What is your ab routine?

I'm really interested about how you guys blast your puppies.

On account of how frequently "fitness gurus" take advantage of those poor pliable normies' desperation for abs, google is totally impossible to trust on this subject.

My routine is:
1) Two sets of sitting L-sit progressions
2) Plank then side planks
3) Three sets of bicycle crunches to failure

What's yours? Post body if you're finger licking good.

Sit ups, V sits, and ab wheel

Squats and Deadlifts.
Leg Raises and Weighted Planks.
And Crunches.

Voila. Your abs are now steel.

Crunches, L-sits (lol V-sits), and L-sit leg raises

I do all my exercises in the mirror in order to see the flex. If you don't see a god-damn wall off abs when ur L-sitting, ur doing it wrong

Fucking nothing.

Squats, deads, low BF

I do a lot of the ab ripper x workouts +squats/deadlifts/hanging leg raises/crunches

works well for me.

You am good looking man. Interesting answer.

>Squats and Deadlifts
barely bro. sex is a better ab workout, in all honesty i don't take it seriously when people mention this for abs.

haha but that's how you get to the V-sit! try some twisting exercises.

Someone doesn't lift heavy

pffft. i squat 120 3x12 and deadlift 100lbs 5x5. abs pilates 30 minutes then straight to power yoga. finish off with crunches in bunches. please. don't tell me i don't know abs.

>What is your ab routine?
I eat a lot of food and do heavy squats and deadlifts.

My abs have grown so big, they're just one big boulder now, although I have trouble flexing them all at once - the top just kind of jiggles.

They don't have this exercise at my gym


I do a 1 minute plank January 3rd

for every other day

decline weighted sit ups
leg raises
weighted russain twists

trained for nearly 4 months

5 X 20 Russian twists
5 X 10 kettleball crunches
5 X 10 leg circles in each direction
5 X 10 diagonal mountain climbers
5 X 10 ab pulse ups (push ur butt up to the sky, legs up)
5 X 10 reverse crunches
--- 15 ab pulses, immediate 15 reverse crunches, immediate 60 v sit hold ---
Plank 1min

All 3 or 1 exercise in the end of the workout ?

you're that strong kid, id go homo for you brah

Standing ab rollout, weighted.

Started doing gymnastic / body weight ab routine
>realized I had it so wrong for so long
>Never going back to old ways

>3x Hollow Hold
>3x Arch Hold
>5x Supine > Tuck > Straddle > Tuck > Pike > Tuck > Supine
>2x Plank > Side Planks > Reverse Plank
>Leg Lift 'windshield wipers'
>Reverse Leg Lifts

By doing these simple holds and moves, I feel I have really awakened my core.
>Heavy squats used to feel liek they were crushing me down and my core was about to fold.
>Now they dont
>OHP felt like it was gunna snap my thoracic. Now thoracic can fight back

Fuck, how did you get to that point?

x Supine > Tuck > Straddle > Tuck > Pike > Tuck > Supine
I don't understand this part, explain?

bad form