First day doing deadlifts

>First day doing deadlifts
>Never want to do it again


>first day doing something usefull
>never doing it again cuz im tired/in pain

Man up and do something

No pain no gain

man deadlifts are awesome, fuck you op

Deadlifts are one of my favorite lifts. Stop being a little bitch.

literally the best lift for triggering growth and testosterone

you dont have to lift 10 plates, just do it

>do diddlies
>fry my CNS

>2 days later
>fuark Im burnt out from dids
>do it again because its so goooooooooooooooood

Make sure you only do one set


>forget to put on belt for heavy set of halting diddlys
>realize after 4th rep
>5th rep I injure my back
dumbest injury I've ever had

Squat triggers a higher release

Ego lifters deserve injuries

I crave deadlifts now the way fatties probably crave pizza. Dat pump feelsgoodman. Keep doing them, faggot.

Deadlifts make me horny as fuck.


And this

keep at it, I dreaded deadlifts and squats at first but now they're two of my favorite exercises

>first day
you're probably doing them wrong

This OP.
most people don't enjoy complicated and sometimes painful high exertion compound lifts but once you get used to them and clean up your form the benefits are enormous and you learn to enjoy them

>Sciatic nerve pain has finally subsided after a weeks worth of chiropractic appointments.
>afraid to deadlift due to fear of bringing it back.

tfw deadlifts are banned at my gym.