wearing a hat in the gym

> wearing a hat in the gym

Other urls found in this thread:


>wearing jeato to the gym

>not wearing a comfy bike helmet to protect your brain and stun the ladies

Just asking for zits and ruining a hat


I've never worn a hat in my life. Am I autistic?

>wearig a hat during sex

Why in gods name are you posting with a trip?

>not bringing your gun to the gym

no youre not senpai fuck hats

>wearing hoodies to the gym
>bringing an empty jug and filling it at the fountain
>beats headphones
>wearing basketball shoes
>lifting babbyweight but making animal sex noises

>wearing hoodies to the gym
What's wrong with that ?

no you simply probably have no head

Sorry, its perfectly fine if you want to be an edgelord.

>living in america

you're retarded

meh ... wear what you want.
Just be clean.
Wash your body and your clothes you filthy apes.

>>lifting babbyweight but making animal sex noises
This. Fucking this.

It's always that geared up douchebag, he's fucking huge but you never see him doing any real lifting. He does little dumbbell accessory lifts or cable curls.

He wears an oversized flat billed baseball cap with his ears tucked into it.

He wears jeans.

He wears a tank top that is basically connected on both sides by one inch of cotton, exposing his whole entire side. He is basically wearing a cloth flap with a hole cut into the middle.

He takes up the one piece of equipment you need with his gym bro so he can lean on shit and talk about the tinder sluts he's hooking up with.

He has a stupid flavor savor goatee.

I hate this guy.

kek kek kek, just try and stop me.


If you don't wear a hat or AMERICAN HEADBAND you will forever be a cuck and NEVER squat 3.5x your bodyweight

t. edgelord

>using clips on warmup sets

>not living in America

i wear a hat sometimes because my hair is kinda long and it keeps it out of the way, am i an autist?

Nah just an edgelord.

>Guy walks in with a tupperware in hand
>Sits on one of the empty benches
>Opens the tupperware and takes out an egg
>a fucking egg
>peels the shell and eats it

Fucking bringing your protein to the gym

this reminds me
>at the gym
>doing squatz
>notice a woman behind me and think she's mirin
>finish my reps
>she walks up to me
>she's police, asks to see my CC license, my shirt was rolling up over my gun because deep squatz
>top kek

>The dyel drinking a protein shake during his workout

Wearing a hat indoors (in ANY context) is considered bad manners.

You're welcome, kids. Your daily lesson on how to look like an adult.

Had a similar situation at my gym.
>be me
>not you
>have CHL
>at the gym doing chin-ups
>gun tucked in basketball shorts
>shirt keeps coming up and showing it everytime I do a chin-up
> one of the staff members comes over to me after some bitchmade pussy complains
>I showed them my CHL
>she can't do shit
>finish my sets and go home
Kek I love this country.

Doing squats with a CC ?

Why not just home gym ?

>living in a """"""""""""""""first world"""""""""""" country that is basically a war zone

>Guy walks in with qt
>I know shes not a member but w/e
>He's pretty much dyel mode and does nothing but curls every time he shows up
>Seriously nothing but curls, and with bad form too
>His grill does some lunges and sit ups
>Catch his grill mirin me a couple of times
>He notices as well.
>He walks over to her and whispers something in her ear while looking my general direction
>She giggles.

>that white guy who always asks you to hold his gun during his sets so "it doesn't accidentally fall out of his sweatpants and hurt someone"

>not cardio bunnies

>not wearing a MAGA hat to the gym

>using pictures for ants

>being a jealous Eurabian

Here's your (you)

>not being able to defend yourself with murder
>shiggery diggery doo

kys europoor

Hi newfriend.

All of my WHAT?
Unless he's your bro, you never hand off your gun. That's like asking some fag to hold your credit card so "it doesn't accidentally fall out of my pocket and buy something"
You just don't do that.

Hello, pal

I'm DYEL,when I squatted my max (205) I grunted a bit uncontrollably.

Is this me?

>Girl was gives you "OMG he must be autistic or something" pity glares
>boyfriend makes snide but hilarious remark about you
>she becomes dehydrated from her pussy flooding at his WIT and CHARM

205 sounds respectable to me, user

I can't decide if this happened or not.
On the one hand, a CHL/CCW permit only makes it legal to carry a handgun concealed. It doesn't mean private property owners or their representatives can't demand you leave the premises if you're carrying a gun.

On the other hand, it's easy to imagine the staff member didn't know that either (or that they did know that, but didn't feel like kicking out a paying customer, and only said something to you to satisfy the bitching customer).

I can't decide whether or not to feel sorry for you or not.
On the one hand, ignorance is bliss.
On the other hand, stupidity is dangerous.

Whatever, keep believing if you want that a place somehow becomes more dangerous when its government allows you to own the means to protect yourself.

I guess sometimes it's really obvious that Europeans conceive of themselves as basically peasants under rulers with divine mandates, rulers who are only being appropriate and just to keep you in your place, unable to rebel; rather than conceiving of themselves as true citizens and members of their country.

A gym has no obligation to allow firearms.

Ignore the literal, non-figurative, legitimate autism that Veeky Forums has over making literally any noise during your set.

The only thing actually meme-arrow worthy in that post is wearing basketball shoes to lift.
Maybe the beats too.

I work out at a gym on a marine corps base, noticed a sign there yesterday saying that no headgear is allowed with the exception of sweatbands


>leaving alienanity behind


I've lived in America all my life. I've never been shot at, or seen anybody get shot at. The VAST majority of Americans can say the same thing.

The vast majority of America's gun violence is perpetrated BY niggers, ON other niggers. If you don't count those, America no longer appears to have a "gun problem" when compared to other countries. In short, America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a nigger problem.

Laws vary widely from state to state. In some states, you can actually be charged with "brandishing" if you accidentally allow your concealed weapon to become visible.

Most states do have provisions allowing for businesses to bar weapons on their premises. But the laws on how they must post this policy are usually VERY specific, requiring signs to be posted with certain exact word-for-word verbiage, in a certain color, with a specific font, exact size, etc. And even then, that just effectively means they have "asked you to leave", so the worst that could happen to you legally (again, in most states) is a trespassing charge.

Wearing a hat helps manage sweat and keep it out of your eyes.
I hate when I'm lifting and a drop of sweat tickles/itches me as it rolls down my nose or something.

Hat either keeps it at hat-level, or redirects it toward your hair and neck

>tfw I've never found a hat that fits my massive cranium

All this salt :^)

Except in both posts there's nothing about guns being misused

You could get, ya know, a fucking HEADBAND, which does exactly what you're talking about without making you look like a total douche bag...

...Although I hear the douche-bag look is in these days, so you do you.

headband is the biggest faggot thing to wear unless you're a balding NBA player lmao. fuck off sperg lord

Same here, giantheadbro. Every hat I've ever tried on just looked funny on my gigantic dome.

>needing guns to defend yourself

Hello summer :)

Have fun defending your country against sharia law with sticks and stones.

Wearing hat in the gym?

I wear loose jeans to the gym. Fite me.

Personally I think the guys with "gym clothes" who have to wear trackies, who have to wear tight shirts or wife beaters, who can't just wear goddamn jeans and a t-shirt because it's not stereotypical gym..
..those are the douchebags.

Are you there to lift or be seen?

>defending yourself against people with guns without a gun

you think life is an action movie, kiddo?

you ain't no fucking movie hero.

If anybody is offended in 2016, by someone elses choice to wear a headshirt indoors they need to get a clue and learn to farmer joe before i can kill them

Anyone else have a gym enemy?

There is this guy at my gym who i seriously fucking despise, and i've never talked to him.

Every day he wears a winter hat, fluorescent orange Beats headphones, a tank top, basketball shorts withsome kind of tights underneath, and goes fake tanning. He stares at himself in the mirror most of the day.

He does the "TSSSSSSSS" steam noise when he lifts. He doesnt re-rack his weights. He walks around drinking some kind of red liquid from a gallon jug, every day.

I have never wanted someone dead more in my life.

Implying I don't wear my obey snapback while I'm railing ur'e mom

are you trolling? why the fuck would you wear jeans to the gym?
Do you play sports in jeans? Do you run in jeans?
you'd probably get kicked out of my gym

I like how it stimulates my prostate during squats.

>country full of guns
>shit ton of gun crimes compared to non-gun countries
how's that succulent NRA nipple in your mouth m8

>that guy who always hangs his AR15 rifle on a squat rack
can't you carry just Glock, brah? It's obnoxious.

>drinking after each set
>drinking during workout and not after

dyel city

what the fuck. context?

its to protect ur head form getting cold with ac
>its like you dont want to make it

>having AC in your gym

you are not making it

Not trolling, I just fail to see what I wear on my legs has any bearing unless it's leg day. Of course I wouldn't run or play sports in jeans because that's leg exercises, even then my jeans are loose as fuck. What the fuck does it matter if I'm only doing chest exercises? Does it really buttfluster you that I don't look the part?

>getting kicked out because fashion
Thank God the douchebags and Marias don't run the gym.

Seriously, are you cunts there to lift or to be seen? No shit most of you lack the motivation to make it. Enjoy being a failure.

>not wanting to both hide your sweat and keep it contained to your head only
smdh tbqhwy pham

Also hats hide my awful hair while I grow it out

Context is AMERICA!


have fun defending yourself when the men in the white coats come to take you and your tinfoil away

>more guns = guns being used haha oh man checkmate
>what are niggers
>what are crime statistics separate from guns