/plg/ - powerlifting general



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In for cute smiles


Bodorio in the hospital is not sean....

Is Izlee natty?

He was in that webm Tbh

Being this CUTE is definitely not achievable natty

It's a troll

Unless you supply evidence

Oh wait you cant

Good 4 him tqbh


sheiko 96 has three squat sessions in one day

Can't do push-ups on sheiko because it fucks with wrist. It's like once a cycle should I just do incline?

How do you fit 3 squat sessions around your drinking?

Is it because your working weight is so pathetically light?

they are super important you can't skip them

? I don't drink, sheiko says it's detrimental to performance

>tfw lying in bed for 4 hours after waking up this morning since nothing to do and bed is comfy

How do I stop this lads, I want to stop wasting my mornings.

Is blue shoe literally autistic? Has he admitted it?

reminder that trappy is
-95% DYEL
-100% male
-100% cancer
>MFW i think about him hurtin'

Stay mad

If you're not Sean why do you repeat Sean's memes?

You two also post at the same hours, but never at the same time and when you do post at the same time both of you are shit posting

Ill stop until its official. You seem brothered by it.

She/he lifts more than sean.

Therefore, she is more of a man than he.

99% of my posts are sheiko related; not shitposting

It uses up less battery that way anyway, it's a blessing in disguise

I've had this big ass bird screaming its lungs out on my porch stealing my sleep gains. Does anyone have any experience making scarecrows? I want to get rid of this gains goblin, but he keeps comming back

why would i be mad?
- im not delusional about my gender
- im not delusional about my performances and knowledge
- im not lifting on test blockers (LMAO you must be the shittiest roider alive!)
- im not living on the asshole of the internet most of my time

you're punishing yourself im just watching ^^

You won't supply evidence
Isley used an old screenshot from last year as "evidence"

Seems like a joke from the club house
I'm also certain you're Alex

I assume he's on holiday and you're just shit posting

In fact I know he's on holiday because he spotted a picture of himself at the beach 3 days ago

Do them with a closed fist. Helped alleviate my wrist problems and now i feel stronger fist vs open hand


Only Sean calls people Dino

I've never seen anyone else do it

Or just stop being a NEET?

I take it you're Dino? Off the top of my head trappy, Joffrey, etc all do

A lot of people are new and can't remember you however

What? He wakes me up at 4 and I get up at 5:40 for work. It's really annoying

>namefag drama
This is why /plg/ sucks.

>I take it you're Dino
Exactly what Sean would say

>Off the top of my head trappy, Joffrey, etc all do
You said e.t.c because you only had 2 examples

Joffrey is a dumbass like Sean but doesn't do it as often as Sean. Like 1 post a month max.

Trappy did it once because you bitch about dino on your private discord gay chat

>A lot of people are new and can't remember you however
youre a new fag according to your posting style, unless you're Sean, which you are

Maybe people mistake you for being Dino like people mistake me for being Sean?

... So you're Dino?

Poet a picture outside your window to prove you're in Moscow

Doesn't need to show much, the difference between Russia and canada is large

I just need to make a scarecrow god damnit he keeps comming back at the excact same time every god damn day. That fucker is so loud he wakes me up even with 2 doors closed and no windows open.

I'm just a guy collecting evidence on you, Sean.

Don't reply to me again because I won't read it here on out.

What country?

Norway, why? It's a magpie

Buy a BB rifle and kill it

He won't. Because he's a lying, pathetic coward.

Mean. He doesn't know what he's doing

whete does he sit? Put something there to prevent him

But I don't live in Moscow?

You're Russian right?

Post a picture of outside. Russias a shit hole I'd recognise Russia from a picture of a dirt road

Yeah I could try that

Being this mentally ill is definitely not achievable natty

I'm doing programming for a friend, would any lads care to help out?

I'm not gonna say novice or intermediate because that's so arbitrary but I'll say that 1x/week TM style linear progression is too aggressive for him atm, and I'd still want him to be more in the 70-80% range than only once a week. So this is what I've put together, any critique? I'm not super experienced in percentages and rep ranges so any help would be nice.

Mon: 5x5 70%
Wed: 5x5 75%
Fri: 6x3 80%

Mon: 4x2 90%
Wed: 3x5 50% (recovery workout)
Fri: test 1RM or AMRAP at high percentage(4 reps tops)

Is there any reason to do hypertrophy work when cutting? Excuse my broscience but wont you just break down muscle you can't build up again since you're on a caloric deficit?

O' trappy my trapp


use it or lose it

pls fugg me

Well yeah but I mean as opposed to just doing my compounds instead of doing high volume accesories

I do high volume compounds

What's everyone's take on Izzy's PtW noive and intermediate programs?

Did anyone run them?

Rasputin is running the novice one right now. I haven't really heard anything about anyone else running them.

Really boring and the conditioning work sucks balls

a resting heart rate of 70 isnt that awful right

isn't that a bit high? I never do cardio and have like 50-55

idk they say that 60 to 100 is normal for most people and since im a 100kg powerlifter who never does cardio i figured 70 isnt that bad

pretty bad if you're still in your 20s.
My father has a RHR of 50 in his 50s

get your bp checked, it is more important

fuck mines 80

and my dad has a rhr of 45 in his 60's

see how useless ur argument is

my dad has a resting heart rate of 0

My dad fuggs ur momma :DDD


Mine is 62 apparently. I haven't done any cardio in almost 3 months..

post ur cute smile :3

Had a great session guys

>35kg 5 5 3 bench
>60kg 3x5 squat
>75kg 1x5 deads
>80kg double diddledoos

Trip on sean

You need to do hip mobility.

Try these kids on for size


I do hip mobility but a fucked disc is a fucked disc



>but a fucked disc is a fucked disc
lol then why the fuck are you asking for strangers to help
go to a doctor

>rest it, see a physio

It's a little more of a complex issue tho that I need someone with experience's input

It's a lower back weakness. I cam not support load with my hips in a hinged position,

Hey how do I learn to use a deadlift suit in two weeks?
It's tight in my crotch and loose in my upper body
I am a twink competing in strongman soon

Yeah dude go to the doctors before nerve damage

Gotta ask Isley, he's the only one here who does equipped

Ooooh wouldn't good morning work? And maybe glute bridges? RDLs?

gtfo /PLG/ is for shitposting and tripfag shit flinging contests only

it piss

I thought perhaps I could build up some lower back strength doing GMs however it's just made my lower back tight and painful

See a sports doctor m8

Will it hurt to do upper back work bodybuilding style on Sheiko if I have the energy after all my other work? It bothers me how there's almost no pulling volume in Sheiko.

trappy-senpai p-pls notice me!

not at all

You should probably do more gentle stuff. Maybe give it more time with your mobility excercises. Your back is your back at the end of the day. Have you been trying with a lower weight?

>a lacrosse ball

I know. Like everyone has those... right?

I bet it would hurt like fuck

Yeah I squat 180kg before I busted my back and I can't good morning above 40kg. Anything above 40kg hurts and caused my lower back to be painful until I alleviate the pain with stretching.

Also means I can't squat properly because if I hinge then something snaps and last time that happened I was bed ridden for days unable to move without pain

The only trip fag at least. Shame /STG/ never appears

Be careful with stretching. When I had my back issue stretching or doing low back specific work would end up causing me a lot of pain and issues

Yeah you are the mayor of snap city. You may need long term recovery work. How long ago did it happen?

There was this other strongman trip who got a deadlift suit a few months ago, but he disappeared

Yeah he has to be really gentle by the sounds of it.