Can't do all the exercises I want to do and keep my routine under an hour

>can't do all the exercises I want to do and keep my routine under an hour

how do you deal with time constraint
I've cut abs from my routine entirely

I allot myself more time to do my exercises.

but aren't you hurting your results if you go over an hour? unless you're on roids or something

Walk faster in the gym.

dude what

Not if you're targeting different parts of your body and doing different movements.

Alternatively, go to a 4 or 5 day a week schedule.

What kind of hilarious meme is this?

I have a home gym and I work on an interval timer. If I rest 2.5 minutes between sets I can only do 24 sets in an hour. If I'm doing 4 sets per exercise I can only do 6 exercises.


so you're saying just work out for more than an hour even though most research shows you're negatively impacting your results by doing so?

I cut abs from my routine when I finally got lean and realised just lifting in of itself and staying lean was enough to make me abs.

Me push-pressing 100kg for reps at 75kg bodyweight....yeah I am pretty sure that takes more abdominal development than doing any kind of ab-exercise lol.

[citation needed]

What the fuck are you even talking about

Am I getting memed on or are you just autistic as fuck, once you get past your first year you quickly start spending like an hour just doing squats dude.
You do abs for posture though, it's a corrective exercise. If you have any athletic ambitions whatsoever w/r/t lifting I highly recommend you keep training your abs.

>The Cortisol Connection
>Training for too long each workout could hamper your progress. When you begin a workout, your levels of testosterone -- an important muscle-building hormone -- start to rise. After around 45 minutes of hard training, they start to return to baseline, and at the 60-minute mark, they drop even further, which coincides with an increase in your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to strength coach Jason Ferruggia. This essentially means the first hour of your workout is conducive to building muscle, but after this performance drops and you may start doing more harm then good. Therefore, you may be best served being in and out of the gym within an hour.

You'll never hit the volume you'll eventually need doing that so you best just start juicing right now if you're that worried.

Yea dude also dont forget to get your post workout shake in that 30-min anabolic window, otherwise the whole workout was for nothing.
Holy fuck how autistic are you

How are you so inefficient that you can't keep your workout under ab hour?

And you take this to mean it's detrimental to training despite decades of training systems doing the opposite for greater results.

>m-muh testosterone
>m-m-muh dangerous sounding cortisol
>I can't hold all these gains
Instead of looking at individual hormones you should learn how the process functions. It's not just "testosterone = free muscles". What you cited completely ignores muscle growth stimulation or even any mention of how these hormones supposedly affects your hypertrophy.

>according to strength coach Jason Ferruggia
>says "more harm than good" without explaining shit

Honestly probably best to just not lift at all, just to stay on the safe side

Cut down silly isolation or rest shorter

Jesus just because a bunch of obese milk gargling "men" told you to rest for 5/8 minutes doesn't mean you should

I rest maximum 3 minutes and I squat 3.5 pl for reps/ dl 4.5 and bench 2.25

Haha, yeah. Also reduced risk of training related injuries by about 100%

>Jason Ferrugia

Holy shit, taking advice from this tool?

>roid lifter telling natty lifters not to train


mfw my dumb roommate genuinely believes this.