Veeky Forums
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Health #378
Continue bulking or cut?
2months lifting
He did it, the madman. You doubted him. Here it is:
It's genetix
Where should I go get my cheat meal from? I don't want to spend more than 15$
Lifting is an absolute waste of time
Why are short guys so aggressive?
Walk in gym
Why do people treat us like idiots when we decide to lose weight?
Lighter weights just as effective as heavier weights to gain muscle, build strength, research shows
ITT: yfw a PT says pic related is superior to OHP
Beginner Program
What's the upper limit to how many I can eat a day? I'm addicted, they make me feel so good
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Want to lean out
Seeing people you used to know at the gym
Bank teller said I look like her ex-boyfriend
With the last meal I am at the total of 1100 calories for today you faggots. Calorie deficit Veeky Forumsizens report in
Home Gym Master Race / Winning At Life
Look at photos of myself from 2 years ago
How do I get the lower abs? Do I have to much fat?
No fat hate?
Suppose to be cutting because I'm a fatfuck
Alpha gym music
Why aren't you Veeky Forums yet?
First Responder Routines
Joining a biggest loser competition. Problem is I'm down 24lbs since march and don't have that much excess to lose
8 time Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman has just passed away
Can someone fill me in on why Jason Blaha gets so much dislikes and hate on his videos...
I went to work today
Reading "beginner" workout routine
How am I supposed to measure the calories in a fruit salad?
The amount of people who are treating "taking a walk" or "going to the park" as a novel concept right now is fucking...
"protein powder"
Got fit-shamed by women in the Gym
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Power Rack & Home Gyms
How do I enter swole mountain goat mode?
I hate eating so fuck damn much
How Do I Into Alpha Mode?
Haven't been to the gym in 3 months
ITT: God Tier Cutting Foods
David Laid
How the fuck do we stop this shit?
/QTDDTOT/- Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
The carb discussion
How did they get ripped so fast?
Meet girl
So i asked this last night but got no reply so ill try again
What's your max dumbell bench compared to your max bench?
Rich Piana colabs with Jason Genova in Florida - Part 1
Why didn't anyone ever tell me that it was this easy?
Tell gf I wouldn't want her if she got fat
Choose ONE - no money grubbing faggots edition
Bros I just got done FUCKING my brown girlfriend
Sup guys, on my first sarms cycle. Doing a 16 week
How to stop fapping?
Beef or Chicken,... best protein
Vegans BTFO
Are oats the biggest a meme food?
Ex just uploaded bikini pics to instagram
"Ugh, user, you aren't really going to spend all day posting on Veeky Forums instead of hanging out with me, are you?"
tfw only 6'7
What advice (workout or social) would you give to a 16 year-old?
Ok faggots I need your help
How do I keep Pokemon Go from killing my gains?
Veeky Forums confirmed btfo
Who here /nofap/?
Drawn in to the backdrop here
M/20 years old
Am I doing the Keto diet right?
2,4 Dinitrophenol General
Have I hit ottermode yet?
What are the most alpha fetishes and why?
How low
/fraud/ general
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Where do I buy steroids Veeky Forums? I live in Texas and I don't know anyone that sells them
Why don't you smoke Veeky Forums?
Why are you idiots still lifting weights like african slaves when you could look like this with just bodyweight...
How much do I need to benchpress to get out of friendzone? Pic related
Anybody else here lift because they are a male rape victim?
Has ON whey gone down hill in the last few years or has MTS whey spoiled me?
Other Interests
Choose ONE
What's Veeky Forums's official backpack?
Pain in forearm while curling
Yfw the "overweight neckbeard" meme is dead
Who is the guy with a woman's ass?
How does one develop his chest without getting man tits?
Come join our active Veeky Forums whatsapp group
Anyone else had a labrum tear and then got it repaired and got back into lifting?
Post guilty pleasure songs you have on your workout playlist
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
Outta her league
Post YFW your favorite running spot gets invaded by Pokemon Goers
Being able to 1/2/3/4 is considered a milestone
How do I become good at sex?
Pushup thread
How fast is too fast when it comes to losing weight, Veeky Forums?
Cycles of Men
Lifting and 420
Prove that you know better music for sport than power/speed metal
Bros, my GF can't lose weight. She's 5'2" 142lbs ( that she carries remarkably well )...
Why is this even allowed? It's a fucking IPF, not a local high-school powerlifting meet in some shithole...
Bodyweight training
Who here making it?
Fried fucking eggs
Itt:people newfags don't know
Gym crush general
BBC tests spot reduction
/Nofap/ roll
'That nearly killed me.The pressure on my body was surreal. I passed out after. I had nose bleeds...
Do you think that Veeky Forums persons are more likely to be racist?
ITT: Convince me not to roid
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
How big are his arms?
Welcome to Pepe's Gym
Protein while dieting?
3 weeks ago
Been doing 10 rep sets for 9 months now and think I'm starting to plateau...
Post your girlfriend or wife. This is my wife for 4 months now. We're both 20
Are you abIe to meet these standards?
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that dont deserve their own thread
You can only have one food each cheat day for the rest of your cut
/who devilish here/
Do you prefer Veeky Forums girls yourself?
Thoughts on ECA Stacks?
Motivational Quotes thread
Can we all agree that fapping in any shape or form is bad for you?
Reminder that no matter how much you lift it's all about the FACE
Just started at gym
Tfw literal M2F trannies look more masculine than you
What was your height at 16 Veeky Forums?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
People who are so intimidated by squats they'll use any excuse to avoid them
Tell me about your father, Veeky Forums
One of the trainers at the gym is a DYEL even by normie standards
Good gym feel
Sup Veeky Forums?
Any anons would like to share their stories of how they were beta at first and are slowly becoming alphas...
Acne and Skin Care
Any pills that increase appetite?
What do you do when a girl checks you out at the gym?
/mirin/ general
Tfw no qt to mire dem gains
Anyone here skate?
Why haven't you accepted the vasectomy lifestyle?
How to increase HGH/TEST/Maximise gains and your well being MEGATHREAD
Can anyone here dunk or touch the rim on a basketball net, if you can post stats
6 foot and above CBT
That guy who rests for 5 minutes between sets
ITT we post our gym sayings
Cheating /frauds/ Generally
Good feels
I can't even rep 215 deadlift 5 times
Tfw gf is a virgin
Pic related creator of six pack shortcuts
Get those test levels up
How long would it take for a slim, but very out of shape girl who can't even do single push-up get to a pull-up
New Obama Gym pictures
Has anyone else completely abandoned aesthetics and now just wants to look strong
Anyone else here who has seen the light and startet intermittent fasting in order to reveal dem sweet gains...
Getting hotter than GF
Been thinking about adding isometrics into my lifts. Gymnasts use it and are jacked as fuark
Routine General, bitch
He shaves his pubic hair every week in hopes he'll get laid at the gym
Who is/was the most shredded person EVER?
Walking at a normal pace doesn't count as cardio, right...
Man, bodyweight stuff is alright
Bad structure, what's the point
Anyone on Veeky Forums use this stuff for gaining weight? Does it work? Any cons I should know about?
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
Who here /military/?
He has a shitload of clickbait title vids but I've watched a few of them and they seem really legit...
Proof you're not a broscientist
Do you eat to lift, or lift to eat?
New CBT Current body thread
Want to wear sweatpants
I need to work on my ass. After my kids everything got flabby. Name me a series of exercises to work them out
Convince me the dad bod isn't the best bod
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Alright losers we all know you're doing it
I'm considering only showering once a week, does anyone have experience with infrequent showering/bathing?
General Festival Thread
Any tips on helping me lose this in 30 days? I don't want to be overweight anymore...
ITT: Protein what protein powder you use and why?
How much can a gorilla deadlift?
Goal body thread
Should I go for it, Veeky Forums?
ITT we discuss what breads we prefer/avoid for cutting, bulking, nutrition
Has anyone else quit squats and deads? havent dont either in 2+ years
Anyone else here only care about money and the only reason they lift is for aesthetics that may help you make money and...
You lift and get 4-6s
Hot to land the Hot chick
Smoothie thread
Running thread!
Fat people hate/FPH thread
Besides lifting, what other activities do yo do with bae?
Weed and Lifting
Why are the majority of men from this generation such fucking losers?
Why do other potatoes even exist?
Every girl I speak to mentions she has a boyfriend within 5 minutes of me meeting her
Hi tough guys I'm tired of dicking around on the net will someone just give me a meal plan guaranteed to make me gain...
In the media, why aren't men held to the same standards in media as women?
Ed Hall's pull yesterday
Be 29 year old kissless virgin
Gym has 9+2÷1/4-1 squat racks
What do you wear to the gym?
Was Socrates natty?
Jon Skywalker thread
Depressed brah
To people who are afraid of shitty bars snapping
Is jelqing worth it?
Would you rather have a girlfriend with a 10/10 face and 7/10 body or 7/10 face and 10/10 body?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Caleb hart is so big because he lifts
Who here preps meals for the week?
A GALLON of milk per day?!
Tfw no qt petite gf that I can pick up in bed and fug in different positions
Tfw you started lifting for women
Goal / inspiration thread
You work out user?
Drive pic related in a mine
Fuck is wrong with my posture?
I've always been a fatty, but now at 24 i've started to get fit...
What beards go best with a fit body?
That guy who scribbles in his logbook after each exercise
How much protein powder do i need per day?
If there is no god TELL ME WHO CREATED THIS!?
What do you think about the feeder/fat fetish??
Is it possible for a fit man to not be treated as a sex object?
Tank tops
Lost my bro
Routine general
What do you do when you see a halfrepper?
Is this achievable natty?
Steroids for Seniors
Is Ryan Reynolds natty?
Cutting for 1.5months
Start taking 50mg of zinc for fitness
What hobbies do you have Veeky Forums?
High Bar vs Low Bar
From last cut and now. Opinions?
What do you use for shaving, Veeky Forums?
It's my birthday, but since I have no friends I'll just get drunk on my own, and I won't go to the gym today... also...
Which sport will help me the most in a street fight?
Long pants for deadlift
Why don't celebrities lift
Motivation for Beginners
Skeleton Gains
I'm looking for a cheap alternative of a power rack. Any suggestions?
Could you beat him in a fight, Veeky Forums?
/fraud/ general
Something like (pic related) would really help me with drinking water a day...
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that dont deserve their own thread
Posture Problems
What mode is this?
What the fuck is Crossfit?
Is targeting calves a meme?
Women being retarded in the gym trying to look sexy instead of exercising thread
I'll never be a manly man :(
Any whore mongers here?
Will boxing teach me how to fuck people up?
Your new god
How fucked are you
Intense workout
Why is Veeky Forums so bad lately?
Sup Veeky Forums what should I do
Would Veeky Forums ever agree to appear on an episode of Dating Naked?
How many pull ups can you do?
CBT clothes on addition + game
Well Veeky Forums what's her name?
Go to Walmart
Current Body Thread
He doesn't have a post-workout beer
Praise to satan
Do gyno pills actually get rid of gyno? Or are they snake oil and surgery is my only option
6'8 340 lbs. Posted myself before. Long story short people keep saying to work out and lose weight for ME and me ONLY...
Why is everyone at the gym so anti social?
Yuka Kinoshita
What excercises should I do Veeky Forums
Give me one reason why you aren't outside getting your weekly cardio in with Pokemon Go? No excuses...
Your height
Lifting and boxing?
Well fuck
Fat Thread?
Why you'll never hit your natty potential
Anyone here opt for bodyweight workouts?
1. Your age
Dennis Wolf
Cutting fucking sucks
Serious thread
Serious question
Who /cold showers/ here?
I don't get it, what is so special about Zyzz?
Which sport has the sexiest girls?
Walk in gym
H-high test brehs?
If you had to pick only 3 exercises to look the most 'sthetic, what would they be?
Frequent Urination
I finally developed a nutsack to buy these. Will run 250/week for 8 weeks what should I expect m90s
User, it's great you lift & take care of yourself but do you even have your own place? Or a job that pays? Or friends?
Hey guys i'm starting a 10 day fast. is there anyhting i should kno?
Tfw taking a stinky protein dump at a BBQ with hotties outside the bathroom waiting for you to leave
Holy shit is this pic real? Frank Yang is a cuck?
Besides, lifting, what gives your life meaning?
Why do black people usually have the most muscle?
Gym Rules
How long does it take to get this results ?
Motherfucking Shoe time goddamit
True or false
Pic related is 5'4" and currently 127lbs as illustrated on the far right pic
What's the secret to retard gains?
Should I take up pipe smoking Veeky Forums? Started joking about it with my brother a few weeks ago...
Would you rather live a normal average life or live as Zyzz and die at the age he did?
What are the actual benefits of eating clean?
That guy who does curls even though he can't squat twice his bodyweight
Reading Starting Strength is easily the best thing any beginner can do. This isn't debatable, but a friendly reminder
/plg/ - Powerlifting GO! General
How to prépare for the air force?
Decline bench
If you can't put the weight down, don't pick it up!
Veeky Forums Music thread
What does Veeky Forums listen to when they lift
>he watches other guys fuck girls on the internet
Is my body type still "twink"?
Do you guys actually find bodies like this attractive or is it just a meme?
Its over... we're finished, our reign has come to an utter halt.. We cant fucking compete with this, we just cant. Guys...
Is it possible for a human to achieve this mode and if so how?
Europe's Strongest Man
Family Height Thread
What songs do you listen to at the gym
What's your multivitamin supplements do you use?
What does Veeky Forums buy for groceries?
Egg thread
This guy saves your life
EZ mode push-up thread last 2 digits
Isn't it wrong to try to get a beautiful girlfriend? Ugly people have feelings too...
Good feels thread
Not listening to audiobooks and podcasts while lifting and training
Dick health general
Why do white people think this is a healthy breakfast?
How does one kill:
Bad feels general
Rest time
I'm going to be a pirate
I spoke 5-7 cigarettes a day (not much I know) and I'm thinking of switching to vaping. Fedora, I know...
Hey Veeky Forums
Be Honest
Who will you pick Veeky Forums?
When did it become "cool" to eat unhealthy...
Tfw a girl likes you
Just caught this Pokemon at the beach a few minutes ago. Does cardio on sand burn more calories?
Who is this?
Current year
Official /Straightedge/ thread
Who is your motivation/goal Veeky Forums?
How much can you bicep curl?
How can I learn to stop caring so much what other people think about me?
28 y/o
That guy who yawns between sets
How to stop porn addiction? fit?
What are some 100% natties out there? I'm trying to think of what peak natty would look like...
You're stranded on a desert island for 2 years
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that dont deserve their own thread
Sumo deads
I'm just gonna leave this here
Didn't see a progress thread. Let's make a progress thread
Pokemon Go Thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
She is trying to take away my gains. Guys but why should I lift though still?
Be me
Tricep Tendonitis
So how old were you when you realised tattoos were stupid?
Why don't you drink green tea?
Tried to start dieting this morning
Itt we pretend we are /r/fitness
Fit Cosplay thread
Tfw gym is a 5minute drive but I'm too lazy to go
Hey Veeky Forums
Now that the dust has cleared, can we discuss how idiotic of a routine SS(starting strength) is?
Have you ever picked up a girl in the streets /fit?
Hey guys, I have had anterior shoulder pain for quite some time now and have been trying to find the cause of it...
Shorter than 8" = handlet
Should i train calves yes or no?
I fucking did it Veeky Forums
Is he natty? he hasn't tested positive by the USADA?
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
New /CBT/ thread, my dudes
Is Keto effective or is just a meme?
Will this game make neets and lardasses fit again?
Prove me wrong Veeky Forums
*blocks your path*
I'm VEGAN GAlNS, here for an AMA
Which is best?
Gym Stories
/plg/ powerlifting
T-thanks Veeky Forums
Fkn mirin these hamstrings faggots?
Fat Hate/Fat Stories/Fat Motivation
Is it true that you can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise?
Have you ever taken a picture of a girl at the gym? Did she notice?
I eat microwaved bag chicken for half of my daily protein intake AMA
Why is this board so male-centric...
Is being with the girl of your dreams the true definition of making it?
/gbt/ - Goal Body Thread
/tinder/ thread? Mods pls don't delete
Meat eaters are cowards
Hey user me and my friends are going out to an all you can eat at the cheesecake factory are you coming with us?
Whats the meaning of life Veeky Forums ? Whats the point of lifting...
Tfw finally deadlifted the bar
Any Germanbros here?
Anyone Else Have High Standards For Girls Since Getting Veeky Forums??/
Overhead pressing doubles and triples between 70 and 80kg
Usually buy protein online
Interfering mum
Is the 80/20 rule true?
GF Question
What is Veeky Forumss description of the perfect Chad
Is something like pic related achievable exclusively with bodyweight exercises like push ups, pull ups and squats?
Do girls like guys that go beastmode in the gym? When im doing a PR I looking like a demon and shit
Deadlifts are Magical
Northern Ontario
Tell me about the female regulars at your gym
tfw that guy wearing #BLM shirt in squat rack
How can you guys possibly go through so much physical suffering just to get a few measly muscles?
He doesn't have tattoos after making it
Mental Health Edition: Do you get a little Ghenghis Khan?
It's 2016 guys. Why haven't you upgraded to cricket protein yet?
Washing your ass
ITT : Exercises you've never seen anyone other than yourself do at your gym
That guy having an orgasm on every repetition
Sleeping Naked
Wearing headphones in the gym like an antisocial sperg
Which sport (excluding bodybuilding) have the most aesthetic bodies? I think football...
Fit Meals that are Quick to Make
Will smoking crack once every 6 months, or year for that matter, ruin my gains
Tfw you will NEVER have a hot, young girlfriend
What is your main source of protein?
How do I save my brother?
Comfy Race war edition
Be 22
I'm broke
Alpha stories thread
Give me one reason to keep continuing
Be me
This guy slaps your ass at the gym
How much mobility work does Veeky Forums do?
250 lbs fatass here...
People who are so intimidated by squats they'll use any excuse to avoid them
Vegan General 1st editon
I have realized that I am a bad person. What can I do about it?
Veeky Forumsizens that have a big butt, have you noticed anything different compared to when your ass was flat?
Lulz 4 u
Women here...
Boss leaves his emails open
What workout is ideal if your end goal is to be able to beat the shit out of people pretty easily?
Who /meatshield/ here ?
Stupid workouts at the gym
He hates leg day
What should my goal weight be I started at 96...
Routines for the Race War
I am Vegan GAlNs here for an AMA once and for all. Veganism is scientifically proven to be the best diet...
What kind of music does Veeky Forums listen to while working out?
Cold Showers Thread
Horrible caffeine addict here. I've done some research already but I can't discern whether caffeine is good...
Just admit that you have no idea what youre talking about when it comes to calories in to calories out
Why aren't you vegan?
ITT: We talk about rucking
Transformation Thread
Hey gay boys I've been going to the gym for 2 weeks now I'm seeing a little change but I was wondering what is the best...
What haircut does Veeky Forums have?
Alpha thread
I'm a 19 years old 6'0" twig (120 pounds) with a ridiculously high metabolism...
Lets settle this once and for all guys. Are fish oil pills a waste of money ? How have they helped you personally?
Be 5'9" - 6'0", or the Golden Zone™
Guess how much my gf can benchpress? Pic related...closest gets 50 paypal
Goal Body Thread
wearing a hat in the gym
So I'm finally doing it
/owg/ /wlg/
Why do I look so much better naked after a cold shower?
Would I get good results from body weight as female? (5" if that helps)
It's a binge on junk food and go to bed feeling fat and tell myself it was the last time episode
Tfw girls look better without makeup to me
Enter gym
High Test
Mirin Thread? Noticed people treating you differantly?
Not dating a landwhale for free weight lifting equipment
Is not being attracted to any of these considered unrealistically high standards/closet homo...
Which one of these types of older dude do women like the most?
Jeff Seid best physique in the world
What's a good appetite suppressant?
How much eggs do you eat per week? How many eggs are too much?
What part of the body do you have the most trouble making gains on?
Daily Reminder
The prostitute I fucked yesterday did it for free, she said she liked my body
Living the life
Could my physique ever be forged into anything well looking?
How does this make you feel Veeky Forums
/plg/ powerlifting general
Fat hate
Does Veeky Forums play Pokemon go? Planning to use your natty gains to be the best there ever was...
Roiding for this
Synthol or just fat?
Has anyone on Veeky Forums been to an asian massage parlor?
What's the best way to approach Veeky Forums girls? Pic related, I want a girl like Maroney
Your thoughts on him? He might not look natural, and the "confuse the body" thing might fucking retarded...
Veeky Forums Careers
Gonna buy dumbbells and a kettlebell at the local decathlon store tomorrow
/Running/ General
Legday Thread? Legday Thread!
How does Veeky Forums define making it?
You guys ready for some giggles?
Post videos that motivate you to go lift heavy weights
IDGAF in the gym
How did the ancient Greeks workout?
Black Zyzz
Cringe thread?
Any canadians ever buy from supplement king?
My annoying parents are forcing me to lose some weight...
NEETs need not apply
Lifting to impress girls
Tinder tips thread
Do you like women with muscle?
What body fat percentage is this?
Is he fit ? he ran 5.25 miles in a time of 2 hours 54 minutes
When girls are younger, they want a guy with a chiseled physique. As these girls get older...
Hey Veeky Forums what's your resting heart rate. This is important i need to know
Is NoPorn+LessFap+MoreSex the ultimate redpill?
Whats his name again Veeky Forums?
Be autistic, forever alone beta Veeky Forums fag
My deadlift has gone down dramatically in just a few days. Sunday I was deadlifting 275 for 5x5. Now on Thursday...
ITT: Your favorite bulking food
Is this exercise safe to do if you have had a labrum repair surgery for instability before?
Benching and boobs
Fit girls
Did Dan Bilzerian fuck Claire?
Butt Gains General
Stop browsing Veeky Forums for a couple weeks
The Big Three
/fitizens drink of choice
Browsing /v/
There's this trap who wants to give me a bj. She's mirin' hard and want to keep me satisfied while I have no gf
Gym has 9-2÷1/4+1 squat racks
Redpill me on yoga
Welcome to my gyms "Health Facts Board"
Will being Veeky Forums stop picrelated from happening?
On db shoulder press, should shoulder blades be kept back like on bench press?
Today was my first day without a cofee in the morning and i feel like shit
Why do soccer players look so DYEL and unatheletic?
Are relaxed dead hangs unhealthy?
Pros/cons of your genetics and how they affect you, i'll start:
Going to gym soon, dubs tell me what I do today. trips what I do for a week, quads - month...
What's your current breakfast, Veeky Forums?
Who here hates sport?
Why don't people do low reps (4-6) one week
Is there any hope left for me
How fucked am i if i stutter like an autist on a first date?
Tfw i startet yesterday do play pokemon go in germany
Power cleans look complicated so i'll just do rows instead
After 1 year lifting. If you had a Jamaican mom u lot would get jacked in a month
New guy starts at the office
I'll just leave this here
Delray Misfits - Jennifer Nudes
Need Veeky Forums's help
Fat shaming threads
Meatshield + deadlift max thread
Alright Veeky Forums I need you to redpill me on the rice diet...
Got two qt gf's (7.5/10 & 8.5/10)
ITT: Lifting music
How to fix bodybuilding
/Cut hate/ thread
Anything wrong with having a 95-100% fruit diet if I take a multivitamin?
Gym Cringe Thread
Got a free olympic dumbbell today but it doesn't have any collars...
Hey Veeky Forums I'm drawing a comic
Wtf do I do Veeky Forums? I want to make a shake but this icy nan is still frozen and I can't get peel off...
How fit are you Veeky Forums???
What do you do after you made it?
Dads fat landwhale gf calls me fat
How much milk do you drink a day?
135 ohp is easy
Come back from the gym feeling good
I'm age 23, down 40#s with 40 to go, are my tits permanently fucked or are there chest exercises I can do...
Reverse Progress Thread
Veeky Forums and height
See qt at gym
Shoot, any man would rethink the bride
Fuck girl
What's a Veeky Forums lifestyle for someone who's not into dating?
What women want
Why did lifting literally kill my gaming "addiction" over-night?
Hi guys
Veeky Forums why are you anti crossfit? I mean look at these guys, they look pretty fit?
Guess how much my gf bench presses? Closest gets 50 buck paypal. Pic related ofc
Would you say my physique ever has a chance of making it?
We are not a gym, we are planet fitness
What's it like to have sex with someone you care about...
How to get rid of this nipples? Im not fat but they are. I havent had them like this since I was 13 years old. What do?
How do I get over my oneitis guys;_:
Tfw fat people can't enjoy the new gem on the Pokémon franchise
Veeky Forums The Body Thread
So is Dan bilzerian the ultimate alpha male? He has achieved everything Veeky Forums wants
Diet thread
Hey Veeky Forums I need your help
Gym has 9-2÷1/4+1 squat racks
57% of Veeky Forums is unable to do a single pull-up
Batsinthebarbell/Autist Abigail/Gary Busey's Daughter here...
It's 2014. You meet Elliot Rodger while walking in the park. You become his friend...
Gaining mass - nuritrition
Doctor said "don't eat oatmeal". So what should I eat. Mashed potatoes, yogurt..?
ITT: Most underrated exercises
4 Months Progress
Veeky Forums's thoughts on Fat acceptance
Latlet here,what's the best exercise to help make me look like a flying squirrel?
Hey fit are you Cutting?
Routine General? Routine general
Propositioned for sex by a 7/10 qt I work with because of my gains
Honest question Veeky Forums
What kind of body can i get from jsut doing bodyweight exercises like pushups and situps...
Daily reminder that this is what women actually want. Everything above this level is grotesque and repulsive
Lacking Motivation
So I did it guys I got me a short high test asian who lifts
Push up thread
Vegan Diet General
Anyone else /viking/ here?
Tfw I wake up at 3am for the gym because no one can witness my dyel lifts
This little guy is 3 times stronger than the average human male
/Plg/ powerlifting general
Veeky Forums's thought on Gatorade and other sports drinks like Powerade?
Lifting weights isn't a sport
This just in
How the fuck this degenerate monsters meet their daily calories requirement in prison?
Voice still cracking occasionally at 19
Tfw literally bitchmade
Sup Veeky Forums, I'm a total DYEL...
Progress thread
Could I reach 100kg?
What does Veeky Forums think of fit girls on Instagram?
Tfw you realise will power doesn't exist
Test results are in
ITT: the girl why you lift for
Deadlift alternatives?
Anyone with muscle implants?
Go to gym with new gymbro
How to build muscle/lose fat
He made it
At 5'9 and 220 lbs, will I get loose skin if I drop to about 160? Is there any way to avoid it...
When did you realize that pic related is the only way to reach your strength and size goals most effectively?
Should I do 3xF Negative Chin Ups or 4~5x8 to progress into regulars? Which is more efficient...
What causes a girl to have an hourglass waist that curves in? Why isn't it just straight up and down? t...
>left what womens want
Powerlifting at its finest
How do I improve my posture and get a j shaped spine Veeky Forums?
How do I achieve Riff Raff mode?
TFW bar always leave a mark after squatting
Post your best <10 min. recipes
Rate my glutes boys ;*
Tfw to intelligent to lift
Why don't more girls embrace the fit, small tits look rather bolting a pair of bags to their chests?
Can someone please explain this?
Is there a word for abs that are convex instead of concave...
Hi Veeky Forums, just finished my workout and have to admit, i did a foolish thing, i pushed myself to the limit...
So, about 3 years ago I developed PTSD. Ended up in 3 car accidents at 18, extreme sciatica, etc
Any of you ever heard of the military diet. I can vouch for it. I lost 9 pounds in 3 days. Only thing is...
TFW have been trying to quit Veeky Forums for months now
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Male logic thread
Im a fat and want to go to the gym
Me on the far right
I quit my job to breastfeed my boyfriend
Should I fuck this girl fit. She's kind of fat, but cute, and I want to get my dick wet
Why am I more afraid of talking to women then squatting five plates?
Been living on coke zero
*blocks your path*
CBT: 4th Of July Edition
Breakfast thread
A strong core makes a woman
Well user, we're here at your big violin recital. Why did you think all that lifting would help you now?
What music do you listen to at the gym?
Does Veeky Forums jump rope?
Healthy Pizza Recipe
Should I join a crossfit gym
How the fuck do I fall asleep on command...
What's your boyfriend or girlfriend like fit?
Fit humour thread
Lets not lie, the Mcdouble is the pinnacle in taste, cost and availability. Also the Macros aren't horrible
Anyone else really autistic when its comes to eating dinner out?
Can you permanently fuck your life up from prolonged isolation from other people...
Bench Press Chest Activation
Finally got a gf
How did you feel the first time you met someone dramatically taller than you?
EC stack ( what to expect )
CBT - Current Body Thread
How can I do squats without a cage or rack?
Redpill me on dirty bulk
Why is she so perfect, Veeky Forums?
Making fun of fats working out
Is nofap a meme I know this comes up a lot but I've gone 30+ days and feel the same and being a virgin I know nothing...
So /b/ me and my 2 co-workers started a 5 day work out and our goal is to be in the 1000lb pound club...
How do I look fit?
How much pasta do you eat? im poor as dicks so im eating that shit almost everyday
Just ate fast food for the first time in 1 week
Hormones in Food
Natty Problems
Fat Hate/Fat People Stories thread
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games