What's a good appetite suppressant?
What's a good appetite suppressant?
coffe + nicotine patches
I already drink coffee and it don't work.
I'm looking to take a pill or something.
Fat hate threads
Nothing has as much of a success chance like taking care of an addiction by gettting another one.
>I'm looking to take a pill or something
Ok, let's go with that then.
There are the pills that work, and there are the pills you can get without a doctor's order.
So either way, you will have to go and talk to a doctor. Fatty.
So all the pills on amazon don't work?
L-Tyro helps me, thenine, rhodiola rosea,
hell just browse /r/nootropics.
Molly breh. Roll your fat ass straight to aesthetic
Try drinking at least a gallon of water every day. If you feel hungry just start chugging until you feel sick.
>you wont wanna eat then fatty.
4th post best post
real talk, i'm never hungry after fat hate threads. it actually caused me to start undereating, so it feels great to be able to feel like you're eating more than you should be still be barely at your caloric intake.
Thanks pal ill look into them.
ill look into that as well.
Pills that you can just walk in and buy often just work as a placebo or does something like 1% less appetite (which ends up working through placebo!).
The reason for this is because the average normie is RETARDED and can't into following instructions, so if you give them stuff like DNP they'll overdose and fry themselves to death because they're fucking stupid.
So go and set up that doctor's appointment.
Don't look towards pills/patches.quick fixes, as they are not sustainable in times of financial hardship.
Always prepare a box of rice and chicken/tilapia/beef/whatever protein in your fridge. This cuts your willpower in half, because when you crave unhealthy fast food, there's a healthy meal ready to eat in your fridge for less than 3 mins in the microwaves.
Drink black coffee in morning, the caffeine will help you stave off your hunger BUT you have to get off your ass and do things while the caffeine is pumping you up. The caffeine will not help you if you don't start doing some sort of activity to distract you from food.
Keep apples on hand. They are full of fiber and they fill you up quick. Apples are available all-year-round so it shouldn't be a struggle for you to get some.
If you're craving soda, try diet soda but keep everything else the same. Do not think "oh I have extra calories because of this diet soda" because I guaran-fucking-tee your ass that you will pig out.
Just chew on some coca leaves.
try metamucil/ psyllium husk
Duromine, need a script for it though in most countries.
basketball shorts
They are mostly caffeine, which as you've already experienced first hand, you build up a tolerance to it real quick. Those pills COULD potentially work as an appetite suppressant for a person who doesn't normally take in any caffeine whatsoever. (But let's be honest, if that was you then you probably wouldn't be fat in the first place.)
meth, coke, molly, heroin, crack... you name it. pretty much anything but weed, that shit is cash for bulking.
Willpower faggot.
will power and a reasonable diet
Why has noone mentioned an EC stack ?
I believe Fish Oil is said to help decrease hunger. I started fish oil myself this past month; take two pills at breakfast after 6 AM. No hunger well until around 11:30.
Buy fiber one protein bars they help alot
Ephedrine + caffeine + aspirin (ECA).
Ephedrine and caffeine have a nearly multiplicative appetite suppression, with only additive side effects. Aspirin reduces the metabolization of ephedrine, making it last longer.
Yohimbine is effective, but not nearly as effective as ephedrine, and whatever you do, don't combine them. You also have to take it on an empty stomach to begin with. But on the other hand, you can buy it off Amazon in the US.
Ephedrine is impossible to get straight in the USA, because it's the easiest thing to make into meth. There are a handful of states (the ones with the worst meth problems) where you can't buy it at all; but in most you can go to a pharmacy and get Bronkaid from behind the counter; you need to show them your state issued ID: they write down some information on it to share with a database to try and make sure you aren't going to a bunch of stores to get piles of it to turn into meth. All of it is also stacked with guaifenesin, which has the primary effect of making you nauseous if you take too much of it. This is so people who think "hey this pill makes me thinner better take a lot," will throw it up instead of dying of a heart attack. They do the same thing with cough syrup. (They bill guaifenesin as a "decongestant", which it does a piss poor job as.)
You can find the proper doses of ECA on the Internet. Some people are very alarmist about the aspirin. Which makes sense, it is the most dangerous drug in there when taken at normal doses. You may want to do one dose of ECA in the morning and then EC the next two doses.
This doesn't have no side effects. High blood pressure, headaches, mild irritability. But it's safer than a lot of methods so long as you stick to a reasonable dose.
Because they're all trolls.
If you cut for long enough, your appetite gets better.
This is very informative, coming from someone already on EC.
Just to be clear, is it Aspirin 81mg, once a day (with the first EC dose)?
The answer to your prayers
this picture, its you if you eat like shit.
A hobby or 2.
Keeping busy with something you enjoy can help distract from hunger and much much more.
I paint, crochet, and raise chickens among other things, sometimes I crochet stuff for my chickens.
Busy-fun is a helluva way to make time fly in the best way until your next appropriate meal time.
We are living in a parody of reality.
The memes jack..
looking at yourself in the mirror
Eat food while naked sitting in front of a mirror.
Thank me later
I came here to post this, that shit motivated me to start taking weight loss seriously
Meth and speed work we'll for me
Working in a pharmacy, phentermine is a strong appetite suppressant but it'll fuck you up in the long run. Go see your doc about it
Coffee best.
t. Former fatty