Why did lifting literally kill my gaming "addiction" over-night?

Why did lifting literally kill my gaming "addiction" over-night?

It's been 4 years since I started lifting and I haven't touched a video game since. The interest just died over night.

Is it possible that something else in life might end up killing the interest in lifting for me? I fucking hope it doesn't.....please tell me lifting is immune to this...

because u suck at games lol

Because you only played video games to fill a void. You didn't actually enjoy it.

underrated post and because you found a new addiction, i love how stupid the questions on Veeky Forums are

Only kids and manchildren play videogames. You grew up

If /v/ is reading this, get fucked nerds

This is at least the second time in a month I've seen this exact post. It's time to stop.

probably just your age

if you browse /v/, you'll find a large portion of people there don't even like playing video games any more and just really have no other hobbies.

I was the same way, literally every single fucking game is boring to me now and it started a bit before I got into lifting (one of the main reasons I started).

I occasionally play vidya with friends, but thats about it.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

>tfw lift and play video games at least 4 hours every day

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven” belongs to such as these.

I'd really like to know what your daily scheduled looks like.

Found the wagecuck

I still occasionally play video games, but I lose interest in them very quickly. I'll play a game for maybe 2 weeks, then I'll never touch it again. I have yet to find something to catch my attention. I played the shit out of Fallout 4 and Forza Horizon 2, but they've become bland now. I'm waiting for Forza Horizon 3 and am honestly quite excited.

The only game that has stuck with me is Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. I still play that shit daily 11 years later.

Some say you grew up, but you still post on Veeky Forums
You even repost the same thread for some reason, saw this posted 2 weeks ago. Why do you care so much that you need to spam this board with your stupid blog?

>guys I quit video games FOUR years ago, and I still think about it while reposting shitty threads
>why? why am I retarded

You got trolled on summerbitch. Take your loss like a man and lurk more dyel. Bye.

Video games are a waste of time, they were made for 2 things:
Party recreation and keeping your children under control (i.e. not moving around breaking things)
Party recreation is over, as arcade games are now obsolete, and is better to just play pool or drink till dawn.
So the only remaining thing is for children. And not for a good reason, is just to be controlled, so if you like being a a mindless sheep, sure, go play video games.
Too bad they are so addictive...

BJJ and music did for me.

I just find these activities more rewarding than lifting weights.

this is an exact copy of a post from about a month ago.

I know this is a copypasta, but it's a shame how shit vidya has gotten.

The only games I look forward to now are Souls games, Deus Ex games, Kojima games, the occasional indie gem, and Quake.

>get to Heaven
>it's all fedora neckbeards playing vidya

Is it really Heaven, or is it Hell?

I play vidya and lift


Eh lifting just probably lead to social gains and experiences you preferred more than gaming. Some people lift, game and socialize, some just lift and game.
It's the way of the universe sempai, you do what you enjoy.

>hadn't played games in a long while
>I'll get Doom I guess
>have a great time and actually finish it (rarely happens)
Think I might like vidya again

I stopped playing "competitive vidya" and now only play games that have defined endings.

Playing SC2 or DotA is waste of time, but when I played it a lot it was more like a bonding activity I did with friends rather than playing the game for the sake of the game. The game was really just a commonpoint, friendship and camaraderie was what kept me there. I could say the same about my 5 years playing WoW. I stopped when my friends all stopped, because it wasn't fun anymore without them.

So yeah I play a shit load less vidya, and even less anime. The next step in my life is probably replacing the time spent shitposting and fapping with productive things.

just rolled for the first time - fucking loved it

did you lose all your gains?

Pretty much this.

Still loling at the previous thread where boy turned man and rejected vidya.

So lifting is a hobby?

Not really. Twiddling your thumbs/doing some motion with a barbell is pretty much the same. Get real hobbies. They will translate to monetary compensation.

I disagree with that post, at least when saying that reading is a waste of time. But it strictly depends on what you're reading. If you're reading genre fiction like Game of Thrones, that's not very productive. If you're reading non-fiction and learning lessons and skills that can be applied elsewhere in life, then there is productivity involved.

I don't think Lifting is a hobby unless you're doing it for something like powerlifting/olympic weightlifting. Lifting might be something you do because of a hobby(physical fitness for athletic sports, track and field, work). But doing it just to stay physically fit is as much a "hobby" as eating to stay fit is.

Who is that gains goblin ?

I never understand these staged photos. It's like they're trying to say women are always dtf and if you just put away that game you'd be doing you both a favour. Or to imply you're not being a man or some sort of unfulfilled stance to shame you about your hobbies.

Most women I know are barely dtf while being in long term relationships so pics like this just make me scratch my head. Maybe initially she might act like why are you doing this instead of fucking me, but after a couple years there's no fucking way you can convince me chicks are going to be nearly as dtf as shown in ops photo: you basically have to beg or treat them like a hooker by buying them gifts if you want to fuck. In b4 she's cheating on me or that I suck.

>this thread again

Go away

Why did you post this topic again with the same image?

Lifting hasn't killed yoyr shitposting addiction

holy fucking shit m8s, just have fun, if you like vidya play vidya if you don't like vidya then shut up about it and don't play, don't try to persuade and convince others that vidya is bad

If you got the money and the time do what you want, who gives 2 fucks about the other poorfags when you got them beat on the socio-economic ladder and looks wise.

Geophysics user who gets paid 140k and lifts AND plays vidya, i'm in the top 10% power group with actual money, but hey don't listen to someone who made it, listen to the poorfags that say video games are childish

>Twiddling your thumbs/doing some motion with a barbell is pretty much the same
>sitting on your ass getting rewarded for sitting on your ass for long periods of time
>improving your physique, improving your health, and pushing your boy to exceed it's potential
>these are the same thing
Nice meme, but kys.

Oh look it's this pasta again

>improving your health, and pushing your boy to exceed it's potential


last time i got ashley, i don't want my wife to die on me again

Witcher 3 is pretty cool. This is coming from someone who plays 2-3 videogames a year.

>rolling for your own post

Is that a selfie :^)

>You get nothing out of reading
The amount of bullshit in these threads is staggering.


>reading is a waste of time

Are you serious?

Rolling for Lizzy or Brooke.

>Why did lifting literally kill my gaming addiction" over-night?
You were probably burnt out. Probably the same reason /v/ bitches all day about the lack of good games when in reality they're just bored.

not him but are you mad your manchild hobby hasn't gotten you anywhere? id be mad bro.

is true tho

Is this some kind of pasta?

I've been away for 5 weeks but i swear i've seen this exact same OP before.



Seems reasonable OP.

After playing WoW for 5 years and racking up 7200 hours /played on my main character, I went to college. I pretty much quit the game cold turkey, and haven't played since other than dicking around on trial accounts just to see what's new.

Sometimes you just realize what's more important.

Also this was towards the end of the WotLK expansion so I guess I quit right on time.


because you have bad associations with video games. you associate them with your previous lifestyle, which you're trying to leave behind

or at least thats what i think. could be whatever

>mfw got the trap
>mfw i'm ok with it

Rollin for Lizzy

Glad I'm not the only who thought this.

As Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's right hand man said:
“In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time – none, zero.”


>tfw can't even get a gf when I have a 97% chance of success

Ugh, these women either have shit jobs or no career prospects. Lack of functional ambition is unsexy.

Roalin for qt azn studying comp sci or Chad

You weren't playing games because you enjoyed them you were doing it to escape. I work out all the time and I still enjoy playing games because I enjoy them for what they are.

20 years old?

>started lifting a few months ago
>home gym master race
>play vidya inbetween sets
Get on my level my friends. :^)

>started lifting a few months ago
quit reading right there summerdyel.



Quit reading there, fucking memer


Kek u keep playin video games and I'll keep hittin on chicks bby


Lifting > more latent energy > you don't want to sit on your ass playing vidya all day.

>waiting and twiddling your thumb in between sets instead of playing vidya
>being this butthurt because i have a home gym
Take an aspirin man, you're going to have a brain aneurysm at this rate.

Fucking hell.
Roll again

what is latent energy

What you channel to go super saiyan. Active energy is what you use to lift weight. Accessing latent energy is difficult though which is why very few people can fly.



Jokes on you I have a homegym and study programming in between sets. But please get that high score kiddo.

lmao everyone tip fedoras at this guy. its hilarious how this bitch doesnt realize how cringy he is

Everything is fine in moderation. Including video games.
Stop worrying about what other people think you should like, and just like what you want to like. As long as it doesn't get in the way of maintaining a healthy body and healthy relationships with people, have fun. You live once and then you die. Live it up and live for as long as you can.






>lifting is a manchild hobby
Go back to /v/, /v/.

Also you are definitely a samefag.

>he quit lifting for music

OP here.

Nope, I still don't have any friends or socialize at all. I started lifting at 25.

You don't ever beat an addiction, you just replace it with a different addiction. The key is to replace your addictions with healthier alternatives like lifting or running.

BTW, not an argument :^)

Is riding motorcycles a time waste?



kill me, re-roll lets go

Because video games are for children and it doesn't help the video game industry is becoming cuckified by extreme liberalism and feminism.


I don't understand why people hate videogames but are typically perfectly fine with watching TV. One involves you doing something and thinking about something, and the other is people vegging out and not interacting with anything.



Why are you bumping this copypasta b8.

Oh wait, you're probably OP, and OP is a massive faggot.

I still lift and play vidya. I can maintin hobbies because im not simply replacing one addiction with another.