My voice is shit

I'm 22 but don't sound like a male at all.

How do I sound more like a man?

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I also had that problem, I tried whispering it makes my voice sound deeper and mysterious. I think the ladies like it although I cant really confirm that.

Tie a rope tightly around your neck. It helps compress the voice box and tighten the muscles.

If your lucky a nice heavy tren cycle will help you out

It probably wont tho.

Try this:

become boxe world champion and love pidgeons

>Have a campy voice
>Everyone assumes I'm a homo when they first meet me.

I mean they assume correctly, but it's the principle lads.

Put man things in your mouth and down your throat

years of heavy androgen use
you might not unlock Rich fucking Piano kind of voice but it will improve 1 000 000 %

Ronnie Coleman, Mike Tyson. Big black men, AAS use, feminine voices.

Shawn Ray too.

Grab onto your dick when you talk

I have a deep booming voice but I have a lisp, severe cruelty, hate the way I speak

this sounds gay as fuck but it's actually correct.

drink hard liquor and smoke, your voice will get deeper.

Smoke cigarettes (yes, i know that theyre bad) and practice talking through the back of your throat and chest. It's hard to articulate, but it makes your voice deeper and louder.

Recently had a gurl say that just hearing my voice over the phone made her wet. Also, i think other guys respect you more because you don't sound like a bitch.

Honestly....roid. I can't remember what oral possibly anavar but your voice will drop and you'll sound waaay more masculine.

Other than that no other way.

>tfw honestly can't say if my voice is deep or not
Sometimes it's sounds like I have a very deep voice, sometimes it sounds like I have a nosey high pitched voice

yep not gonna fucking risk it if 1 guy's voice out of 1000 doesn't change. that means it's not effective


Vocaroo OP, let me hear it

Say: "I'm a man god damnit, hear my roar *optional roar*"

Breathe into your balls

It's genetic, depends on how much did your larynx grew in your puberty under the influence of androgens.

Don't know why it's not a meme here
>Voicelets, when will they learn?

You sound like a normal male, it could be way worse bro.

Only somewhat related, but does anybody know a good way to increase vocal clarity and stop mumbling? I want to be able to speak more clearly as part of my journey of self-improvement.

So what? Mike Tyson doesn't sound like Mike Tyson looks either. He will still fuck you up and rape your wife.

I record myself reciting monologues.

Joining toastmasters is the GOAT though, only $62 and you get to practice speeches in front of an audience, as well as tons of constructive feedback. 10/10

Straight bourbon and cigarettes

Also go inna woods and scream for half an hour everyday


Fucking Rofl
>I think the ladies like it although I cant really confirm that.

Step 1: take book
Step 2: read book out loud


This but exaggerate your lips when you speak

kek, when your accent comes out randomly

get text to speech

Suck a Cock 5x3