I'm a woman who has been vegan for about 2 months now, and I've been working out (was working out before)...

I'm a woman who has been vegan for about 2 months now, and I've been working out (was working out before). I have been super horny all the time since going vegan (I literally just realized the timeline ads up). Has anyone else experienced this? Is it a temporary thing?

You can swallow my mushroom

I'm happily married, but my husband does not have the drive that I do. I end up masturbating at least once every day, but it's even beginning to affect me at work :-/

It's your body telling you to pass your genes as fast as possible because you will likely die for following a meme diet.

Amy children?

Nope. Never been a brain dead cunt before.

Even vegans need meat

This, OP
It's like getting a boner in the heat of battle.

Is that why I get boners when I'm scared?

you're probably getting some sort of complete micronutrient profile for the first time in your life and you're still a relatively new vegan so you aren't dead yet. fits

LOL Best post.

But I'm a man planning to go vegan, how do I get my meat ;_;

This, or a macronutrient. Sugar, lol. This happened to me when I first went vegan too, and it passed. Working out helps, get some of that energy out.

I was vegan for 2.5 years and didn't get horny. Kill me

I know this is anecdote but I started to get really horny after I went vegan (male btw)


Not posting tits... I don't eat much sugar other than natural sugars in fruits. I'm just thinking it's related to my increase in overall energy the more I research it.
I'm 30 btw, and have no children.

probably because meat provides a lot of satiation from a caloric standpoint.

I know when I eat meals which are same calorie wise but heavier on meat I tend to be more satisfied while when I eat meals primarily of fruits and vegetables I tend to be more frisky.

I also think it might have to do with the absorption of animal protein into the human body, making you want to slow down for a bit.

Just my two cents.

It depends on what you have been eating specifically, certain foods are said to higher some peoples libido

Could be related to better blood flow. Vegetables make your veins and arteries work better, meats, especially fatty meats, clog up the blood and make it harder for your blood vessels to dilate

Wow, that's a good point. I just looked up aphrodisiac foods; avocados, figs, ginger, watermelon... even lettuce was on the list. Geez, these are all things I eat a lot of.

Your body craves semen due to the lack of animal products.

Lol, sure

This OP, lemme fill up that tight hot pussy of yours with a shot of my cum, better yet i'll invite some friends over and we can have a breeding party for 3 days straight, that'll get rid of your fuck cravings.

I've almost completely lost my libido since going vegan (help me)

Eat more fats from nuts, seeds and condiments, mustard, horsey sauce, avocado etc.

Being a bottom

Ah, do the fats attribute to sex drive? I eat nuts, beans, and avocados almost every day! Maybe that's something for me to research. You guys have been helpful!

>I was vegan for 2.5
At least we know you're weak-willed.

What's the problem? You should be able to find plenty of men to help you out.

Again, happily married to a very loving man, who just simply isn't that interested in sex as often as me. I can only pester him so much for sex before it seems like I'm being too "demanding" apparently. :(

Your husband is a low test cuck. As a woman, you deserve a high test alpha male to impregnate and please you. If anything, I am here to do that.

"Nothin's cold as ashes
After the fire's done gone"

What are you doing to try to stimulate him?

This isn't /b/ you dumbfuck, this is Veeky Forums

>begging to be a mistress
>alpha male


OP, men in relationships often have low sex drives, because variety isn't there. Women do the opposite, until they have a kid.

Probably nothing with the veganism, you're just looking to get knocked up.