding i can do them not in a circuit for 1pl8.

I'll see if I can do a circuit of 1/2 pl8 for even 2 or 3 sets.


If I ever go on a bulk again, I'd try this:

>NOTE that you calculate based on a training max (85-90% of comp ORM), and you eat a dozen eggs and 1.5 lbs of ground beef per day, and have to stay on top of conditioning.

I like Wendler's "no-bullshit, no excuses" attitude. His challenges and memey programs are fun :)

As cringey as Jim is, a lot of struggling lifters do need a dose of "man-the-fuck-up", and he has a lot of appeal in that respect.

What other ones have you tried? What about something anti-rotational, like Pallof presses or stir the pots?

Have you tried bent over rock pickups?

Would love to give that a try some day. The 100-200 rep accessories are batshit crazy lel

i never get the edgyness. "use 85/90% of TM and then do sets at 95%" why isnt it just use +-85% of comp max.

Have any lads done 10 lb increases on ID for TM?

How long did it last?

>use 85/90% of TM and then do sets at 95%" why isnt it just use +-85% of comp max.

Because edgy is fun and empowering for young men.

Regarding the TM, lots of western programming advocates using a "any day of the week training max" instead of calculating off an unrealistic "super-hype competition true ORM".

Overshooting maxes has hurt many more lifters than undershooting has :)

>The 100-200 rep accessories are batshit crazy lel
A little bit, but you just get it done with light weight in any number of sets. It forces you to step up the volume of accessory without overdoing the intensity.

I did it one time, and then failed two IDs after for squat lmao. My recovery and nutrition weren't very great, so it'll probably be different for you.

You ever do the 20 rep squat program? I kind of want to do it sometime after my cut is finished

>you ever do the 20 rep squat program?

Yes, but briefly. It builds some serious toughness.

The issue for me is that I like to lift all the time. Sometimes 14 days in a row. That is not possible on that kind of programming.

A 20 rep squat session requires 2 days of face feeding and ice baths to get you back into commission.

The contrast is good for spurring adaptation, though. It's well documented that the same style of training can limit your gains if you don't change it up sometimes. (inb4 broscience, do your research)

I think what I'm gonna do is running Nuckols' 3 day beginner squat program, and when I finish that, I'll run it. Recommendations for deadlifts on it? Cut them out entirely, do some light sets once or twice a week?

Wew lads, benched 230x8 with no Duffin leg drive. Looks like my bench strength didn't fall too much

Your bench is so much better than mine and yet your squat is so much worse

Tbh, not sure which of us has the better situation