Should i train calves yes or no?

Should i train calves yes or no?

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why the fuck should you not?

because im not a faggot

I don't train them per se, and I have pretty good calves.
Although my house has stairs and I go up and down those stairs every day several times a day. I also jump rope as cardio, heard it helped calves.

get off this board then


Do it for the doms. They will never grow just accept it

just starting PHUL and they have calf exercises on power and hypertrophy

i honestly don't see the point

why do calves?

Yes, non-lifters only judge the size of your legs by how big your calves are. It's sad but true.

Yes. Don't listen to the "you don't need direct work for calves" meme. Mine are still poverty (cos I'm white and was never fat in my youth) but have seen a marked improvement hitting them twice a week with good amount of volume.

I do PHUL without calves. I do hip trusts and/or RDL instead. Training calves is pointless, just do a lot of cycling and run and pray for calves if you really want them to grow

Calves are hard to grow cause they're very dense with fascia tissue from supporting your entire bodyweight so much of the time. You need to learn about fascial stretching for calves if you want them to grow.

Or just get obese for a while and then lose weight. It's way easier

nope, i'm a fat ass with chicken legs. your argument is invalid.

You are supposed to move and do stuff dude


you can always spot the former fatties by their massive calves and dyel everything else

There are stair between the basement and the kitchen, bro. I have to go up there sometimes when mom's out.

Been training for almost 3 years, every part of my body has grown except my calves, I have not put on a single cm on my calves and have tried so many routines

I'm going to keep trying to make them grow but no fucking way would I ever suggest training them, it has been a complete fucking waste of time, I could have been training my forearms or other body parts instead that I would have actually seen progress in

calves are genetic

I hope I'm wrong and there is a way to grow them but I haven't seen so much as a hint of progress in my calves (my calves are 11.75 inches)
Getting bigger calves is the number 1 reason I started lifting... this is a cruel joke

I think the same. If I thought they could get even slightly bigger by lifting I would train them but I think they're entirely genetic.

I've recently started running a couple times a week, and I do calve raises about 2 times a week and am seeing some results. Slow, but you need to work a lot for them to even grow a little.

You know what to do

Seriously considering it but I read it's a horrible idea
There are some good calves implants that I've seen online though...

This guy knows what's up, do some jogging the longer distance the more it will work your calves