Any weebs here able to tell a story how they got Veeky Forums and what their struggle was?

Any weebs here able to tell a story how they got Veeky Forums and what their struggle was?

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just imagine yourself as a Shonen Protagonistuu and if you lift and brood long enough ur waifu will come to you

just posting to see what this post was

Haven't made it yet but I was always too shy to go to the gym. Eventually I said fuck it and it wasn't all that bad. I only go in the evenings though since I'm more confident then.

I've been going for 2 1/2 months now 4 times a week without an excuse not to go even once. Kinda proud of myself senpai.

>tfw not sure whether i want to be musle man or cute anime girl

>be weeb
>stop being a weeb
Alternatively just kill yourself desu


daijobu senpai i will

Going to the gym is easier than learning Nip.

What's wrong with being a sickcunt weeb?

>be weeb
>now be buff weeb

What's wrong about being a weeb anyways? Unless you watch moe shit, then you are scum

I did it for him.

Holy fuck an undine uniform would accentuate my 3plate ATG squatting ass so well.
No homo.

follow your dreams user


I lift for my Stern.


Good job, user-san. Keep it up

Gurren Lagaan was inspiring and kinda got me started on the path to bettering myself.

The trick is to just keep going, nigga. No matter how many times you mess up. Partied too hard? Don't throw a baby fit and give up for good. Try and do better tomorrow.

If some perma-fatty who did nothing but sit at a computer from the ages of 6 to 20 can change himself into something that looks almost normal, you fucking can too, user. You just need to start. It'll take time, yeah, but that's the price you gotta pay. It took 5, or 10, or 20 years to get you to as fat as you are now, it's not going to take a month to undo.

Just. Fucking. Start.

You don't need to be super meathead gymbro to start out with. You don't need to run 5 miles every day in addition to going to the gym for 5 hours. Hell, for the fat weebs, you don't even need to step into the gym. Just changing your diet will be enough to help you lose weight...cut out the junk food, stop eating Mcdonalds for every meal, stop drinking soda, etc.

Make small improvements first, those are the things that stick. Then, when those small things have become a habit, you build on those things.

Each small improvement gets you a little bit closer to your goal, and before you know it, two years of small improvements have turned into a massive life change.

Just fucking start, user.

He gets sadder all the time.

TD;LR on this comment: Get on the fucking Treadmill Shinji.


Keep it up bro

>like wrestling
>like anime

Motivation comes too easy.

>was always skinnyfat gril
>want to do a cosplay of a fit girl
>feel inadequate and want to achieve something in my life
>go from doing one sport a week to gym three times a week
>slowly making it

>wanted to do Jojo cosplay
>end up just wanting to get my numbers up

Thanks Veeky Forums

>be a lazy ass all my life
>172lbs/78kg skinny fat with most of it on belly
>almost hit 200lbs/90kg at my worst in a massive depression and lost it again, all within ~6months
>decide to use my neet money to buy some equipment, too shit for gym
>start out benchpressing, weak as fuck, even doing 3x5 with 55lbs/25kg made me break out a little sweat
>continue to increase weight 11lbs/5kg a week, work out with it 3 times a week
>55lbs/25kg >> 66lbs/30kg >>> 77lbs/35kg
>start to feel the weight after workout, feel stronger each week but have to take smaller staps with 5.5lbs/2.5kg now
>continue all the way to 121lbs/55kg, feel great, 1plate soon!
>stuck at 121lbs/55kg for almost 8 weeks, depression comes again, train less and less and ultimately give up

I am. I'm going to cosplay as Akira next year at AX and outlift all the Jojofags there.

>playing MMORPG'S and watching anime frim 10yo
>25 now
>had a daughter when I was 23
>Been lifting for a year and a half
>still play video games and watch anime weekly
I just found someone to lift for. After about 5 months I really enjoyed it for myself. Now it's just a habit. I figure if I could spend hours on end playing games and watching fagime I can spend just as long in the gym.

I find the image of a buff masculine dude kawaii girl desu on his shirt to be wonderful and I want to make it a reality

Watch out for Athena
The public enemy of Neo-Venezia #1
She is the woman responsible for...

Messing up Alice's autism games
Becoming prima before Akira
Toying with Alice's emotions
Being a lazy cunt
Lying about her having amnesia
Messing with President Aria
Playing with garbage to mess with President Aria
Being in Orange Planet
Being black
Not showing up to swim with her friends and kouhai on the island
Giving unallowed double promotion to Alice
Forcing Alice to sing
Being rude to Aika when her hair caught fire
Quitting undine to become an opera slut
Taking 2 seasons to reconcile her feelings with Alice
Being one of the 3 Great Faeries just because she could sing
Asking Alicia for marshmallows in her cocoa
Forcibly taking President Maa from where Alice hid him
Making Alice cry
Taking Alice's loneliness for granted
Blackmailing Hal Films into skipping the Marriage of the Sea chapter
The making of Avveniere
Making both of her seiyuus die
Causing the slow scanlation of Amanchuu
Making DeadFish only batches available
Encouraging /u/ shitposting in Aria threads

Her ultimate goal is to kill Aria.
However, you can stop her. Spread this list!

are you me?

>couldn't decide to bulk or continue cutting
>saw this pic
yeah I think I'll keep cutting holy fuck

Basically I just got sick of spending all of my free time watching anime and being a lazy skinnyfat. Now I only spend most of my free time watching anime.

This too. If I ever decide to channel my inner autism and reveal my powerlevel or do some cosplay, I want to be able to pull it off without showing up in a cringe thread.

It just came to a point for me when enough was enough so I manned the fuck up and start doing something about myself.