You can only superset in a 5 foot radius.
If you are using the squat rack on one side of the gym and the bench the opposite wall, you're cancer

Other urls found in this thread:


don't use the mirror right behind me while I'm squatting

don't check my prostate with both your hands on my shoulders.


I always circuit train from one side of the gym to the other, and if someone tries to take my equipment I tell them I'm using it. What are you gonna do about it beta?

No stepping on the platform when it is in use.

Use the equipment anyways.

This, I've fucked up so many circuits.

>if someone's doing a circuit I use their equipment on purpose
>I'm not even big

Fucking this nearly dropped 200lbs on some fucking stupid college bitch who walked underneath me while I was snatching.

DO NOT wear basketball shorts to the gym.

>go to gym with buncha chinese people (I'm korean)

Chinese people especially in this specific area don't understand personal space an don't give you room in tiny barbell area.



Bed wetter. I'd kick your little 2.5 pound barbells out of the way while I did my set.

>paying attention to what other men wear at the gym

Kick your stupid dumbbells out of the way and do my compounds.

Come get some, milk drinker.

This is why this guy keeps coming back. He thrives on (you)'s.

Cute, keep imagining your alphas boys, I'll just be here fucking all your girlfriends.


Jokes on you I'm gay

Rerack your weights when you have finished your workout.

Right guys?

You may use up to three sets of dumbbells at a time, however they should be significantly different weights, and really two sets is much more recommended if you don't want to look like a douche.

You must fill me with your cum before leaving the changing room

Dont say 'hello' to me

im here to train not to fucking greet random strangers

Get fucked beta


Saw a guy yesterday at the gym. Must have been early 40s?

This girl was using a barbell. Not paying attention, but think she was doing some squats. He says something to her, again didn't really catch what was said, but she moved away to the squat rack. Does some squats there. He comes over and offers her a foam pad to put over the bar. She thanks him, but then moves away again.

Same guy then helps another guy with dumb bell chest press.

A nice guy then, but to pushy.

I never do this. Such a waste of time. But desu i'm not bothered when I have to look around for some weights. Who gives a fuck.

wat te fuk Veeky Forums added a random "desu" to my post?


> does circuit training
> thinks he's alpha

I've had that before. I'm thinking it's a word filter?

And fuck you for not reracking Weights. Why wouldn't you keep the place tidy for the next person. It's not fucking hard!


step over a barbell

Tbh ... just testing

Don't talk to me while I'm at the middle of the set

Make those ramadan gains muhammed

If there is turf (for prowlers, farmer's walks, yoke/sandbag/keg carries, tire flips, sprints etc) then DO NOT DO YOUR MOBILITY DRILLS THERE. You can do deadbugs or bear crawls literally anywhere else.

baka desu senpai

If you're supersetting at all, you're cancer.

faggot, why shouldn't I do some cable curls while I rest 1 minute for my next set of facepulls
wasting time on your accessory like that is retarded


The fact that you're doing cable curls or face pulls at all makes you a goddamn idiot.

work out at home


if you have to make up rules in your head to hate everybody around you at a gym, you are cancer.

this you most of you Veeky Forumsfags in 20 years. When the crippling reality sets in and you realize that you've wasted your whole life, have no friends, no spouse, no kids, no reason for existing, only the gym. You go, and you see other people, you want to help, you want them to need you, to appreciate what you do for them. They only tell you to fuck off.

Don't let it happen anons, don't be that guy.


why desu?

did those boogie shitposts get to you?

>cable curls

why would you ever do this when there are like fifty (50) dumbbells

barbell is the gym's waifu, show some fucking respect.

idk, russian olypic weightlifting gyms do that

I never knew this, thanks user

this meme has been so forced i went to walmart and bought 4 pairs of basketball shorts solely for use at the gym

stepping over a barbell is bad luck. 7 weeks with no gains

Quints of truth desu

Do whatever the fuck you want, don't be some beta pussy who's afraid of what everyone else thinks.
>tfw I do barbell wrist curls in the squat rack at the end of my pull workout
>tfw besides one powerfatty giving me a nasty look until I caught his eye and he turned away sharply no-one's said or done a single thing

I'm not in Russia so if I see someone autistically go around a barbell to do stuff I would assume he is from Veeky Forums?


Shut the fuck up just don't do it. A serious athlete will most defo give you shit for it.

kill yourself, face pulls are great for rear delts

>A serious athlete
So a fat """""powerlifter"""""?


t. newfag

Don't be brown.

So are deadlifts.



Gym etiquette #1: If you use the free weights, PUT THEM BACK. Your mom doesn’t work there.

Gym etiquette #2: ASK to work in. Do not just jump on equipment, especially if a there’s a water bottle, bag, phone, towel, keys or person anywhere near the item you wish to use. Someone could be super-setting. It’s RUDE to do so without asking first.

Gym etiquette #3: Do not SIT on equipment between sets. Do not sit on equipment while on your phone. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. It’s not your personal office chair.

Gym etiquette #4: Do not lift dumbbells AT THE RACK, thus blocking everyone else. Common fucking sense. Step back. Way back.

Gym etiquette #5: Try to avoid working out directly in front of someone who is already using the mirror. It’s called checking form. Form 'mirin is more important than weight when working out. (It’s not what you lift/do, it’s HOW you lift/do it.)

Gym etiquette #6: Did I mention re-racking your weights? Oh, I did. Well, fucking DO IT. This means YOU, Leg Press Guy Who Leaves Plates Fully Loaded And Then Just Walks Away.

Gym etiquette #7: Too much cologne, perfume…cigarettes…just don’t fucking STINK. Being on a packed treadmill section near you is absolutely nauseating. It can also be quite dangerous for those who have breathing issues and trigger asthma attacks.

Gym etiquette #8: Wipe down equipment consciously. WOMEN DO NOT WANT TO SIT ON WET FUCKING SEATS FULL OF CHEMICALS! Stick to wiping handles and sweaty backs. Don’t wipe it and leave it wet for the next person to sit on. Fucking ick.

Gym etiquette #9: Do not judge others’ workouts. They could be working around an injury, disability or simply doing the best they can.

Gym etiquette #10: Do not judge fit people as vain – or heavy people as lazy. We are all in there for the same reason. Everyone wants to get healthier, better ourselves and have a nice, hard stomach and ass. Probably not in that order.

Quints confirm.

>racking weights

>Gym etiquette #3: Do not SIT on equipment between sets. Do not sit on equipment while on your phone. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. It’s not your personal office chair.
boy I bet your head would explode if you walked into my gym

lol fuck off nerd

>Do not SIT on equipment between sets. Do not sit on equipment while on your phone. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. It’s not your personal office chair.
1-2 mins in between sets on your phone is fine



I read manga in between sets, fuck you

>dubs+quints of truth

I'll do kettle bell swings behind you so it looks like we are doing anal.

Cable curls are dog shit, face pulls are good

Put my towel soaked in ball sweat down where your head goes. If you like that, I'm on Kik so hit me up later. I call bottom .

Did your squat plug fall out again, Karen?

Nobody cares what you do with the 2.5 lbs weights, you cuck.

DIAF. You are the cancer.

Some of the rules are on the fucking wall of the gym. Still it's just common sense not to walk up to someone and grind your balls on their face while you dB press.

You tried

baka desu senpai

desu - desu
baka - baka
senpai - senpai
cuck - kek


Tip the qt receptionist once a while

Got me a date out of it


Don't walk by someone who's squatting

Don't speak to me during the middle of my set

Don't dramatically run over if I'm struggling with bench press or something like you saved my life when you're half the size I am

Don't take weights next to where I'm working out without asking


>Do not SIT on equipment between sets. Do not sit on equipment while on your phone. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. It’s not your personal office chair.
fuck off, i'm resting, i'll sit wear i want
want to work in? be a big boy and ask

This. If I'm resting for a minute between a set, to expect me to clear off each time is ridiculous.

Asking to work in with me, that's fair enough.

one guy at my gym sits his water bottle and towel on one bench press, and sits on another bench press to rest between sets while he's doing squats

Number 2 and 3 directly contradict each other moron

im never stepping over a barbell ever again

What the fuck made you think you were allowed to write this? You clearly do not people, and I can only assume you also do not public gym.

First off, fucking kill yourself for even daring, an I do suppose actually accomplishing, a travesty of this fucking magnitude. The first step was also your last step.

1) Shut the fuck up and focus on your workout.
2) If you aren't on the equipment (or getting water / towels) you gave it up.
3) Shut the fuck up and focus on your workout.
4) Shut the fuck up and focus on your workout. If I see some dude doing heavy ass shrugs and he wants to do that shit all of four inches away from the rack I could give a fuck. I can give the man a minute or two to crank out some heavy ass weight.
5) This is the polite thing to do, not the necessary thing. Checking form...with your bitch ass... Feel your form faggot. If that grinding sound in your ears is your spinal cord and not your teeth, you might wanna adjust. You don't need a mirror for that.

6) You need to be choked. Focus on your fucking workout. I don't give a fuck where I pull the plates from when I need them, so long as it doesn't interrupt the 2hrs of peace merciless god has allotted me per day.
7) Move you dumb bitch. Leave you dumb bitch. Somebody stinks and you can't take it? Hit the elliptical today. Do the stairs. Go lift for 30 fucking minutes then come back to the treadmill. Breathe through your fucking mouth.
* I am starting to get the feeling that you are some spoiled egocentric tart in desperate need of penis.
8) Shut the fuck up. Again, this is polite...not necessary. Is it gross to sit in another person cold sweat? Yeah, but how the fuck often to you sit down without looking? I wipe off equipment I haven't used yet because MRSA. I wipe it off when I'm done because if you fucking bother me while I'm flying high off 8 scoops Johnny Law is gonna fuck up my gym schedule.
9) Nobody thinks about you buttercup. If folks are staring and laughing you are probably fucking up. If you aren't fucking up (not you personally, you must be) then pat yourself on the back. In a rare show of mercy cruel god has seen fit to grant you haters who are actually in close physical proximity to your weak flabby body. What more motivation could you need than this? Are you really gonna let that weight drop now?
10) Nobody gives a shit about you. Go to the gym. Find a swolebro. Spread your arms. Ask him what he thinks about your flabby body. Watch CAREFULLY as he looks at you as if he never even noticed you had one. Walk away. KYS.

It needs to be all lowercase

desu I'm just testing

lel dumbass #3 could easily be fixed by applying #2
>ASK to work in.

Fucking idiot.

If you're doing any decent amount of pushing, you need face pulls or anything else that isolates scapular retraction.

Seriously, the number of idiots on Veeky Forums that are anti-isolation period is insane. You can't do everything with HURR DURR SQUAT/BENCH/DEADLIFT ALL YOU NEED.

Accessory and isolation work has their place. They're extremely important for maintaining muscle balance and overall joint health.

Do a lot of pressing? Follow it up with a couple very high-rep sets of curls and facepulls to protect your elbows and shoulder health.
