Is it possible to get a chest like this from only push ups?
What's the best exercise to achieve this?
Other urls found in this thread:
bench press, flys
That shoulder forward rolling .
And people are supposed to find this attractive?
I have no clue what flys are. And I was asking because someone had told me push ups are easier on the shoulders than bench presses. But I guess not the equivalent huh?
I don't care what people find attractive, I'm just tired of being thin as paper and I would love to have pecks
Badass!! Thank you so much
Dips > everything.
Forget about bench press, push ups, flyes, or whatever.
>I don't care what people find attractive, I'm just tired of being thin as paper and I would love to have pecks
OP here
Just got back from the gym. Stayed for an hour doing presses, flyes, and pull ups. Came home and ate a ribeye, rice, and two salads.
Skeleton be GONE
Didn't see the dip post till just now, I'll look up what those are, wait 2 days to heal, then try them out next gym visit
Seriously, thanks for all the advice anons
>Stayed for an hour doing presses, flyes, and pull ups
>an hour
>presses, flyes, and pull ups.
>Stayed for an hour
>doing presses, flyes, and pull ups.
Easily attainable with push ups. Do pull ups also for a good posture.
I'm not really understanding these comments. I said I was stick thin, I didn't say I was weak. And obviously I took breaks in between reps, it's not like I went beast mode and worked out for 60 straight minutes. An hour seemed like a decent time and I'm sure I'll be sore as shit in the morning.
Was an hour not enough or too much? What do you guys recommend
>I said I was stick thin, I didn't say I was weak
>Was an hour not enough or too much?
> I'm sure I'll be sore as shit in the morning.
Dips guy here, is this bait?
>I said I was stick thin
>And obviously I took breaks in between reps
> I'm sure I'll be sore as shit in the morning.
Dumbbell flat and incline press where you touch dumbells at the top are GOAT chest builders
the barbell isn't great for pecs though tbqh
>Stayed for an hour doing presses, flyes, and pull ups
>I said I was stick thin, I didn't say I was weak
>I'm sure I'll be sore as shit in the morning
>Skeleton be GONE
>Is it possible to get a chest like this from only push ups?
I do at least 300 a day.
OP here.
This is me. No pecks at all. That's why I want advice on how to get them.
I'm still confused about the mockery. No this is not bait.
>I'm still confused about the mockery
lmao just read the fucking sticky
>I'm still confused about the mockery
Thanks OP, I've had a good laugh.
>stomach creases from sitting and slouching all day
>spent hour in gym
>came home and told Veeky Forums
>everybody gets good laugh
whatever.. fuck you guys
Haha true. My posture sucks when I sit down
>"""spent""" hour in gym
>Stayed for an hour doing presses, flyes, and pull ups.
>I didn't say I was weak
>I'm sure I'll be sore as shit in the morning.
Idk why Veeky Forums is so triggered
I got this body in like 2-3Months of doing pushups/pullups/HLR/Situps/Lifting couple 30kgs/squats/running
Idk man they take their shit wayyyyyy to seriously
Keep trying OP
This is Veeky Forums, everyone here is fat and glued to his computer. Even the ones that lurk Veeky Forums. Saying that you spent an hour in the gym is like saying you had sex. No one believes it because no one here has even done it. Don't let it get to you OP.
why is your skin peeling off?
now do an angle that doesn't flatter yourself out the ass, also youre flexing your abs hard
Cool. Thanks for the encouragement.
Because I'm super pale. Had my shirt off for 30 minutes outside one day and I've been red and peeling for the last week
hint: OP is memestier that works out some random muscle group instead of them all. He also says "he's not weak as fuck" yet he still gets DOMS.
>Idk man they take their shit wayyyyyy to seriously
youre on a fitness board
> Even the ones that lurk Veeky Forums. Saying that you spent an hour in the gym is like saying you had sex. No one believes it because no one here has even done it
you are retarded if you think an hour is long, 2-3 hours counts as long you imbecile
Wow you really got me bad user 2/10
>Because I'm super pale. Had my shirt off for 30 minutes outside one day and I've been red and peeling for the last week
White People when will they learn
First day of him really working out since he said he is aiming for something, still goes out of his way to try something and works out for an hour and everyone calls him out for not doing everything perfect in the way you all imagined it in your Autistic minds.
>Wow you really got me bad user 2/10
im not even memeing post a frontal body pic if you want to be taken seriously, thats a flatter angle and there's a reason fatties use that angle on dating sites.
>not weak, still gets DOMS
What about you Hercules? Never get sore muscles?
Never been. I assume you know all about it.
>2-3 hours
You recommend that for a first time gym visit do ya? No? Well then I guess an hour IS long
You must be new here. Reddit is that way ====>
>Veeky Forums needs to be a safe space!
when I started I got the same replies in my threads until I took the sticky seriously and started properly lifting
>What about you Hercules? Never get sore muscles?
you dont need to be Hercules to not get sore muscles you dipshit. After lifting consistantly for 2 months you no longer get DOMs
>You recommend that for a first time gym visit do ya? No? Well then I guess an hour IS long
I recommend a fucking routine
Ignore the trolls OP. You got your answer: DB flat/incline press, flyes, and dips. Good job at the gym - keep doing it and eating big and you'll get them tiddies.
Get a load of this goy.
omg that's fucking brilliant
Bench is your best friend.
If you can do dips, do them instead of decline bench. But you should do at least incline bench and dips.
Flyes are a vaste of time, too much pressure on the joints, you can't put enough intensity in the set.
Doing a fucking balanced routine not a bro split that will make you look like a joke and ruin your posture
Calls it a brosplit
Have you even trained with athletes before...
Ugh. Not everyone is a juice head mong throwing weights screaming like an idiot
Because I'm a /b/tard that recently became interested in fitness. First time at Veeky Forums
You're a handsome guy, OP. Good on you for wanting to continue improving yourself. People are mocking you because it seems like you lack a good grasp of the fundamentals of building muscle, especially when it comes to the volume of work you're doing. Read the sticky, take notes, and keep on trying until you find what works best for you -- the information you need is out there. We're all gonna make it.
Read the fucking sticky
Going to the gym won't do much more then make him sore if he eats like a rabbit on a diet, as most skinny people do.