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Joff pls
Jeff pls go
Go, Jeffrey. Please.
This must be satire
haha he's a legend, don't try and tear him down because you're insecure lads, you'd kneel down and suck him off in real life
>imagine if I'd hopp on tren I'd be a god
seriously though, how is this guy not on holywood.
Did he really post that?
Miring the banter
Jesus that hairstyle... and I thought Zyzz's was homo
Can confirm. Im on my 10th Big Mac and it's only 11am. Currently have his physique.
someone needs to invite jeff to the sauna
Fuck man his body is ugly as fuck.
He looks like some kind of muscle man caricature!
Creepy as fuck.
just thnk how much pussy jeff'd get if he was str8
I refuse to believe this is real. Even this unrelenting dipshit has a bit more awareness than this.
At least he's finally taken a picture wherein his traps actually appear.
He's natty, lads.
t. someone whose not a fkn pussy
nice trips
i mean.. go to bed jeff
First time at Veeky Forums
Is this faggot representative of a large number of you, or is he just a one-off wanker?
Yeah everyone on this board has a similar physique to Jeff. Just check the CBT. Everyone is a fitness model
His shoulders are like twice as wide as his waist. There's no way that's normal or natty
t. a fkn pussy
Definitely a one-off wanker.
Most of fit is either fat/auschwitz or recovering from either. Of course there are a few people who legit have nice bodies, but most of us are still working on it.
Lmao gotta admire his audacity.. Even if he is fucking retarded
Can't believe that shit is real
faggots like this are the reason normies think you can be 240lb 8% bf natty if you just train enough
Holy shit he's pathetic
What is he like? 5'7?
if you need proof he roids just look at his youtube channel
one minute he looks dyel the next minute he looks huge
his physique is constantly yoyoing
couldn't have grown that much being on all the roids desu
definitely isn't 6'1 like he says, fucking insecure fag
Well he was 18 at the time, there's still a possibility he grew another inch or two to hit 5'10 or 5'11. Still lies tho
>Jeff said he's natty
this is an old shop btw
lookup what the heights for class D actually are
Holy crap, that shoulder to waste ratio.
He has really good body genetics, sadly he has the face of a justin bieber
Jeff why you have to shitpost all the time? We know you are not natty
a swedish user met him at an expo recently if I remember the post
user was like 5'11 and jeff was still noticable smaller
I find that hard to believe, if you look at the leg/torso/head ratio here
You can definately see he's not under 5'11.
I would say he's 6'
hes like 190-200 in that pic
jeff pls
It´s crazy to think about how much natural bodybuilding evolved, thanks to supplements.
Look up some oldschool bodybuilders ( Hackenschmidt, Steve Reeves,...) and how they are being blown away by todays natural elite like ulisses jr. or lazar angelov.
Crazy how evolution and survival of the fittest does that.