It's 2016 guys. Why haven't you upgraded to cricket protein yet?

It's 2016 guys. Why haven't you upgraded to cricket protein yet?

>eating anything that's not a ruminant

enjoy your cancer, faggot

16 protons for 100grams doesn't seem very hot

eating red meat literally gives you cancer though according to WHO

>living like a shitter in snowpiercer
wtf man

Dude what? It's the other way around. Cattle gets injected with all kinds of chemical shit.

the WHO can't find its ass with both hands. they're still pushing PUFAs.

>how do I grass fed meat

Because its a fad and fashionable and hipster right now. For most of the first world its just cheaper to eat normal food.

Price comes down, I'll try it

Do you raise your own cows? No? Then you are eating mutant beef.

nice buzzword senpai

that means anyone who takes steroids is a mutant too right? How stupid are you

Ya, this.

It's fucking expensive as hell! How can they charge so much for blended bugs??

Seems like literally everything causes cancer anymore lol..

>thinks that's how farming works

Still, I hunt deer. Well, "hunt" is a bit of an exaggeration. I pop them in my yard with a .22. Year round season here since they're pests. Good eating

>16 protons for 100grams doesn't seem very hot

Cricket flour is actually 70% protein and they'll probably be making isolates soon enough.

How is this any different from plant based protein powders or bars?

Potentially less processing involved????

Crickets aren't plants? It's like eating shrimp powder?

Plants come with phytoestrogens, pesticides and whatnot.

Even after they isolate the protein?

Yes. Those are the proteins, too.

Phytoestrogens yes. Other stuff I don't know if it gets filtered out or not.

80% protein, 20% plant poisons.

Yeah maybe if you're a fucking pussy.

Good man. Ever hunt treerats?

is this a meme or not? I have BSN, which is a mix of soy and whey. should i switch to pure whey isolate?

Now I remember why I left Veeky Forums

It's not a meme that soy protein has phytoestrogens but it's not yet clear whether consuming phytoestrogens is bad or not for men.