Post your self improvement!
First is me after a year of strength training last year, second is me now.
Progress Thread
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You look like shit you fat fuck
This is a very mean board
you must look better?
Left pic looks familiar.
Did you use to post awhile ago, like 2-3 years ago?
lmao, holy fuck dude
stocky fat piece of shit
you thought you were ready to post your bod? c'mon man, stay in the shadows for now
Yeah last year.
Pic on left is January 2015, got similar to right pic by June 2015, then got concussed, lost structure until November 2015, and got myself back to picture related by June 2016.
Said the champion(s) who won't post their own progress pic.
yeah m8 i'm just trolling, you look gr8 tbqh
how tall, looking good tho man.
Jesus... Gona make any soup with all that stock?
Back to /r9k/
5'9 (175cm)
Not too concerned about that since can't change it.
first pic from 2015 march
>75kg and 184cm
last pic from june 2016
>88kg and 185cm
Chest the biggest improvement.
On a side note, you running a salon?
The fuck is with all those products?
if only half of those would be mine, nah bro I still live with my family so it explains that
but thanks man!
i notice you have acne in your after, but not before.
good progress but you should really check that mole on your chest its gotten bigger senpai
nice pec and delt development, fuckin delts lookin good mang. How are the lats doin tho?
that's the cause the esters :^)
Damn i have kind of have your starter body but with more muscle. Did you just cut or whqt?
Are you 5'9"? You look about 5'9".
>tfw you will never be 5'9" master race and forever stuck a lanklet
>master race
You misspelled 6 feet
Did you even read the image you fucking dunce
I'm a 6'4 genetic deadend and it breaks my heart every day that I will never be a part of the 5'9 master race
I've had bad acne on my face when I was 14-16
now before I turned 18 I started getting really bad acne on my shoulders, I thought to myself 'its just pimples baka' but now it had spread through ALL of my back, I've even gone to taking some pills to get it off and showering twice instead of once a day, helped a little but not much.
Not really it has stayed the same, just like the guy above said that I have improved on my chest so I think it just got bit wider with the chest:D
took a pic 5 minutes ago flexing and spreading my lats as much as I can :b
you can tell in the photo I have a serious acne on my back
February to July.
hehe im five nine
that vascularity is sick even for a man, sick gainz
>OHP gloriously stalling @ 47.5kg x5 for the past MONTH.
Yes, MONTH. Tried adding a weekly extra shoulder day, to no avail.
>Row form sucks so my max for it isnt that great
Is this it for my noob gains? End of the line? For the past month I've been trying to GAIN weight and I lost 2kg instead :c
>178cm (5'9")
>64kg (140lbs)
>2600kcal/day religiously
Absolutely disgusting, but good job.
45 mg of var a day will do that to ya. :)
up your calories then my man, try 2.9k and see if you get anywhere. If you start putting on weight a bit too fast then you know TDEE is within 2.6-2.9k and can adjust further. Else up it even more
sup, I'm the guy above who weighs 88kg, I've had the same problem when I thought I can't get weight up at any cost, all I did was try to eat more protein and doubled my gym time (I got 6 times a week instead of 3) and train my body parts twice a week, it helped a lot, but try to get more calories in and don't be sad when sixpack starts fading because that's all part of the process ;) gl
Lucky guy!
Are you a tranny
>Are you a tranny
Hello /dyel/
At least you look pretty good for someone so small and weak.
You should take advantage of your master race height though
Women don't look like that natty, come on
I never said I was natty. On the contrary, see
Ah I didn't see that
I can't say I get it or understand why women do that kind of shit to themselves, but w/e, you do you.
Nice mental illness bro
Why do grills get such sick gains from a weak oral only cycle
Because they have such low test levels to begin with. If you naturally have the equivalent of 100/wk in your system and you take 125/wk, you aren't getting much. If you naturally have the equivalent of 25/wk in your system, 125/wk is a huge boost.
I should grind up var and sneak it in my gf's breakfast
Nice, what did you do between the pics?
How am I doing?
Lol post results
Don't you love growing bigger and stronger? I know you do and so do I. It's not that hard to understand. Hitting a new PR and watching my pumped reflection in the mirror is what I live for. Some girls love shoes. I love shoes and weights.
Don't be intimidated, user. Get motivated.
I' thinking of trying dbol because I've literally become addicted to growing, but I've seen what that stuff does to girls and it scares me. Thankfully the var gave me zero sides but dbol is a different story. Any advice?
I might start doing that to my gf.
dysmorphia too strong
No pics yet but I diddlylifted 155 for the first time today.
deadlifts are so fun holy shit I cant imaging lifting lmao4plaet
Train your grip strength. I've recently reached lmao2pl8x5 and I can barely hold the bar double overhand for the first 2 reps. The other 3 were alternating grip.
Five years of hard work.
great progress bby now how about you journey on my cock :^)
nothing special.
from bearmode to douchebag-mode, that's not an improvment
Yer doing fine stop looking for compliments ya little shit go lift more an harder!
Gain more weight and you'll be 10/10 for me
Says you. At least I did it without any "special help" unlike
Nice but why shave the chest?
Great progress however take better pics. It's too dark and that pose sucks.
I don't know anything about posing and I'm not trying to build an instagram empire or whatever. But thanks for the compliment. Seeing how far I've come makes me happy.
get fucked in the arse you little twinkiboi
Lifted and counted calories
Very nice
Goal back clarity, thinking of cutting out dairy for a month, can't stand the dyels thinking I'm on gear
I'll start bulking around mid September. Should see some good gains til next summer.
I first shaved my stomach because the hair hid any kind of ab definition I had, and it looked weird to me only having hair on my chest so I shaved it all.
Why not shave chest? I personally disgust any hair on my stomach and chest, I personally don't think should be even there, especially back hair...
Any tips for cutting? How big were your deficits? Did you train harder or did you cut down on it? Want to know how you kept on the mass! Congrats!
Try and work on your traps and forearms, otherwise you're looking really good m8
Starting my cut when I get back from this trip im on. I put on quite a bit of fat with my bulk but I'm happy with my lifts. I should look good after the cut right brehs?
You are definitley posting your progress online so it would still be good if you took better pictures if you wanna show others your "journey".
I'm really sorry for your chest genetics, but other than that you'll probably look good.
>noticing those wide hips
Never mind you're fucked.
/skinny/ here, how much weight could I gain in 4 months just be increasing calories?
Should I cut?
QTDDTOT is over and the sticky is this way
Yes, and try not to get over 15% bodyfat next time you bulk.
Woah there on the arm exercises buddy.
You need DL to strengthen and thicken that core and traps. Shrugs for the traps too, and a helluva lot more bench press.
At least lateral raise and MP to account for the woefully imbalanced arm development curlfag
You're a fag
Tits now you dumb bitch
You do realize there are a lot of actual homosexuals who fetishize chest hair.
Shit yeah? I recently hit 2 plates so I figured my chest wasn't too bad, but thanks for the advice
Recovering fatty after a year of work.
>5'10 210lbs----> 5'10 162
I'm thinking about 5 more lbs to look otter for the summer and then a slow clean bulk after?
What you guys think?
>5 lbs
Yeah, I'd say 5-10lbs and you'll be set. Since you once were fatty, you definitely need to do slow bulks. Remember, fat cells never die, they just stay depleted and are ready to be filled up anytime again.
You inspire me :) I've lost 8 kg, I got 12 more to go.
Yeah you're great desu.
Were all gonna make it man, just got to stick with it.
Take pictures, you won't see your own progress without them.
Bulked to 212 but was fairly fat so did a mini cut to the last picture.
Deciding if I should cut more and get pretty lean (~12-13%) or if it's time to slow bulk again
Obviously don't have enough muscle to cut hard without looking skelly, but don't want to just get fat since I'm already around 15%
What should I do?
I have completely forgotten them, lmao
EC stack helped.
Maintenance is about 3200 and I cut from 2800 to 2500, lowering cal intake by about 50 cals per week.
Meticulous tracking.
No cheats being as my deficit wasn't huge.
Macro split of 45% fat, 30% protein and 25% carbs.
Did the very high volume Arnold's blueprint to the cut program, which seems impossible but was a great challenge, got it off of
Consistency in all aspects was key.
According to body analysis on inbody 230 I lost 0 lean mass and over 18lbs of fat in my two month cut.
Oh and the second and last month of cut I followed IF 16/8.
I would eat about 30% of total calories at 2pm, hit the gym by 4:30/5pm and eat the remaining cals post workout, making sure 80% or more of the days carbs were found therein.
For cardio I didn't follow Arnold's guidelines, I opted instead for 5-7 minutes of HIIT on the bike or versa climber post workout, two/three times a week.
where you following a strict diet plan or just eating right?
i have the same type of body as you (left) and im trying to get some progress
I used the above link to get an estimate of how much I should be eating, lifted, did some light cardio, and tried to get about .8g protien for every lbs of body weight.
Just watch and keep adjusting your calories, shoot for losing 1lbs a week, it's super easy to sustain, and as long as you are meticulous with recording everything you eat you will lose. I didn't really feel hungry anymore after the first month.
>Xposing your fat ass on 4chinz
Fucking retarded shit licker
Way better
ketogains, son
stay lean
add some fucking muscle
without extra fat
bro science at it's finest lmao