Pay the doorman to step outside

All escapes have costs, drinking, smoking, drugs, hookers, binge eating ect.

Some cost more than others (in both cash and gains) but there seems to be no shortage of deeply unhappy people on Veeky Forums;

So when you need an escape for a while, either from a fucked up event or just constant, overwhelming depression and you decide to make the trade of gains for relief,

>What is the best escape possible for the lowest gains cost?



Moksha or Bikram

Watching anime and reading manga. Literally free if you know how to use torrents or streams and online readers.

I don't want to be 100% happy. I get complacent. I've actually gone through a long period of complacency and it wasn't good.

Complacency is death. Gotta keep hungry brahs

LSD combined with meditation will no joke get you on buddhist monk level. Also maybe look into microdosing


I've been trying to look into this, how long do you do it for?

What's a good resource to learn meditation?

>inb4 mindfulness in plain english, fuckin depresses me

>Complacency is death

I don't really engage in substance abuse (sorry if that came off as sounding edgy) to cope with feeling low. Not for lack of trying, though - It's just that whatever I smoke or drink or eat has the unpleasant bitter taste of misery to it, so while I know that at some point I'll be too wasted to care, it's only after a relatively long descent into further misery that I get my moment of relief.
Instead, I try to give my body or my mind a task to concentrate on, to shut out that which makes me feel low. I could lift, run, swim, dive, shoot, bike, climb, clean, cook, learn or build, and come out with more than a headache or hoarse throat. The very act of using your body or mind to achieve something is almost like an act of meditation in itself.

These are interesting suggestions to be sure.
Maybe I was too quick to think a "release" had to be self destructive. I think that's the type of person I've always been.

My pre-lift-life was based around drinking, smoking and literal self injury. For everything that the gym gives me, it feels like all my vices disappeared at once.
Leaving no escapes in the event they're needed.

I'd ruined my body far before I built it. Everything I do is in the hopes of not damaging it any further.

Well, you build a tolerance to LSD pretty fast, so I'd go light once a week.

If you start going light (1/4th-1/8th of a tab) once a week you could avoid building a tolerance, but why not go a full dose once a week at that point.

You could do it daily-but most people build a quick tolerance to the stuff if they use it more than twice in three days.

Also, because of how rare it is it's hard to just get it. I'd get a month's supply and try that out with microdosing a quarter-tab daily.

Don't do this, he's a fuckhead.

500ug and be done with it. You'll be as "enlightened" as you can get.

The op has probably already done a heroic dose. Might as well give microdosing a try.

I smoke weed everyday.
Life has improved vastly since.

Gardening is fun too. Very little cost, relaxing, it makes you feel creative and it's very rewarding to then eat what you grew. Would reccomend.

This. I'm growing super hot chillies and it takes up a bunch of time and relaxes me like fug.

Care to explain?

My escapist vice is cheating on my girlfriend. When life gets me down, I hit tinder, or go to a bar, find a reasonably attractive girl and bang the shit out of her a few times, then I go back to my boring and depressing life for a few months before I repeat.