Cheating /frauds/ Generally

$15 egg mcmuffins and bimbo in denial of CHAD status edition.

Previously on anime nerds injecting mystery bathtub chemicals into their butts

Thread that got deleted a couple days ago got deleted because of the op. Make a new one

McDonalds is anabolic

I'm in these threads quite frequently and I don't recall having a general deleted in quite some time?
It's not as anabolic as the chicken in Kuwait but it's the best we've got. Kek

I'm just here for the memes

There was 1 or 2 anons being sean tier so the thread got deleted
Nothing to do with the OP that we had used 5 or 6 times at that point

Fine then

Guys how do I make home made Chipotle burrito bowls?

By killing yourself because chipotle is shit

Blasphemy! I like cilantro and lime which is pretty much the essence of Chipotle.

Bimbo here? Saw that motherfucker walking down the street today. I'm from Seattle was visiting my family this weekend, I won't out him as to where he lives but jesus christ he's a big fella. He looks like an action figure. 6'5" fucking chiseled Jaw big delts. Must be nice being that tall smfh manlet feels...


is this achievable natty?

This happens so much. You see me walking west side oly to the gym?

Aye big boi ;)

I saw you walking down that long street past the used car dealerships? What gym are you referring to? I'm not from the town, my parents live by Lincoln Elementary

You gotta do some deadlifts breh. Your back is not even close to your chest and abs. I really don't think you are gonna lose your taper.

Yeah that was me. I lift at the gym about 1.5 miles from there by the car wash, near the mall. Small world duder.

I had to get out of the house. Girlie feels were devouring me. Chatting with capitalist and lifting really settled me down. The girlie and I have been through so much I doubt this is the be but I'm just letting her have space.

A couple cars made eye contact, did I see you?

you need to be on grams +slin and GH
I wish I lived in a city where everything was walking distance I would be permalean

Yeah but my rear delts and lats are baller.

diddys are over rated for a huge back
you can get better stimulation from machines or rows

Total chad right?


I have no idea dog I just drove past and was like that's fuckin' Fraud's bimbo wut the hell going on boy damn the gains are there Jee Whiz

Then thought about your life for a bit and what you're like as guy granted you're on Veeky Forums all day but look like that xD jkjk

That's the jAw man Chad as hell imo

>tfw bimbo only lives an hour away from you.
i knew you were pnw but didn't know which state.

Lmao my life is a weird mess. I haven't been on here as much the past 6 weeks cause of the girlie but when I'm bored af I'm here all day.
Mirin jerrbears


Mirin how lean you are man. Is it tren? What's the secret.

>tfw bimbo will never ram your qt twink butt in the locker rooms while you wear your jockstrap

I just started tren again yesterday after two months off. I'm kinda fat atm. Trying to lean back out for shoots.

This is from 3 days ago.

Why is the jockstrap a key component of getting power rammed

A-Are those nipple piercings???

Jeeze bro what are you

a homo, lurk moar

Maybe I'm leaving humanity behind finally. No one knows what I am anymore.

jockstraps are cute and sexy

Your delts are juicy but your lats are meh. You aren't even close to Christmas tree lower back. Also proper deads will make your traps blow up.
Proper deadlifts and dead holds are amazing for your back. Most guys go too heavy and let their form break down. I always do deadlifts at least 50lbs lighter than I could go but with really really strict form.
He's a CHAD that is in denial and probably half homo too but the jury is still out on that one lol.

B-but muh waist

I do agree it's hard to keep the nice waist when you deadlift heavy but it's nothing daily vacuums can't fix. The problem is your obliques and your thoracolumbar fascia becomes so strong and thick it's hard to keep that super tiny waist look just because the added muscle wants to be swole and full of fluids and nutrients all the time.

nah we're all perfectly aware that you're another mentally ill /fraud/ and a genuine homosexual.

What should someone take for their first cycle if they plan on only doing one/a while before second, to minimize side effects and keep most of the gains afterwards?

I'm not attracted to men tho


you maintained an erection whilst fucking a man in the ass
you bi breh

Ty based Viagra.

Also porn is a lot of start and stop. Half the time in a shoot is spent rubbing your dick and looking at girls on your phone to get hard again.

I couldn't get my money shot in until I looked at a vid of my ex masturbating.

You're confusing attraction to money with attraction to men.

did you cum on his face

Nothing gay about putting your dick in a hole

Ha you really make me laugh.

Your life just sounds mad.

Never say never. He did g4p, you just need to start saving your milk money.
Test and dbol

Any good suppliers you'd recommend?

>Tfw bimbo will never drill your boipussy from behind like a Kuwaiti oil tycoon that just found a new oil reservoir

test + tren
Don't be a pussy, just do it.




You never realize how many square inches of skin you have until you try Peking dead skin off your entire leg.

Email, cap.

>tfw vacuums aggravate an injury i have
i will never have a lean waist.

You think you've got it bad...

Advancedbodyscience2000 at gmail
Hernia or something? Vacuums are not pleasant. I try to do them when I remember lol

Yeah duder the entire inside of leg blistered

Full onset of aids. Rip in peas

Does it pay well?

Yeah well enough

link me up to one of your movies

Would it be better to do baby weighted curls @ 15kg x10 per arm for maximum muscle contraction?

The highest weight I can do with proper form(20kg) doesn't really hit the biceps as well as it should, feels like I'm just doing the motions.

Same with cable chest exercises, I stick with the baby "4" setting instead of like 6 of which you see fat barely look like lifters use because I definitely feel the chest crushing me as opposed to my triceps or lats/shoulders feeling tired.

I got a nasty sunburn fishing down on summit lake near oly.....i'm so pale i turn red instantly. My chair at work looks like an ash pit from all the dead skin.

How many different lifts you guys do per session? How long do you work out? Night time is best when no one is around.

8-10 movements usually 1.5-2 hours lots of drops and shit tho

8-12 is ideal. Move maximum force x maximum distance, gain mass.

what's the point if my shoulders and forearms get the most beating at 20kg vs my biceps at 15kg.

so what would you do on a leg day for instance?


I just had leg day!

Single leg leg press heavy heavy 6x6 with rest pause superset with squats

Smith machine calf raises 6x20superset with hack squat machine 6x6

Leg press calf raises 6x20 superset with rdl 6x6

And then a bunch of shoulder isos for however long I want

Squats. Lots and lots of squats. Deeeep. Mostly highbar, occasionally front, rarely zercher, never overhead or lowbar. Then I hit abs.

i guess i need to step it up. you guys workout everyday?

2x a day usually. 3x when j prepped for contest.

she should of only posted the first picture imo, everything after has been worse and worse.

i realized why i didn't like this picture. it's the smile + dead eyes.

you compete? coo mano. what is a 3x/day workout like for you? so on a leg day you do the above 2x or 3x?

>i realized why i didn't like this picture. it's the smile + dead eyes
Have you even been reading what I say about her soulless siren eyes?

where the fuck are all the hot roiders?

the only reason I lurk here is to fap

petabytes of smut on the internet and you came here?

I'd do that workout once. That's just be my "workout". When competing I fixed in a cardio block, an accessory block, a power block and then my workout.

Usually that just meant to the gym, hitting my weak spots for 45 minutes, eat a snack wait 45 minutes, do some heavy benching or pressing or deads for triples for 45 minutes, then just lifting in the evening after work. Really simple if you're bored/dedicated.

how much money can you win doing competes?

I'm curing my porn addiction because I can't cum during sex

muscular hotties feeling bad about themselves because they can't make me cum is a curse

pls help

Literally 0 (zero) [Z E R O] dollars $ money

oh.....just a hobby i guess. money is nice though, especially for one's hobby, but welcome to reality....only the music business offers that. as long as you enjoy it; better than melting away in front of the tv

I'm 19 on test and tren. Is there anything I can start doing now to prevent or delay hairloss later in life, like taking some sort of drug? The thought of having to shave my head scares the shit out of me.

Also is jeff seids and zyzz's hair real?

New job opportunity. Cutting the tren crossed my mind. Then I remembered the sort of degenerates we are.

Yeah fuck that

On that note observing who we are, tren and Veeky Forums as a combo produce Fucking weird people. Like fuck.

What's the broscience consensus about tren and pheromones? The way everyone treats me on tren vs no tren is insane, both females and males.

Get some blood work done, thats nasty hormone acne bro

I feel a lot more dry on the tren, but haven't gotten any side affects.

even weird people think I'm weird, fucking next level

Pheromones are real. It would make sense tren could affect them in some way.

>mfw about to snort a line and study before going to sleep for 5 hours

You look like fucking garbage and there's something wrong with your face. I can't believe how shitty /fraud/ is when they worship these fucking half autists. You forgot to fucking squat cause your ass and back is non existent

We know doggo

He has a back but his legs do look lacking. Still bigger than me tho, so w/e

everyone seems to think my source's tren may not be real. shit sucks

Do you actually wear that shit to the gym? You realize you look like a fucking tool. Why don't you just go shirtless because that's what you really want you vain faggot. Fuck I hate dudes like you.

Does anyone know where to get anavar in the UK?

You have a fucking pug nose and mouth. Stop worshipping yourself. You are the fuckin definition of Autist who becomes bodybuilder. No matter how jacked you become you can't fix that fucked up face

Seems like someone's mom just let him on the computer after he had a bad day

You are fucking disgusting. All show and no go. That core looks unbearably underdeveloped, like it can barely support your hulking upper body. You look fucking retarded and not in a cool way. Shit genetics and piss poor attitude towards training.

Honestly someone make this copypasta this is really good

is there something you wanna talk about my dude

Oh my god you are literally a faggot. These threads are so fuckin pathetic. I fuckin come in here like once a every few weeks to get reminded of how fortunate I am to not be one of you stupid fucks. Every single one of you, bimbo, Mossad, coach, JM, chem, cheer faggot, etc etc, you're all fucking pathetic and hilarious in so many fucked up ways. You guys are so far from the ideal of a real man that collectively I think even the crowd at bodybuilding misc are a thousand percent cooler dudes than you mentally ill straight up degenerates. Fuck all of you. Except the junkie with the hot gf, I forget his name, that dude is cool.

what about me brah ;3