Attracted to older women as you age?

as you get older, do you find older women attractive? I am mid 30s, but still stuck looking at early 20s year old women that are now getting further out of my realistic reach.

Other urls found in this thread: Testosterone Affects the Booming Male Skin Care Market

i like older and thick women

old and dumb women?

Not really

Im 28 and im still looking at girls in their 20´s
Its not gonna change, girls age like crap and they keep their hard to catch mentality even as their market value tanks
No man is going to spend energy chasing older chicks

Like my granny

Source for this?

I read somewhere that your would-fuck age range increases as you age yourself, but of course that doesn't mean that your ideal would-fuck age changes.

now that Im older than 30 people who are under 21 seem like children to me. Real, real dumb.

While someone who is 21 or 22 might as well be the same as someone who is 30.

I think there is a real maturity level there between being an underclassman and being an upperclassman.

Also you were tricked into thinking normally attractive people were attractive because they were merely young. Add a few kids or a few years and they all look like thumbs. And the hot ones still look hot.

Fuck look at the gym with those toned 40 year old cardio bunnies. Those 20 year old hotties are hot but they are soft as fuck

WHO is this

Many guys would agree.

I'm 55 and all I do is add more women at the top of the range. None have fallen off the bottom since I was 17.

27. Looking at women in their 30s. Probably not exactly an average case. I hate young women because they remind me of my own youth.

oldfag here (34). No, you will still find younger girls the hotter. However, I am starting to find older women (and by older I mean roughly 30-35) a bit more attractive.

There's something about seeing an older woman that managed to stay attractive and in shape into their 30s that make them very appealing to me.

However, when you gotta choose, I would always go for the 20 year old. Also, if you keep fit, don't lose your hair and are an interesting person, you can -easily- bang girls 10-15 years younger than yourself, I've done it. The problem is personality. Back when I was 27, fuckin a 19-20 y/o was a ok (the chase before the catch), now I find it irritating.

A girl that's 20 when you're 34 is going to sound as dumb as fuck, if you can get through that, no problem. going for a gap higher than 10 years is asking for boredom outside the bedroom.

This. I would probably still jerk off to some 20 year old porn star in my late 60s.

>Implying there aren't shit tons of 20-something girls who love older men.


women age like milk

also the older they get the more they want to settle down

I have kinda been into the men that look 35-45 since I was 13-23, lel

>being a faggot with 13

Your parents must be great people

>being a female at 13

Your parents must be great people

I think some do...

You're older than me (I'm 26) but I think 24 year olds look best and I think 17 old girls look like children and it turns out I'm legit not a pedo.
When I was a teen, teens looked best, when I was 21, 20 year olds looked best. I suppose my ideal mate age will increase slower than my own age, but I expect to be preferring late 20's girls soon.

But maybe I'm a special case in that I don't like weak and impressionable women, so being mentally competent is important to me.

My mom's ait. My dad left

>consistent, reliable, rational to biology

>inconsistent, irrational, fickle

Graph confirms that younger women want a man who has his shit sorted out, while older women want a man with youth.


2nd this

And we all know that the men who took part in that study highballed it by two or three years.

>I'm actually really attracted to older women, however, that "fetish" stems from being abused at a young age by three older women
>When my parents found out what my babysitters did when i was from 8-11 years old, they couldn't control themselves.

>When my parents found out what my babysitters did when i was from 8-11 years old, they couldn't control themselves.
they nutted?

>The highest age men answered was 24

Christmas cakes BTFO

>Nope. My mom pretty much cried
>My dad talked to me and wanted me to get over it, to him it wasn't a big deal because they were "women"
>This was in russia at the time, and i think even in his day this was normal

Huh? Women on the graph want men their own age or slightly older

Pic related.

No, you only lower your standards, unless you're a rockstar or something

Yes, until they hit the wall

Even then they don't want young people

>Likes older men
>Daddy issues
Like clockwork

>daddy issues
Wat, I never knew him, how the fuck would I have daddy issues?

No, I've been catching myself eyeing teenage girls who just graduated high school

This has to be bait. You not ever knowing your father is a huge trigger for daddy issues.

That doesn't make sense.
Do people without siblings have sibling issues then?

lack of a father figure=father issues, are you stupid or something? a father is a fundamental part of a family.

You can not have siblings, everyone has a father.

yes single children are anti-social and disconnected.

Isn't father issues when you get raped by your dad or beaten or something? Either way, I just like older men because they're mature, have rugged looks and are more responsible.

I'm 32 fucking a 22 year old

Life is good

its also that yes, but its also because a part of your life is missing.

But also IMO, women tend to prefer
>I just like older men because they're mature, have rugged looks and are more responsible.

for those reasons, seems pretty normal really

It depends on the woman. I'd rather do an in-shape woman my age (40s) than an in-shape woman in her 20s. It's easy for a woman to be hot in her 20s. If she's hot in her 40s, she works out hard and has, probably since her 20s. That's a trend line you can bet on for the rest of her life.

3rd this

Young girls are so fucking stupid its impossible for me to stick my dick in them anymore

Chicks in their 30s or late 20s that are still hot means they are not only ambitious or at least not lazy, but they also have their shit together.

Everyone looks good at 21.

hey scoobs

If that's true that's kinda grossing me out

I'm an only child and one of the most outgoing and popular people in my city.

Sometimes I wished I had siblings tho

Father issues are problems that have anything to do with a father figure or lack of.

Why do you think so many niggers are killing each other in gangs

>D A D D Y

No, they want """""""established""""""" men. If a lonely 35-year-old woman met a 24-year-old young business professional, she would be falling over herself for him.

Her exact words, as she licked my ear in the Most nasty Nasty way dead smack in the middle of the day at the Flea market.

"I will *&^% You So hard, I will ..... she just kept repeating it.

I pussies out lol, Do not loser the chance if You get it.

I have a thing for women in their early to mid 30's. When I was 22, I had a comfy gf who was 33. I also like gentle femdom.

Think it's because my mom treated me like shit.

This feels accurate
I like girls who are 20-23
at 25 their skin starts to look like shit from years of makeup and usually get fat.
Women age horribly in general.


33 here and although girls aged 17-23 look fucking fantastic and I wouldn't hesitate to stick my dick in them, MY GOD they can't hold a conversation for shit. They literally talk in soundbites, like they're on Twitter, and use nigger slang constantly. There are probably exceptions, but holy fuck are they boring. The effort required to talk one into bed simply wouldn't be worth it, unless you're a jive-talking 30-something skater dude yourself and are operating on the same base level.

25 is my ideal age for girls now. Young enough to have some innocence and a figure, old enough to not be completely fucking retarded.


>Either way, I just like older men because they're mature, have rugged looks and are more responsible.
The rational response to those preferences would be to seek out men who are more rugged and mature than average, but still your own age. After all, if you use age as a "shortcut", you could end up with guys who are actually less mature than average for their age and are only ahead of you due to the gap. This is pretty obvious, no? Girls who prefer older guys are looking for a replacement daddy, but very few have the self-awareness to admit it.

If a young guy had those qualities it would also be attractive to me

Basically the features you find attractive are markers for age. It's not that the features you find attractive happen to be found in older men, it's that you're attracted to the features of older men. Or you're a super special snowflake that just happens to like the features of older men, but it's just a coincidence and has nothing to do with the reasons why billions of other women like older men. Sure, keep telling yourself that.

Finch is that you?

i like women who give it up easy. thats all i want in determining will i fuck them

>as you get older, do you find older women attractive?
I'm 36 and now I find early 20s women the worst of them all. Not worth the time and brain damage.
So it will be like 27-40 (if reasonably good) for me now.

Women are the ones.consistently picking guys of an appropriate age. If real, this graph only shows that guys are delusional perveted creepers till the day they die.

>yfw you realize you've been aging worse than all those girls you trash talk
Seriously, guys don't take care of themselves in general (moisturizer, sunblock, diet) and age like shit. Yet so many think its okay or allowed dor guys to age like shit, but hold women to a different standard. Wrinkles aren't rugged, they make me stare at you and think "lol what he's my age, but people will mistake him for my father".

You're close, but no tamale. Your brain doesn't finish developing until at least mid twenties (later for guys), and as such those.below 25 do act stupid; its because they aren't done physically developing yet. Guys going for the under 25 girls are overgrown children themselves

What happened? I could do with a good fap

My grandfather gave me one piece of wisdom before he died. He said

>The best thing about getting older is your range increases.

He meant that yes, older women get more attractive and that younger women stay attractive. The old lecherous bastard was right.

Yes. Also older women are superior. You know what you're getting with an older woman. If she's 35, fit, works hard on her appearance, she's been doing that a long time and will continue to do so. She also likely knows that she either wants kids ASAP or does not want them at all, the latter being superior. With a 20 year old, you have no idea what you're getting. People mature in their 20s too, and their wants and needs change. You knock up a hot 22 year old and 3 years later she's fat, lazy, and leaving you. But I am biased as I have always found 30-45 to be the hottest range of women.

unrelated to thread but I'm a 21 yo KV talking to 2 6.5s and I've been stalling on asking to meet up

I think I'll be fine hanging with them. I just dont wanna fuck up the eventual hookup. I have no idea how to escalate from chilling to fucking. Any tips, older bros?

All of those are signs of testosterone.
Male oriented hormones
>increase collagen fibers in skin, pores get bigger, more oil is secreted
>increased redness and puffiness around eyes/cheeks
>roughness and sensitivity to shaving due to thickening of skin lair
>hair growth increases
Having a feminine and soft looking face is a sign of low testosterone production, that's why women have softer less leathery skin. Testosterone Affects the Booming Male Skin Care Market

Women are less likely to find someone with a soft boyish face attractive. Women love the slightly older than their age group face.

Not that you shouldn't take care of your skin, but you don't be a fag and moisturize every single day and always put on sunblock.
If you're sunburnt or out in the sun a lot, yep you should moisturize regularly until it lessens.

Women however, put so many chemicals on their skin daily for years since they are in middle school that they eventually stop looking attractive at all without makeup.
Have you lived with a woman? (talking even platonic roommates).
Over the years you'll notice it as their skin goes through the same weathering process as male skin, except males are designed to be attracted to that softness.
Their answer is to add more makeup.

Only child syndrome is a thing

Come on, you seriously don't see how growing up without a male role model would affect your future relationships with men? An absence is still an influence.

Finding women at the peak of their reproductive ability most sexually attractive is deviant? Pssh, whatever, kid.


I'm 22 and I crave women who are 25+

older women may not have as flawless skin as younger girls, but there tends to be a lot less bullshit. you could have a 28 year old women who looks quite good and is pretty take u home after an hour of flirting. trying to fuck a 21 year old is marathon of dates, texting, if not commitment etc. just to get it in.

The exception here is college girl on campus, but even then its not as easy as the stereotypes imply.

Also older women are more sexually confident, arent afraid to try that little box of dom or a little butt play.

yeah but you have to question how they got to that age, being hot and still single. Something doesn't add up there. Unless she had very few significant relationships that ended because of unfortunate events, she's probably damaged goods inside. beware.


Any stats on that? Are you saying that all the women that like a clooney or a Nathan Fillion are suffering fatherly neglect or abuse?

that maybe because physical attractiveness for a female is her highest dating market value, while men can afford to have a few physical flaws if the make up for it with personality/money/status. Women cannot into this. I wouldn't give a flying fuck a woman was a CEO or drives a BMW, I'd only care that she has half a brain and she's hot.

Not really a valid concern, imho. It's more your own conjecture biased by your whore-tinted view of seeing the world.

Plenty of good career-focused or otherwise single 25-35 year olds out there that have a lot of the same problems that we do.

Most of us arent really autistic or forever alone, we're just not the best in social situations but plenty of us are educated and/or employed.

the dating scene is just harder for some than others.

am 24 and currently lust for a 32 year old
I'm attracted to her because of many things, but it's the balance of her maturity and life-embracing nature that I find attracted towards.

First of all if she's chilling at your house in the first place, you're pretty much in.

You're overthinking it. If you're alone with her, offer her something to drink ("would you like something to drink? water, coffee, or maybe something stronger?". Sit down with her, ask her about herself. Eventually both of you will laugh at something. After the laugh look into her eyes and just try to kiss her. From there make out with her. From there, undress each other, from there, etc.


I never had too much trouble finding women/girlfriends. I definitely know that if women actually want a man, the only thing they have to do is raise their hand. Unless they have ridiculously high standards, men will queue up to them, literally.

Career focused? Sure, that maybe one of the few exceptions, but it screams self-centered to me, which is no good for a girlfriend/wife.

Nah. I'm in my early 30s but still mostly fuck girls 19-22. Gonna be sad when I finish grad school and sexy undergrads aren't so abundant though. )^:

All the old bitches like 25+ are just worn and used up and usually have shit attitudes. They also get enormously butthurt when "their" dating pool (grad student guys) are all dating/fucking undergrads though lol it's pretty hilarious.

is this still going?

older girls arent just aging poorly, they are desperate to settle which is also a huge turnoff.

younger girls just want to fuck, which adds to their appeal.

>MFW I can't fuck a college degree.
>When feminism has poisoned the well.
>When entitlement meets the wall.
>When there is no way anyone can live up to their 100 point checklists lol
