>been living on coke zero
>read this
Been living on coke zero
Yeah man, you know: injections give you autism as well and the government puts hormones in tapwater to keep the masses controlable.
You shouldn't be drinking anything with artificial sweeteners. They are basically a slow poison.
Btw Aspartame is made from toxic waste.
>correlation means causation
Is this american education at work?
Common core maybe?
so drink the coke zero and have some self control
before lifting I switched from drinking normal soda to coke zero and got dyel abs from it
>Slow poison
Explain with science please. I'm genuinely curious because this is what everyone says but so far I've heard no real evidence to support this.
The article is saying that sweet diet sodas trick your body into expecting something it's not actually getting, therefore increasing your likeliness to eat more afterwards. No mention of toxic chemicals that deteriorate your health. Some of us still have the self control to enjoy a pepsi max once in a while and not stuff our pie holes, so why is it still dangerous?
Soda is highly acidic, dining it all the time changes the environment in our stomach and intestines unfavorably to our health. Important gut flora gets destroyed, negatively impacting our chain of digestion and nutrient absorption.
Tldr, drink water like a normal human
whoever thought diet sodas were going to cure obesity is fucking retarded
That's sure a badly written article/paper
Alternately stop drinking disgusting saccharin syrup entirely
Sooo if I don't open that bag of cookies, or chips, or any other food I will be fine?
Ah thanks for that, I'll continue to drink 0 calorie soda when I want and lose weight on a calorie deficit
Interesting - I appreciate your comment. After reading more it seems that remaining in a constant state of 'acidosis' leads to increased cortisol levels, depression, listlessness, dry skin, poor digestion, and a lack of energy. Calcium is the bodies natural mineral to combat this, and leaches from your bones which can also lead to osteoporosis.
I just bought a 12 pack of pepsi max. 9/10 times I'll drink water but fuck, it's so bland sometimes.
The data set is just to make it look pretty to people who never read studies.
The bit about conditioned stimulus is completely right, though.
If there is no scientific angle, consider going towards it from the philosophical angle.
Why is there a need to consume this product in the first place?
The answer always comes down to addiction. To some neural pathway needing to the triggered so badly for a few seconds, that you discard the potential risk that it brings along with it with all the weird and mostly untested chemicals that are inside of it.
The risk rate with these beverages in causing long term cancers and other downsides is pretty high, something like 50%.
But water has a zero percent risk rate
So why go through all of this trouble, and energy to replace a bad habit? Your parents only started this habit. Your grandparents didnt have it, their parents especially didnt have it on mass like now.
We drank water just fine for 99.999999% of our existence in different forms of life. So water and the hate for these drinks is probably the heaviest form of undeniable paleo lore that you can get.
Only an addict would like to say something against it.
Acidosis is not caused by acidic food, the stomach acid is more acidic. The acid is bad for your teeth but not much else.
Could this work the same way for Milk. Milk is a base, and if you're drinking half a gallon for several months or years, would your stomach adjust and increase the acidity produced to compensate? I feel like I may be having this problem currently, with frequent stomach pains, and am planning to go to the doctor to check it out.
>the consumption of diet beverages has risen over the last several decades. Given that these drinks contain no calories, one would expect that obesity levels should have decreased over this time
Unless diet soda isn't the only thing people consume and there exists some other food in their diets that contain calories, such that a surplus of calories is created
Fucking idiot
its not as easy as it makes you believe user. The first stomach thing does not change much in acidity yea, but some later parts might.
fucking horse shit, and I have the personal experience (losing 70KG drinking coke zero daily) and a moderately strong understanding of psychology and genetics.
We are not adaptive, we feel rewarded from the sensation of sweetness, and that is an evolutionary adaptation. You don't evolve into resisting this biological response. Yes you drink no calories, so satiety does not shift, but we all know sugars have a minimal effect on satiety compared to protein and fats. The book is double retarded because it links classical conditioning to a fucking response that does not even affect cognition, but on top of that, the entire behaviourist model of conditioning has been debunked and considered laughable inn the presence of today's complex cognitive models that depict human behaviour. Who wrote this? Someone straight out of high school?
>m-more people drinking diet sodas b-but people overall keep getting f-fatter
>w-whats going on guys??? oh i know, it's the diet soda!! hahaha im so smart!!!!!!!
lol @ anyone who takes the post seriously.
I'm no more than 12% bodyfat year round (sit at 7-9% during summer) and I drink about 2 x 375ml coke zero's a day for the last 15+ years.
ITT: people that fail to realize all or the health risks still associated with diet sodas.
>"hurr durr muh 0 calories."
If you really care about your health you would quit being retarded and just stick to water.
>Why is there a need to consume it?
Because it makes life (even if only in small ways) more enjoyable. You're telling me you've never done something to live a more enjoyable life? I think the end-all lesson here is to enjoy things in moderation. Most people here are smart enough not to overindulge and our bodies can easily handle it once in a while.
Is everyone in this thread fucking retarded? It's not saying diet sodas make you fat, it's saying it's fucking with people's brain and induces them to eat more
I may be a fat man addicted to bread, but I thank god every morning and night that at least I'm not addicted to carbonated shite.
>tfw i dropped 20lbs by just switching to diet soda
>We would expect people to lose weight as diet soda consumption has increased
How stupid. That is the most illogical thing I've read in a long time. There's so many other factors to obesity. Coke isn't the only cause
>You'll get fat drinking no calorie drinks because you will eat potato chips afterwards
Well fuck me sideways. That's also ridiculous. If you factor in calories in calories out your fine. If you drink diet soda with your happy meal why would you expect to lose weight?
I've been drinking diet sodas (well mainly monster ultra zero) on my cut and was half hoping to read it gives you cancer or something.
>Have continuously lost weight each time I've been on a cut
>Factor in calories in calories out and it's never failed in all my years of training
I'm so sick of this lazy generation blaming the stupidest things. But this tops it all.
Don't eat potato chips
Don't even bother man.
Trying to convince normies about calories in vs calories out is like trying to convince them how bad their "just b urself XD" advice is.
Fat girl at work asked me for diet advice since she's seen me bulk and cut a few times. Tells me nothing works. I explained calories in calories out but she said it doesn't work for her, and literally said she has thyroid problems..
I suggested she goes on keto, purely cause if you try and eat anything bad you fuck the whole thing up so some fatties stick to it unlike normal duets where they think they can eat a bit of chocolate abd it won't make a difference
Next day she comes I saying "omg I read up on it and it's so dangerous! No way am I doing it"
I suggest counting calories and to just try stick to it for a month straight
Few days later see her pulling into McDonald's after work...
>drink diet soda
>eat more food
The fuck you expected. Count calories, faggot.
>If there is no scientific angle, consider going towards it from the philosophical angle.
>The risk rate with these beverages in causing long term cancers and other downsides is pretty high, something like 50%.
where's the philosophical angle in this? diet drinks don't give you cancer, scientifically or philosophically.
and i say this as someone that doesn't even drink soft drinks (diet or not) very often because i find them too sweet unless i'm very thirsty.
I have never seen a skinny person drink a diet soda.
just drink the normal soda and not be such a pussy
A 710ml bottle is only like 300 calories
I just read this article and believe it's a fancy way of saying
>I'll take two slices of cake cause I drink diet soda teehee
I also drink a lot of diet soda on a cut and I'm still losing weight
How about you just drink a diet pop and not eat cookies and chips afterwards? It actualy help me kill sugar cravings while cutting.
Also, theres a lot of interest around the gut microbiome (all the bacteria living in your gut), because its becomign increassingly apparent that what you eat greatly influences what type of bacteria you have in your gut. These different types of bacteria are important for many different reasons, two being they help us digest certain foods and they have a role in modulating inflammation.
Coming back to drinks like coke zero, even though there may be no calories, it may have en effect on our gut bacteria. Doing a very quick google search, I found this publications in a reputable journal:
I'm sure if you were to do a more extensive lit review, you can find other examples wehere they show how food and drink can affect our microbiome.
How does this matter to anyone counting calories, like 90% of this site's lifting userbase does?
People would rather starve than break their caloric limit, your chart is only valid for people on the "Big Mac and Diet Coke" diet.
A sixth of my daily intake in one drink that won't make me any more full? No thanks. Diet soda and water only, period.
>They are basically slow poison.
Time is a slow poison, my friend
you're still fat tho
>consider going towards it from the philosophical angle
If you had presented a philosophical angle, I might have considered it.
>The answer always comes down to addiction. To some neural pathway needing to the triggered so badly for a few seconds, that you discard the potential risk that it brings along with it with all the weird and mostly untested chemicals that are inside of it.
This is not addiction you fucking ape. This is called conditioning.
>The risk rate with these beverages in causing long term cancers and other downsides is pretty high, something like 50%.
Cite sources with scientific evidence demonstrating the strong correlation between cancer and 0 calorie soft drinks.
>We drank water just fine for 99.999999% of our existence in different forms of life. So water and the hate for these drinks is probably the heaviest form of undeniable paleo lore that you can get.
No we haven't. Humans have had access to alcohol for a very long time.
>Only an addict would like to say something against it.
Stop posting anytime.
Now I have a homework assignment for you, Billy. Research the following fields and/or words:
peer reviewed articles
>Americans are actually constantly drinking soda just because it has "zero calories"
please tell me it's a meme and you guys are just pretending
So basically it's fine to drink it with a meal //thread
I'm honestly the only person I know that drinks diet sodas. Everyone around me says they don't like the taste of them and stick to normal sodas.
Guess whose shredded and aesthetic as fuck? Hint: it's not everyone else I know, it's me.
As usual, Veeky Forums goes the extra mile in being healthy and turns into the omnivore version of a vegan.
Obnoxious, and telling you that innocuous stuff is going to kill you "Because I say so"
>the amount of pirates have decreased since 1700
>obesity has risen since 1700
>pirates prevent obesity
This is how you sound OP
>I-it's healthy because it has zero calories!
>M-muh pseduoscience
Well, at least you literal retards will leave a good looking corpse with all that formaldehyde piling up in your body.
>philisphopical angle
its one of the few tasty drinks that has no calories, like just fuck off
I also love how 90% of arguments against Coke Zero use aspartame as their base, when Coke Zero DOESN'T FUCKING USE ASPARTAME
God damn
Its the whole "conservative" vs "liberal" thing. Would you allow everything and risk potentially huge downsides? Or do you first test everything out in life to make sure that its right.
Things like this happen because of the liberal mindset
Before that it was leaded gasoline lowering IQ's and making people more violent.
Then there was asbestos.
People who know of these things and how reckless industry affected humans, may turn into a whitelist type of approach towards new things. If they see that the risks for new things are potentially much grander than the rewards.
This principle, applies very well to unknowns like coke. Where the risk factor of water compared to the unknown risk factor of soda makes water much more attractive.
You are implying that conservatives are well versed in how science works. And that their science is not based on what their flying spaghetti monster tells them.
Please apply yourself next time.
The graph doesnt prove it though.
People are still drinking more sugary soda. They just also drank more fake sugar soda
ur dumb
Yes they do user
Originally drank regular soda, then diet before cutting it out completely. If you want some fizz without the calories or aspartime get carbonated water
>carbonated water
Id rather just drink water
it's just an association m8, honestly the causation is probably backwards: fatties be eating/drinking anything with "diet" on it as long as it still tastes disgustingly sweet
I think it's just more a case of, there's more fat people, ergo there's more people who are going to try diet soda thinking it will make a difference.
Really though, if you eat a shitty diet of fast food and junk, switching to diet soda, assuming that's the only change you make, isn't going to put you at a caloric deficit and make you thin. It's merely going to slightly decrease your caloric surplus, which was already insurmountably large in the first place.
In other words, diet soda isn't "good" for you, it's only "less bad". This isn't news.
Actually Pepsi just announced they are starting to add aspartame back because of low sales and it will save them money. Not sure about Coke products, but diet Pepsi and their products will have it again.
t. never taken a statistics course
Fucking Sargon of Akkad here looking at colorful pictures instead of reading.
>milk is a base
Milk is actually slightly acidic. Have you ever taken a chemistry class?
>paleo lore
Can't believe I'm reading this shit.
>live on soda for 5+ years
>decide to not be such a fat shit
>switch to diet soda and cut out junk food
>keep all other factors the same
>drop 50 pounds over 2 years
Wew lad.
Fatties love the "compensation" mindset: "I drink diet soda, so I can eat this whole cake and lose weight!" It isn't a problem with soda, or even body response (at least in my personal experience) it's purely a problem with mindset.
On a side note, I'm conducting a long term science experiment on my self. I chug about 6 cans of diet soda a day. If the "aspartame give you cancer" memes are true, I expect to have a brain that consists entirely of tumors by the end of the decade. Should be fun.
I enjoy both
lmao at all the retarded teenagers defending diet soda in this thread
How about stop consuming garbage that is poisonous for your body?
There is no cancer risk associated with any component of diet soda. At most, it's worse for the teeth than water.
Acidosis is a blood condition caused by respiratory failure. Nutient leaching is a myth. The acid in your stomache is multiple orders of magnitude stronger than soda.
Came here to post this
Every argument that uses the logic of your brain's response to x ingredient, be it real or artificial sweeteners, glycemic index spikes all that, assumes that because you have the mere thought "im still hungry" then you WILL continue eating. This doesn't apply to someone who counts calories/macro's with actual discipline. It doesn't matter if you have an impulse reaction, it only matters if you ACT on it. I drink diet shit all day long and if my brain says "tastes good, sure would like some more!!" I tell it too fucking bad because it doesn't fit my macro/calorie goals.
In other words, normies use these studies to justify their lack of impulse control the same way a pedophile justifies his sexual urges. It's not excusable, only a lack of willpower, period.
Not only that, but non diet soda consumption went up too, at a steeper rate than diet. So what's to say that didn't cause the obesity rate?
Just like vaping is going to fix smoking, right?