What made you turn vegan? For me it was this video

What made you turn vegan? For me it was this video.


Eating meat is absolutely disgusting.

Other urls found in this thread:


Cool bro.

It was a lack education about my health.

I would go back to veganism, but as it stands, i have enough trouble hitting my protein intake with meat.

And when you consider 78% bioavailability from plant based protein.. I would never hit my macros

All I can think about is Reddit when I watch these videos.

What made we turn vegan was all dumb faggots on Veeky Forums making vegan threads nobody gives a shit about. No, wait...

maybe you should stay there

I thought you were born vegan? Or is being gay and vegan different?


>white sauce

But vegan food makes your teeth go grey

not if you take yeast

what the fuck did that vid have to do with vegan

did you see the ending?

That has nothing to do with veganism

cant tell if b8 or nott



>Im a computer

6 was really a letdown, tbqh senpai

stop all the downloadin


But how much yeast? Too much yeast makes your teeth turn grey.

I don't know much about computers except the one my mom has, put a couple games on it


legit question- is it ok, to be vegetarian and lifter? I'm giving up meat, the industry sucks

Just be a pescatarian or grow/hunt your own meat

You'll struggle to hit your macros with plants


Enjoy being deficient in b12 and all that.

well that was a fucking experience


but eggs n beans?

what are supplements

>implying vegans dont look like ayy lmaos


>needing to supplement the diet because it's so incomplete

>it's almost like humans shouldn't be vegan....


>Maybe we should follow him, or we'll get left behind.
>Yes, but there's lots of chicken left, and I'd like to eat the chicken.
>I'd also like to eat the chicken. Let's do that instead

well whoopty fucking doo, its not ideal when it comes to healthy diet, but unless they are dumb they don't claim it's healthy... there are other issues why they choose to go vegan... I think vegetarian is sustainable and the best of the two worlds... I mean, you can have the godly food- eggs

You'll eat a lot of legumes.
It can probably be done, at the very least you'll drastically reduce the amount of meat you eat.
But what about omega-6?

sunflower seeds? but yeah, fish oil is not a bad thing....


This guy is vegan and probably more swole than half the folks on Veeky Forums

How come vegans always have the crazy eyes? Did their soul go along with their testosterone?

Jon Venus is a fake vegan, and has been "vegan" for just over a year. If anything, all his gains were made during his meat-eating days.

they don't, lol, my gf is vegan and she has lovely eyes, kinda cowlike

That's because life is a let down.

For now.


>TFW plants know more than vegans

did he died?

How do people over the age of 18 enjoy videos like this?

I just picture an overweight man child giggling like fuck at all the reddit tier humor of this video

I went vegan after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, at the advice of my neurologist. Vegans accumulate 50% less disability from autoimmune disease over time, statistically speaking. I can't ignore a statistic like that when my ability to fucking walk is at stake.

people laugh at dhmis? it was really fucking dark imo

Humor can be dark you underaged twat

Why is it that vegans always tout that veganism is a "natural" diet when a truly vegan diet requires supplementation? At a loss here.

I don't know any vegans irl that claim it's more natural. Plenty online though.

A truly vegan diet may or may not require supplementation though, just like omnivorous diets. The only nutrient that requires a lot of thought on a vegan diet is B12. B12 is made by bacteria, and should theoretically be present in produce. Most produce these days is irradiated though, so supplementation or at least monitoring is wise. Same is true for omnivores though, since cooked meat has very little B12 as well.

I'm vegan and don't supplement B12, but I grow a fair amount of my own food, and prepare my own fermented foods like kimchi. I consume nutritional yeast and energy drinks sometimes too. I'd be supplementing if I didn't. I do get my level checked at least once yearly though, it's fine.

hurr animals are our friends dont eat from a strangers plate xD




my ex turned vegan after watching a documentary that said that the milk and meat industries produce 51% of greenhouse gases.

>mfw it was paid for by the uk green party, and based on a paper by 2 guys, who simply took a United Nations research paper, which said the number was 19%, and made several ridiculous assumptions to get to the 51% number

>mfw there's studies that put the number as low as 9%

good riddnace you dumb bitch

I think the WAY in which we eat meat is the problem, not that eating meat in general is bad.

Americans especially eat more meat than any other culture ever has, save for some small tribes that lived in extremely barren, cold climates. Our meat is higher in fat than ever before. It's loaded with hormones and antibiotics. Game meat, the kind that humans evolved to hunt and eat might as well be a different substance entirely.

When eating hormone, antibiotic and fat laden meat is the primary causative factor in health problems like obesity, heart disease, autoimmune problems, cancer, and osteoporosis, I give a fuck. And I think everyone should. It's not hippy dippy bullshit when there are literally thousands of peer reviewed studies proving how painfully unhealthy meat from modern animal agriculture is.

Now if you want to help me kill, clean and eat an entire deer, I'm up for that.

First you have to ask why it would require B12 supplementation, and possibly D (although everyone is recommended to take D). Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria and is found in dirt and natural water sources. Vitamin D (a hormone, not a vitamin) is produced when sunlight touches your skin. If you live outside, these are the natural sources of these things. You could argue then that vegans need supplementation BECAUSE it's a more natural diet, and we no longer live in a natural way.

great point, thanks.

lecture all you want im still going to enjoy steak and chicken breast.

suck my dick.

>suck my dick.

I would, but if you're eating steak and chicken breast on the regular it's gonna taste like shit. :c

how is killing and eating an animal not "natural"?

and the B12 from water sources is so incredibly low, you should cite a source for that claim. or try it out yourself

veganism being more "natural" because you cut out meat and dairy products, which are from animals in the nature, not in the unnatural world, makes no sense

I similarly decided to stop using computers after I saw this video

thats why you make him cum in the back of your throat you dumb faggot

>mfw my brother is all of a sudden a nutritionist
>"I've done a lot of research"
>keeps getting me to try the fruits hes eating after I've told him no
>preaches and sometimes ridicules my friends for not avoiding stuff like bacon
>after awhile I just agree with him
>no changes to my diet whatsoever
>"research" "proven to" "scientists" etc etc
>keep eating whatever the fuck I want
>"antioxidants" "cancer"
>keep eating bacon every single morning
>"coffee is not as good as tea" "processed" "preservatives"
>nod in agreement with a cup of coffee and a donut
>I'm bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter than all of my friends, including my brother

It will probably never matter what anyone says, I will continue eating what I've been eating the past 10+ years. The best part is vegans can be 100% right and I will still eat meat.

>thinking that you don't use B12 supplements.
>what is B12 cow injection ?

>I'm bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter than all of my friends, including my brother

sounds like early 20's. Good luck making that last eating whatever the fuck you want. Youth doesn't last forever.

grasping at straws here m8

Doesn't change the fact that you also don't get B12 naturally and might have B12 deficiency

>you also don't get B12 naturally


>"Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products. Vitamin B12 is generally not present in plant foods, but fortified breakfast cereals are a readily available source of vitamin B12 with high bioavailability for vegetarians"

>sounds like early 20's. Good luck making that last eating whatever the fuck you want. Youth doesn't last forever.

Hah sounds like me when I was 19-20.

>Be me
>19-20 years old
>Eat pizza and chicken wings and candy and drink beer every day
>Ripped as fuck with 6 pack
>Diet is a meme guys!
>Now be 27 hitting the gym hard af
>Stuck at 16% body fat with basically no abs
>MFW I realize diet is not a meme

nothing because I am not a leftist faggot who thinks eating meat is bad, Iam actually hunting 2 times a week.

Fastfood is for feggits too.

just eat like a normal being and stop tryharding.

Not grasping at straws at all. Where do you think the cows get their B12? Hint: It's not from their steady diet of dirt-free grain.

>eating meat is disgusting
why are people these days so squeamish, what the fuck. i imagine vegans like this covering their mouths when a smoker walks by.

B12 is "naturally" found in animal proteins because "naturally" the herbivores humans eat graze. They ingest soil and microorganisms with their vegetation. Not true of animals in factory farms, which is why they're injected with B12.

b12 is a meme
i live in india and i never eat meat
i are raw vegan and it is helathy

I never said veganism wasn't healthy. I said that B12 comes from microorganisms that live in soil (and stick to your plants). My B12 levels now are higher than they were when I ate meat and I take no supplements, so I don't personally understand what all the fuss is about.

You don't wash your food before you eat it?
Disgusting. And all for an insignificant amount of B12. Freak.

I wash it, but not obsessively. A rinse with water isn't going to destroy everything. Obviously I don't just pull something out of the dirt and directly eat it.

You are delusional as fuck if you think soil residue on plants has enough daily B12

In reality you go to your local market and buy plants which has been processed through farmers who, guess what, process and wash bacteria off the plants so it's safe to eat

I grow a lot of my own food. I'm sure of what is (or at least what isn't) on it.

I've been vegan for 4 years now. My B12 levels are right where they should be. That's hardly a delusion!

Sounds like shitty average genetics.

>I grow a lot of my own food

>been vegan for 4 years

Also, there's no way you get enough B12 from plants regardless of what you believe. You're either B12 deficient or you take a supplement

Here's a vegan website talking about why you are wrong:

He's becoming a plant. It all makes sense now.

>People are born gay
Thats like being born with a foot fetish. Shit is tottally made up

Where did all these vegans pop up out of nowhere? Is today vegan day or something? SCRAM U ROACHES

Not to mention synthesized b12 is rarely if ever stored in the liver opposed to natural b12 from animals, which can be stored in the liver for a couple of years if you have a rich diet of it.
Since it's not stored in fat you're pretty much pissing out whatever b12 you are getting in a vegan diet.
I've heard of people doing those algae shakes to try and supplement it, but once again the body doesn't respond well to it.

I can understand why the few vegans who actually do count their macros are successful, shit takes a lot of work, but fuck the average vegan is not doing that.
Just a walking time bomb.

>walking time bomb
And eating tons of saturated fat and cholesterol from animals isn't? LOL

If my B12 level drops at any point, obviously I'll supplement. But currently, it's fine and has been the entire time I've been vegan.

Why are people shitting themselves telling me to take supplements/eat meat when I genuinely do not have a deficiency, wth.

Eggs, beans, yogurt, milk, peas, nuts

You picked the least flattering photo of VGains you could find; shame on you. The guy is absolutely ripped, give credit where credit is due.


1) Vegan Gaynz is jaundice yellow and/or pea soup green. Not sure where you are from, but that skin tone is unnatural / unhealthy on Planet Earth.

2) Everybody looks sexy as fuck with a good pump. Everybody. You chose the most flattering photos of this worthless prick that you could find. Watch his vidz (I know, fucking toxic) and watch his actual body in motion. If you had no idea who he was and he approached you in the gym to offer advice, you would rush over to Veeky Forums so we could all have a chuckle at your encounter with a DYEL fuck.

3) You are obviously a cuck friend. Vegan, cuck, whatever. The only reason you haven't labled this toxic sac of pus as an individual undeserving of your time is because he fits into your worldview; that being that you can get swole on a vegan diet WITHOUT taking any gear.

4) You are wrong. KYS.

The color of his skin is probably carotenemia. Eating an overabundance of beta carotene (as he does can tint your skin yellow. It's harmless though. I know the green you're talking about too, but I think it's just the light in the room he films in. That room is full of neon green.

Your other two points are strictly opinion, not gonna bother arguing that.

Let's see the most flattering body pic of you because I bet you look terrible

Wow, you ran out of ammo fast. You should work on that. Not giving Veeky Forums a picture of me, but nice try! c;


if you actually get the meaning or think about it for more than a minute, maybe you would get something out of it... it's not only for entertainment purpose, check out the theories about it...

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Vitamin D Deficiency Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Into The Sunlight Like Nigga Get Some Tan Haha

I'm not friends with any ducks though, and I don't eat my friends