Fried fucking eggs

realistically, what are the long term negative health side effects to scarfing down six of these bad boys a day?

is cholesterol /really/ that bad for you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes it's bad for you to eat half a carton of eggs per day. We don't need 5 of these threads every day, just lurk.

If you eat clean then you're good

There's more cholesterol in a dirty American diet than 10 eggs, if you were to eat hamburgers, drink Starbucks, and snack on deep friend chicken

Wouldn't hurt to take fish oil supplement though

/REALLY/ general

Are steroids /REALLY/ that bad for you? I was thinking of /REALLY/ putting my 6 yr old son on gear.

But seriously no, eggs are fine, idk how you manage to put 6 down your throat everyday but a few eggs a day won't kill you. Ofc it depends on the rest of your lifestyle though.o

>not eating friend chicken

>There's more cholesterol in a dirty American diet than 10 eggs, if you were to eat hamburgers, drink Starbucks, and snack on deep friend chicken

Not by a long shot. The average American eats something like 400mg cholesterol a day, which is about 2 eggs.

there's nothing wrong with eggs

>dietary cholesterol

In 2015, the DGAC suggested dietary cholesterol not be considered a nutrient of concern. A group called the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine investigated the committee and found that a lot of the members had financial and personal ties to the egg industry, and this caused them to send a lawsuit to the USDA in 2016

The next day, the USDA released their guidelines after months of delay, keeping the DGAC recommendation to remove the specific limit on cholesterol, but strenghtening the suggestion to limit cholesterol by changing the recommendation to eating as little cholesterol as possible, rather than giving an upper limit.

>The Key Recommendation from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines to limit consumption of dietary cholesterol to 300 mg per day is not included in the 2015 edition, but this change does not suggest that dietary cholesterol is no longer important to consider when building healthy eating patterns. As recommended by the IOM,[24] individuals should eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible while consuming a healthy eating pattern.

You didn't really see this in the media though, probably because honesty doesn't make a good story.

That's 8 eggs, OP.

egg yolk tastes like shit

"Sometimes I eat up to 40 eggs a day." -Scot Mendelson

I eat over 50 eggs a week and I've been doing so for over 3 years. Last time I got bloodwork done, the doctor told me it was pristine and that it reminded him of a marathon runner he also treats.

>I do not do any kind of cardio whatsoever

Anonymous anecdotes are very reassuring

>another egg thread
starting to think these are made by the same neckbeard who enjoys arguing with himself under different personas about this topic for some autistic reason

Dietary cholesterol has been found to have no link to blood cholesterol. "Eggs are bad for you" is an 80's meme at this point.

I eat a shit ton of eggs like op.

Are you saying fish oil helps negate the downsides?

That's just a myth spread around on shady diet websites. As the Institute of Medicine says, "there is much evidence to indicate a positive linear trend between cholesterol intake and low density lipoprotein concentration, and therefore increased risk of coronary heart disease"


Define "eating clean" in real, scientific terms.

Nah, there have been actual studies. But if we're just playing this game I'll say your study is a myth spread on shady diet sites as well.

Honestly, it's near impossible to pin down a multifactoral problem, such as heart disease, on one factor alone. I support moderation in things. Eating a half dozen eggs or so a week isn't going to kill you, especially if you eat healthy and get regular exercise.

>Nah, there have been actual studies.

On the whole, studies show clear associations between dietary cholesterol intake and concentration of LDL cholesterol

>Eating a half dozen eggs or so a week isn't going to kill you

OP's talking about a half dozen eggs a day

hi, ive lost 80 lbs having 3 eggs + whole grain toast for breakfast almost daily.

>muh cholesterol

fucking retards, eggs are good for you

Sure there is some controversy in the literature but there is very clear consensus that more than one egg a day causes an increase in heart disease risk. One egg a day leaves you just barely under the 300mg limit for cholesterol, any more any you're way over, especially if you consume any more animal products, which most people certainly do.

Except LDL is essential for immune function, kiddo. Immune cells are loaded with LDL receptors. Guess why high LDL is associated with heart disease. Hint: you've got causation reversed.

Raw eggs are high in avidin, a compound that binds to vitamin B7, preventing its absorption in the colon. This is bad.

That many eggs is likely to make you feel sluggish and slow

Finally, if the eggs are not organic, you are shooting yourself in the dick

You're making it sound like your two choices are having high LDL or having no LDL. Having insufficient LDL isn't a practical concern, it's not something you could realistically achieve even if you took cholesterol-lowering drugs. Having high LDL could kill you.

3 eggs a day is fine.
Half a carton a day seems like it would definitely fuck up your cholesterol long term.

to be specific

3 eggs, whole grain toast, and a tiny bit of margarine for the pan

otherwise eating chicken breast/steak/tuna/veggies.

eggs is GOODS

u be mean to eggs? me get MAD

Post your blood results then. That has to be about the shittiest diet I've ever seen, sounds like 80% of calories coming from animal sources

What is the point of shitposts like these? Do you think anyone here believes eggs are overunity machines and eating one will cause you to balloon up 300 pounds?

my point is that eggs arent bad for you, I had them often and im in the best shape of my life: they are high in protein, good fats, and no carbs...whats not to like?

>lose weight and start exercising, likely cut out processed foods as well
>attribute feeling/looking better to the eggs on your morning toast
>no objective measure of health observed

of course it isnt just because of eggs, but eggs can be part of a healthy diet

imo it's a good breakfast, I usually either have eggs or oatmeal

>eggs can be part of a healthy diet

They can be the part that isn't healthy

but ive tested my blood pressure regularly

systolic/diastolic were always optimal. whats so bad about eggs, honestly?

>whats so bad about eggs, honestly?

They're the most concentrated source of cholesterol besides brains, which is a bad thing

but im in the best shape ever, surely eggs cant be poison?

not saying they are without flaws but nutritionally they have good macros

You lost weight and exercised and got in better shape than you were, while coincidentally eating eggs. If you did the same thing but smoked a few cigarettes a day, it wouldn't be right to conclude that smoking isn't bad for you.

is it safe to say having eggs in moderation is ok?

sure, there is probably a tipping point where too many is bad.

N=1 as well

Bodybuilding in its competitive capacity is poor for your health. Having a BMI above 25 is more than ideal, 28 is unhealthy.
Having a body fat percentage above 20 as a male or 28 as a female is unhealthy, above 25 or 33 is aiming for a cardiovascular death sentence and chronic disease long term.
Eating too much of food additives as hormones, pesticides, is unhealthy.
Eating too much or little of any macronutrient is unhealthy (80/10/10, 10/80/10, 10/10/80 all being generally unhealthy with few exceptions)
Eating too much of any processed food product is unhealthy regardless of what macronutrient it consists of- whether carton egg whites, whey protein, soybean oil, coconut oil or refined sugar.
Eating too little fiber (under 5 grams daily) is very unhealthy and unpleasant, and eating too much (over 30-40) is overkill and extremely uncomfortable for most people, causing health compilations at high enough doses.

Moderation is key, jackasses.

Eggs contain these things (avidin, cholesterol, sat fat, sometimes hormones antibiotics and pesticides, allergenic amino acids, cancer exacerbating amino acids such as methionine) which are all situationally and dosage-wise potentially hazardous.


My problem with that is everyone has a different definition of "moderation." Most health bodies like this guy pointed out consider 1 egg a day to be the most someone should have, assuming their diet is also low in other cholesterol sources like meat While the IOM, agreed with by the USDA, say "the less, the better" with dietary cholesterol So 3 eggs is pushing it, and 6 eggs like OP mentioned is way overboard

>Eating too little fiber (under 5 grams daily) is very unhealthy and unpleasant, and eating too much (over 30-40) is overkill and extremely uncomfortable for most people, causing health compilations at high enough doses.

I was with you til that. 30-40g fiber is the minimum amount you're supposed to get. Ideally you should be hitting over 65g if you've got a good diet.


I eat 6 eggs a day, 3 in the morning and 3 spread out during the day depending on what i'm eating that day. Spreading out the egg consumtion might be a smart idea?

>Spreading out the egg consumtion might be a smart idea?
if your goal is to absorb as much cholesterol as possible yes

Explain, please.

I think that'd be worse since you're continuously absorbing cholesterol throughout the day instead of one rush that your body might relax from afterwards

Not that guy
A portion of dietary cholesterol is not absorbed, also there is an upper limit for the amount absorbed at one time. Also some types of fiber bind to cholesterol and prevent absorption. Most famous among them are beta-glucans which are found in oats and barley, which decrease blood cholesterol very quickly and effectively when consumed daily.

Cool, thx.

You are right about the fiber, but it really depends on overall caloric intake.
Since the average person eats 2500 calories per day, 30-40 grams of fiber is sufficient. For bulking lifters and active people with lots of muscle mass, 50+ is very reasonable. Since you'll be eating 3000, 4000, 5000 calories.

>meats are bad cause saturated fat
>eggs are bad cause cholesterol
>fruits are bad cause fructose
>dairy'es are bad cause hormones
>grains are bad cause gluten
>legumes are bad cause anti-nutrients
>carbs are bad cause insulin
>proteins are bad cause kidney damage
>fats are bad cause they fat

What's fucking left? What do I eat? Grass? Fuck, that's probably bad, too.

Not eating obvious shit that will kill you.

Broscience the post.

Half of those are true, half are not. The common thread is plant/animals. If you notice, plants produce loads of carbs because they don't have to move around too much. Animals produce fat and protein because they active motherfuckers. So people on either side will use the carbs/fat thing to argue animal/plant. Meat/dairy/egg industries push protein/fat and evil insulin, evil fiber. Vegans push evil SFA, cholesterol, hormones etc. But one thing you'll notice is that respected authorities never push evil insulin, evil carbs, evil grains. Because that is most definitely horseshit

vegan detected

Lots of people push 'evil carbs' and 'evil grains', you have got to be kidding me. There are even paleo vegans who push this shit. The truth lies in moderation, once again

THe relationship between blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol is not as simple and straightforward as phisicians in the past would liked us to believe. And eggs were considered,even back then,to not contribute significantly to blood cholesterol.
My tip, buy some pastured/farmer market's eggs andcook 2 a day in good butter. There are vital nutrients like choline which are missing from the modern diet and are abundant in eggs.

What about 6 egg whites a day? Or is that bad too?

There's only traces of cholesterol in egg white so you're cool.

"Moderation" isn't defined. All it means is that you have no clue about what a nutrient or food does so you just say "lol don't eat too much of it but a little bit is fine", what the fuck does that mean? Nothing.

And no, evil carbs is not something vegans push, because an avocado-and-oil diet is not particularly feasible

You can hit 50-100 grams of low glycemic carbs per diem on a paleo vegan diet. Look at Cory McCarthy on YouTube.