/plg/ - powerlifting general
Other urls found in this thread:
First for long femurs, short torso and short arms and weak spinal erectors
2nd post claimed for my princess trappy-chan
What should I wear to the gym lads?
Bare in mind I have to walk 30 minutes in public wearing them.
Third for hot bath and duvet request.
>yfw be Esmeraldas little spoon
Midday euro plg is the 2nd worst
If you carry a bath full of hot water to my work you can be little spoon 5eva
>everyone in nats around 700kg total
kill me
I doubt you have both long femurs and short arms. The last one is your own fault.
I have intense doms all the way up my traps and lats from 6x4 pulls on saturday
That's why you're all strong right? Bunches of roses are last year, full bathtub delivery is the future
I unironically would if you didn't live in the obscure part of Britain
I hate time zones. As soon as Euro plg get off from work American plg comes online and they're all NEETs so you get American / Canadian plg shitposting for 12 hours straight.
Plus it would be cold by the time you got here because of our year round autumn weather
but I'd be warmed from being the little spoon
Maybe one day I'll be your trophy qt husband while you're in your early 30s and I'm in my early twenties
But not today...
>10 years younger than esme
How old are you, kiddo?
Your fault for enabling Esmeralda who in turn enables """""her""""" beta orbiters Tbh
18 she's 28 right?
26 thanking you
Well I can see how that was awkwardly misleading....
Ah, didn't realize you were that old. Not that that's super old. I still don't realize half the time that I'm about to be 25. Still feel like I'm 21 or so.
By the time I'm 28 I want a 300 wilks. Yuss.
>When I have kids it will be worlds shortest labour
Why? I do 5x3 at that weight every week nps and extra besides (although is usually easy stuff)
It never ends mate. Like I was happily listening to incubus and then I realised the album came out in 2001 and it just ruined my morning a little
Anyone smell Christmas cake?
I don't want kids so I don't see how that will work
I had good 8 hours of sleep.
It's 2:20 pm and I've been up since 7 am.
Im not an old lady that smells like Christmas cake. Whhyyyy
Nor should you. They're awful.
No I just dodged it
Oh. Women, like a Christmas cake, are no good before the 25th
>.75 INOL is the same as 1.2 INOL
>one session
>he deadlifts 30kg more than me
>Tfw it's boxing day
You watch I will become strong bitter rich 30 real old. Like a fine stout.
Like neo from the matrix
At work Esmeralda is no fun
>before the 25th
Meant after
Luckily everyone got that
Including me you bitch.
I'd hate you if you didn't do such cute deadlift dances.
It's very funny where do I upvote?
Btw lads bodorio squatted a super good 285.5kg is going for 290.5 as a third
In one minute
Film iiiiiiittt
If i come to bethnal green tomorrow will they let me do my openers on the comp rack/bench?
Wow right after a car crash 2!!!11
So, I've never considered having qt trophy bf what happens with all that?
>At 26 this becomes my reality
>Must continue work to cougar status
He got it!
Stream at
where is this obscure part of britain?
Yes. It's £10
You will have to ask to get it out. If you come TONIGHT I will help you. Calls / lift out / getting it out.
>barely legal bf
>peak in physical fitness
>libdo and stamina like no other
>make your bored house wife cougar friends jealous
I realised today that I cannot do a single pull up with correct form.
This has upset me greatly. Where should I start with them guys? The assisted pull up machine seems incredibly awkward
Band assisted pull-ups
>fucks off as soon as he can do better
Yeah living the dream
>inb4 I'd never do that
Lmao you're 18 you'll change so much in the next 5 years.
Hmmm. Interesting indeed.
But what if people thought you were my son?
This would be a great insult from which I would not recover
Until sex later.
Just googled it and read negative things, have you done them yourself?
Can't make it there tonight sadly.
This desu. Would prefer the security of the silver fox option.
>Find aesthetic guy running test
>He appreciates that I havent got fat
>Work out together and have crazy monkey sex
>... weirdly satisfy daddy issues?
>a parade of fat chicks benching lmao 1 plate
That would be h-hot
>implying that I'd here on this website if I could do better
This will not be me. I will not get fat to bench 1pl8 I will do it proper
and about half of them have a fucking blue or green mohawk
You can do better desu. You just got to believe to achieve
but I want a sad gf who's reliant on me
The commentators couldn't be more useless if they tried Tbh.
Negatives, using the right form and not just brute-forcing your way back up
You're 18 those needy bitches are everywhere. I shouldn't be reliant at my age.
I want you to kys, sadly we can't always get what we want.
Yeah, seems like they went with the budget english commentator option. I'm just excited to see the 66 kg guys next. My boy Alex McQuillen will be up.
no most British girls are not like those needy anime girls like you are
They go out to parties often, drink a lot and they all have fat 20" arms and I can't compete
Being a needy animu gf isn't bad at any age
20" arms. Mirin' bulk. My arms are getting close to 15" and I'm pretty happy about that.
I know, it may be pure fat but I can't compete
Seriously the British air force has loads more recruits because of the influx of bingo wings in the last 10 years.
Lmao. I had to google bingo wings desu.
Even the ones your age? When I was 18 everyone was skelly scene kids.
>We must go back
You will see them everywhere now.
Especially. I go on instagram and it's fashionable now to wear selfless dressed and squish your arms by your side to expand them 300%
My generation is getting fatter and not even getting the big boobs along with it
Could you beautiful people check my squat, please?
It's just 60kg, I know, already did 105kg a few months ago but then went on a retarded "who needs food" and "no lifting cuz I don't eat anyway" 3 or 4 months over the school semester.
Christ. I'm so sorry.
It makes so much sense now.
Tbh it's really nor enough weight to get an indicator of what you look like under work sets, but it's still enough for me to see way too much forward collapse. Come back up in the same path you went down in.
You know that describes esme too? She dyes her hair and goes to glasto and gets eiffel towered by Chad and Ndawambi
I was coming back from seeing my dad on Saturday night and was getting the tube with all the people going for a night out
I don't like them.
Brace better so you won't collapse forward as much on the way up. Other than that looks good.
I've got to go now but I might be back to complain later
try only going to parralel for a while and see if that form is fixed at higher weights
Thanks a lot.
>You know that describes esme too? She dyes her hair and goes to glasto and gets eiffel towered by Chad and Ndawambi
Not it isn't true, she's still pure, just mislead is all. Still pure, I'm s-sure.
>I was coming back from seeing my dad on Saturday night and was getting the tube with all the people going for a night out
>I don't like them
Me neither. Didn't even go to my leavers prom because all people wanted to do was buy expensive suits to drink and fuck
Can't stand that crowd. Such a shallow life.
high test birds are done
phil benching soon
Slander. I didn't get Eiffel towered
But I'm definitely not pure anime waifu. I've just chilled out now because hated what I'd became. I could see 30 year olds in bars dressed like they're 16 barking like fat dogs and it made me want to change.
How many times have you had sex? I'm still pure so this changes everything.
>she's just mislead is all
She's a nice girl sure, but she's not a frog.
Your princess is in another Castle.
Yeah as I said you can do better.
how many...
Lads, I love lifting and judo but they clash too much. I am going to have to lift and box. Hold me please. It's very upsetting for some reason.
When did /plg/ become /Esmeraldag/?