Big Breakfast Bitches

Post your bulking breakfasts bitches. Two eggs two bacons two toasts one can of Van Camp pork beans
>in b4 muh clean bulk
>in b4 muh cholesterol memes
>inb4 muh veganism

Oh I forgot 20 oz raw grass fed milk

nice add some red hot on top

Usually I tapatio but I was out this morning.

>1 scoop unflavoured whey
>450ml semi-skimmed milk
>150g oats

6 eggs
3 servings of oats
2 bananas
16 oz milk
2 toast with almond butter

I'm pretty stuffed

Damn senpai dat is big. Lol just picturing a fridge stacked full of cartons of eggs.


>2 scoops cmon

2scoops c'mon? Is that like a brand of protein?

hasn't been introduced on earth yet

My breakfast is broken up into two parts pre and post workout.

Pre workout:
1 serving of Greek yogurt
1 cup blueberries
1 peach
1 tbl spoon honey
1 cup black coffee

Post workout:
3 eggs
3 strips of bacon
1 Americano

where the fuck in this meal do you fit the rice in

> two bacons

what do you mean? I just eat a cup of rice after or before everything else.

I don't have the oats with the almonds or the milk in my scoops, I eat it all separately

Twooooo scooooops

Protein bar at home
Protein bar at work
Pizza once I get home

this is mine aswell

my routine is:

>waking up x 2 (morning and after nap)
>walking to fridge x 2 (only when gf isn't home, she delivers me everything otherwise)
>looking at myself in the mirror x 10 (my abs grow when i activate my genetics)
>working at the local planet fitness (they hired me because i told all the fatties they are fat because of genetics)
>fucking your girlfriend x 2 (during lunch break and in the evening, i only eat the free pizza during work anyway)

>grass fed


Get dem omega 3s bitch. Plus it tastes of spring meadows and golden rays of rah

You bulk on that? Pretty sure protein bars are the junk food of supplements

>3 eggs
>ground sausage
>one chopped bell pepper
>half an onion, chopped
>couple ounces of cheddar
>garlic salt, ground cumin
>a shitload of cayenne pepper

Meat, roasted vegetables and oats the rest of the day.

Every day.

Nice but why sausage always and why just oats after?