/braingains/ general

As you nurture the physical, so too must you nurture the mental.

What are you doing to make brain gains? I'm playing tetris and writing moar.

Other urls found in this thread:

naturalthinker.net/trl/texts/Frege,Gottlob/Frege, Gottlob - The Foundations of Arithmetic (1953) 2Ed_ 7.0-2.5 LotB.pdf

Play chess instead. Take fish oil and mootropics. Read and write more about anything.


You're right, that's always something I've had in the back of my mind "I should get around to learning," but never did. I'm still going to play muh tetris, but I'll pick up chess as well.

>fish oil

Fell out of practice with that, have some cod liver oil in the fridge I haven't touched for a month, hopefully it's still good.


Haven't heard of those in a while. Any you'd recommend? The only one that comes to mind is "Piracetam," and the last time I read about it was more than three years ago.

Is there anything beneficial for playing Tetris ?


The study's data itself looks weak (I'll see if a more thorough one exsts), but it's something at least. Stacking and organizing blocks regardless is something that needs attention and brain power so I suppose there'd be some gains to be made from repeatedly playing.

check out "n-back training" there are some good reports but also conflicting ones. it's stressful as fuck though.

> Chess
Just get the chess.com app do their lessons and play whenever you'd usually just dick around on your phone. It's not something I focus on but chess playing a few games a day I'm in the 800 level.

> Fish Oil
Unless you eat a lot of fish you should probably take it. I take like 6 a day.

> Piracetam 5g
> Choline Bitartrate 500mg
> Oxiracetam 750mg
My memory is much better than it's ever and they're "neuroprotective". There are a bunch of different types you could try but this is a pretty basic stack. Powdercity.com is the best place to order from. And you can Google a 10% discount code.

I coded something that takes 3 days to run. It's necessary for my job.


Is some heavy computational work? Where do you work?