Having lower back pain after a deadlift session

Having lower back pain after a deadlift session.
This came a couple of hours after my session and I can't tell if it's DOMS or not.
How can I tell if it's my spine or my muscles?

>he fell for the deadlift meme

Welcome to SNAPCITY! Enjoy your permanently unaligned spine OP.

What's a good substitute for deadlifting then

Lower the weight bruh. You only have one spine. Take care of it.

Long time ago I randomly tried squatting as much as I could. No warm up
No before hand training.
Safe to say I was injured for 2 months. After a while I finally recovered and started with 100 lbs and made my way up. Been 3 months now and maxing at 250. No pain

Honestly lower back muscles ain't that important if your risking an injury. Bitches love low body fat abs and bicep size. Get your priorities in order.

theres none

Interested in the real answer to this too. I'm sore from my workout but it doesn't feel like actual pain, just like DOMS but in a sensitive spot. I doubt I'm injured but just in case I'd like to know the difference between back DOMS and actual you-done-fucked-up pain.

OP descbribe the pain please. Dull Ache or Hot Sting. Lay flat on your back and try bend you knees to lift you legs (pic related) , does this alleviate the pain?
Next get into the sphinx, does this change the pain?
Pins and needles in legs?
tight buttocks?

pic related is sphinx, dont do it too deep

wheres the pain and describe it please