Any whore mongers here?

Any whore mongers here?
>Tfw trawling through Backpage ads for HIGH TEST escorts to bang on a Saturday night
I just want to get mired by someone ;_;

Are u looking for advice or wat is your question

Volunteer at a nursing home, put on your best sociopathic disguise by being super extra nice. They will 'mire the fuck out of you, give you great life advice, and make you feel like absolute shit for raping them.


Enjoy your honeypots desu

The trick is to find someone who has posted ads over the course of a month, preferably with an outcall option and variations of pictures. They're usually legit.

>Tfw you find an asian massage parlor with cute therapists that let you fuck them

I just hope it doesn't get reviews on rubmaps for a bit so I can enjoy them for a while. I hate when an amp gets popular and niggers always ring the doorbell.


What the fuck am i reading? Is using a hooker illegal where you live?

Also if you ask them if they're a cop, they have to tell you.

That is not a flattering pic

>want to use the services of a hooker
>Wouldn't know how to explain it to future gf that ive had sex with a hooker

I guess I'll just wait

Why would you ever have to tell someone that? She isn't gonna tell you about all the dicks she took at all the gangbangs her sorority had in college.

>Enjoy your honeypots desu
thanks senpai, I love vaginas

Keked @ this post

It's the truth for me too
As much as I want sex I don't want the shame of knowing I paid for it

What would a normie hooker think if your a decent looking clean guy with a fit body and your still a virgin?


In America it's illegal. They say it's to protect girls, although the reality is that it just pushes whores underground where they get beaten and murdered by clients and pimps... but we won't change our laws because legitimizing prostitution would devalue pussy from priceless to some finite dollar amount and this makes feminists nervous.

Yep. Pornography is legal but prostitution isn't because the state needs dat $$$$.

Filmed prostitution gotta love the greedy wanker politicians

>fucking low class whores for validation

holy fucking shit, Veeky Forums, your anxiety even goes that far, you care about what a fucking hooker "would think".

>check backpage for the first time
>every listing states "no black guys"
Welp, it's been nice knowing you guys

I'm pretty sure most feminists are pro prostitution. Something about it being empowering to women and so on.

>Being black

There's your problem

He is asking why your mother is only $80

It depends, I have no idea why millennials think "feminists" is an organized group with a single, unified point of view on everything

Because they are unified in being annoying scum and different shades of pond scum blur together?

>although the reality is that it just pushes whores underground where they get beaten and murdered by clients and pimps

Hot desu


You are going to be putting your most intimate part into someone else, why wouldn't you fucking care just how much of a fucking loser you are
> Why is tall decent looking jack3d kid paying me to have sex with him ?

25 yr old virgin here
Should I get it over with and find a hooker?
It's not likely that I'll lose it naturally this late.

eh it's not that big a deal user, just fuck someone and get it over with. if you look like shit and can afford it then yeah an escort is the way to go otherwise just get fit and trawl bars for that low rent pussy. just be sure to put a rubber on it

Is it normal for CL hookers to charge extra for ass eating? I tried to eat some backpagers ass 3 days ago and she said itd be 20 dollars extra?? WTF yet meanwhile message parlor and escorts will happily let you eat their ass.

Do girls even enjoy getting their ass eaten out?
I sometimes eat hookers pussies but it doesn't seem like their enjoying it.

>Putting your mouth on a hooker's ass or cunt



Some of these girls have ridiculously nice looking innie pussies and its kind of difficult not eat them out when youre in the heat of the moment.

Yeah. If you're not romantically involved that's just barely better than wanking. Kind of a waste to do it with a hooker.

Nah. I cheated on my gf of 5 years once in a madrid strip club on a bachelor weekend though.

I had 25+ beers in me and 2 credit cards so they took me for 2k eurobux and from what i still remember im 99% sure i didnt even climax.

One of my best m8s is a massive whore monger though. Started going downhill after he had a bad breakup and sought to whores for comfort. Now he's moved to bulgaria for a jpb and he's fucking gypsy whores outdoors behind dilapidated soviet bunkers and shit. His stories are pretty amazing. He will probably get stabbed to death eventually though.