Any pills that increase appetite?
I am trying to gain weight but i literally cannot eat.
Other appetite gaining methods besides pills are welcome.
Any pills that increase appetite?
I am trying to gain weight but i literally cannot eat.
Other appetite gaining methods besides pills are welcome.
I am not a degenerate though
Do you do cardio?
I know it sounds stupid but half an hour of cardio will only burn ~300 calories but may give you an appetite to eat way more than that.
It does me anyway. If I don't be careful after cardio I could down 2000 calories in a few minutes (im a former fatty tho)
how much cardio?
i mean i just use the trendmill to warm up for like 5 min and thats it
Fuark I'm in the same boat. I've never liked food all that much. Any advice would be appreciated.
i like food, its just i cant eat much of it.
I cant finish a full plate from panda express
drink more milk
Fellow skeleton here that managed to get on a fucking diet and sticking to it, finally.
I tried pills in the past. Felt mildly hungry, didn't fix my ED.
I used to munch 2 meals a day, not big ones, and felt fine.
Now I'm stuffing ~2700 calories a day down my throat.
Bad news: there is no secret. Nothing will fix the problem for you.
Good news: You can make it. Set alarms on your mobile for meals. Have 5 a day. Prep them ahead. Alarm goes off, sit down and eat.
My personal approach (since I'm not a big fan of eating altogether) is that it's fucking fuel.
Filling the tank doesn't need to be pleasant. But fuel I put in myself has to give me some proper FUCKING MILEAGE.
~2 weeks in now, I feel much better and hunger came back naturally. If I skip a meal now, I feel hungry as fuck.
Still don't enjoy eating, but eh... no pain no gain.
Vitamin B
Just do GOMAD and/or buy lots of peanut butter.
Liquid calories. I drank a lot of juice when I was bulking.
i dont like peanut butter
what do you eat and expensive is it
Does GOMAD really work or is it a meme?
Just don't do this with grape juice. It's a laxative.
>drink a liter of grape juice with a meal
>shit the whole meal out, undigested and dyed purple 20 minutes later
1. Wholegrain bread with butter + white cheese + radish + glass of milk + banana
2.Natural yoghurt + oats + fruit
3. Wholegrain pasta/brown rice + chicken/tuna + random vegs I have at hand
4. Same as 3, I eat this at work so I bring enough for 2 meals
5. Wholegrain bread + cottage cheese/eggs + selection of vegs/peanut butter/fruit
Each meal I try to eat until I am absolutely full to a point of self-disgust.
I want to get to 3,5k-4k calories a day.
Still tailoring my diet, getting used to 5 meals as day was my step one. I made it.
Later I will be crancking down how to suplement that routine.
I don't care how does my food taste so I don't use a lot of seasonings. Each meal, just add what you want but make sure basis is there.
Then you do zero cardio. Any cardio is an improvement and will likely increase your appetite.
how spaced out are your meals??
I used to be like you. I weighed 130lbs and had 13 inch arms i grew up in a poor family so eating was never something we did very often. You just need to build up to it i eat about seven times a day now. I weigh 220lbs and have 18 inch arms.
7 AM
10 AM
1 PM
4 PM
8:15 PM
same problem here, not found a definite solution, but a couple things I've discovered:
1. cook your meals ahead. Part of why I hate eating is because cooking takes so much time. Sometimes I'm simply too lazy to get up and cook something.
2. Eat nuts between your meals. Also good is quark with lineseed oil.
3. Have a milkshake or something like that before going to sleep. Beware: this can make you rest uneasy or give you nightmares. Should that occur, stop. But I've found that no matter how much or little I eat before going to sleep, I wake up without any hunger. So even if I am almost starving in the evening, I wake up without hunger.
4. Have a BIG breakfast. Oats, nuts, cranberries. My breakfast has about 1000 kcals and keeps me full until 12°°.
5. Don't oversize your meals. If you feel sick after eating, you won't be ready to have your next meal. Although you might want to eat bigger meals so you get comfortable with eating more. But don't stuff yourself, it's counterproductive.
6. Instead of eating one big meal, eat in courses. It's much easier to eat 1500 kcal in two courses (like chicken and rice and then a big milk shake afterwards) than in one course (like one very large portion of chicken and rice). Even though it's the same amount of kcal, you won't feel as sick. Feeling sick after eating is the enemy.
7. have a couple full-flavoured, tasty and rich staple meals and a couple very bland meals. When you've eaten a big bowl of heavily spiced curry chicken at lunch, you might want something a little bland like bread with spread or oat-based musli bars for the next meal.
8. Have fixed times at which you eat. Don't postpone eating, ever. If you're not that hungry, just eat a smaller portion.
9. Don't set your goals too high. If you go from a 1700 kcal/day diet to a full 3000 kcal diet you will probably fail. You'll do it for 1 week or 2 weeks, then stop. It's better to gradually increase.
you need to activate GOMAD with peanus butter
>i literally cannot eat
literally go away and don't come back
5-10 grams of pantothenic acid
I took it originally to help with acne but it didn't do shit except make me hungry 24/7
weed or hash = golden appetite gainer
i'm desperately trying to look for an appetite killer other than ephedrine or yohimbe and fuck that yellow stuff
>Drink calories, smoothies are nice for this, even a milkshake once in a while (make them your self so you know what's in it)
>always have some nuts around to snack on
>Plan your meals and shopping, if you have a freezer you can cook big and freeze in portion sizes.
>Have set times you eat. And no excuses!
In time your appetite will naturally become greater when you eat more. You just need to put in a bit of effort in the beginning.
What helped for me : 2 servings milk mixed with 2 servings peanut butter and occasionally chocolate syrup. It has 660-745 calories, and very cheap. You can drink a few throughout the day.
when I smoke meth all I want to do is eat
maybe try meth