Should I take whey/protein?

Should I take whey/protein?
I've been gyming for a months and I'm not getting the results I want so would whey actually increase my muscle recovery and get me gains?
I'm on the edge here because this shit is pretty expensive so I'd like some opinions on if it's worth it and whatever else.

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It's literally no different to the protein you get from regular food.

>one month
People like you never achieve anything

Yes but it is cheaper and easier to eat

No way man, I had a friend that started taking whey protein and next thing you know he was shooting up needles full of creatine and DNP into his eyeballs and sucking cock for access to the weight room. Don't do it, man.

Not a month, many months. Since February actually

>should I take protein to improve gains

Nah, protein causes prions. Avoid it

if you don't get enough protein in any given day, it'll help. I use it because i get it cheap as fuck, and whey is a fast-digesting protein, which is good right after a workout, especially with a banana or grape juice or maltodextrin for an insulin spike. and creatine since insulin will help deliver it to your muscles

in general, for $60/tub its probably not worth it. just look at g of protein / cost and see how it compares to normal food. or servings / price and g protein / # of serving

it's actually 85 a tub fml fuck new zealand

Are you only exercising till you feel tired and stopping or are you going past your normal limits every time you exercise? If so, that's your problem. Bulk protein is for those who are exercising to their breaking point every single day they exercise, not those who get tired and stop. You should also be eating the right way, not eating too much calories a day. Bulk protein isn't if you're eating your regular meals and then some, maintain a diet is important so you gain fat as well.
Whey protein isn't an infectious agent...

So you don't gain fat*

My problem with whey is taste, wonder if there is something you can cool with it

I do until i'm tired then I stop. I'm guessing I should always overload and break my muscle fibers instead of just getting tired?


You should feel very sore after your workouts. You don't gain muscle unless you're breaking your muscle fibers, yes. Give yourself a day to work on another muscle group, and for your other to heal. That's how you gain muscle. Stop when you're sore, but not hurt. If you're hurting that's a bad thing.
I exercise until my body physically can't do more than my best score, but not enough that it hurts. The group of muscles you're working on should feel like wet noodles. Then I just do pyramid rounds at the last highest round and work my way down. Then done for the day. That is my muscle building days.

Thanks Veeky Forumsizen, i'll stick to weetbix and bananas for now and bust my ass in the gym until i cant anymore

Should I feel sore immediately after only and fine later, or should I feel sore even long after the workout? I feel like I am taking the muscles to failure everytime but I feel fine hours later.

Is £9 for 500g a decent price?

Also how much should you take at a time?

In order to answer this question, you need to know:

1. Current body weight
2. Current body fat percentage (can be estimated within 5 percent or so, doesn't have to be *exact*)
3. How much protein you are eating every day in your normal food

How much are you eating? Are you hitting your macros? Whats your routine? What are your goals? Are you just a total faggot who is giving up early and filling this board with more shitty pointless posts? Fuck off.

Also, does anyone here take creatine? What brand do you prefer?

> saying "gyming" unironically





senpai pls
Afaik, it's all the same shit. This stuff is straight creatine, tastes a bit like chalk.

1-3 days afterwards

That's why it's delayed onset muscle soreness