In love with buda lads
/plg/ - powerlifting general
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First for sheiko with current maxes on your first time round.
Bodorio said I'll be as big as him in only 13 sheiko cycles or 10 if I try really hard
So I inflated my maxes
I have not been able to maintain an erection for 3 days now but I'm gonna be as big as bodorio in only 120 weeks so it's worth it
>I have not been able to maintain an erection for 3 days now
What's this being-absolute-shrekt-on-Sheiko meme? Today I finished week 1 of #30 and I'm doing just fine, thank you. My sex drive might have even gone up a bit.
Pre fatigue
I maxed out a bunch them started sheiko with inflated maxes and no rest in between
Put in the effort now and reap the harvest later
Also are you doing high load or medium?
I'm on the -80kg routine, if that's what you mean.
Anyway, I have some questions: as I'm on the second half of the program and reaching the ending, I'm wondering just how I'll know my maxes for the next cycle. Someone on here mentioned to skip the last 3 weeks of #32 if you don't have a comp coming, is that correct? I'm not sure the few sets of 2-3x1@100-105% will even be that good an indicative of strength, given that specific day also has a lot of volume prior to each 1rep lift. So, how am I to go about it? Do the thing whole and, on the "comp" day, do a test for my 1RMs?
More: is a deload needed before starting a new cycle or can I just go ahead and start it? I'd wager backing off a bit would be prudent.
Sorry for all the questions, I haven't found anywhere answering stuff like this, not even the forums.
I'm running the >80kg. Under 80kg seems a lot easier which is probably why you're not as fatigued
As for your questions I don't really know so I'll let someone smarter than me answer
Tried my deadlift max today lads
Lost tons of diddy strength, so now my squat has surpassed my deadlift
Kill me
Isley they were saying last night that I should do Sheiko when I haven't lifted for like 3 months and I'm really depleted and twinklike. I should prolly do something else right?
Yeah run the full comp cycle. But for whatever reason the last three weeks are the worst.
See how you feel after it before deciding to jump straight back in or take time off.
Personally I'd take a week off at least. And then I'd do another week of light 5x5 training with LP. this is because the peaking cycle destroys your work capacity and volume tolerance. And those light 5x5s won't feel easy at all. And you don't want to start another sheiko in a detrained state or you'll get NORSED the fuck up.
Stop this. When you injure yourself, remember that I told you that you would.
Wow what a coincidence
Give yourself four weeks on a simple program that will rebuild your volume tolerance before you start sheiko (see above)
Alright, and how do you suggest I do competition day, if my 105% lifts go fine? Try 107.5% and 110%?
So LP? Thanks hun. I'll write up my four weeks once I've tested my crappy crappy max
ignore the 5%, take what's there for the day. if 100% feels like 99.9% it's retarded to try and increase 5%
Well, of course, but I'm not talking about W1D2. I mean the very last day that's just "competition day", where I'd like to actually test my maxes without being fatigued.
same applies, take what's there. what you do after a successful lift depends on how it went, yknow like in competition
How do you guys deal with stupidly tight hip flexors?
I don't, I just suffer in silence.
Compiled Haack vs Gibbs vs Hubbard into a single video.
All attempts, in comp order.
No spoilers.
Live scoreboard.
Does not include the other lifters, to make the video a lot shorter.
I don't think you should do sheiko though. It doesn't make sense for a) non competitive lifters or b) novices.
Use your intuition to see how much you can lift on the day. I, nor no one else, can know how much you're going to lift without ever seeing you lift or train or knowing nothing else than you hit 105% on your first sheiko skills test.
What do powerlifters actually look like?
Inb4 fat powerlifter meme
Everyone looks different. Some big, some small, some shredded, some fat...
There's no single "powerlifter" look.
Isley, you have troubles with binch so you might be able to answer this, how the fuck do you get a good arch with heels on the floor? I can have a decentish arch but it's on my toes max up to my mid foot.
Is it just mobility?
Depending on weightclass and genetic it's usually big guys 15% bfat maybe less with huge as fuck legs.
This isn't proven but I did it and it feels better. If it's clunking you need to pull down on the thigh as you lie on your back and then make small circles with your leg. If you try stretch before resetting the joint it will just hurt.
Please don't tell me SS
I actually use my heels down to get a better arch
I find a tight position with my heels up, then I press on the bar to keep my shoulders stuck to the bench, flex my glutes to push my heels down. This increases my arch.
Warning! This can hurt you so don't go crazy. Also I have to find exactly the right place so that I can get my heels down. Feet too close to the bar and they don't touch, not far enough and I don't maximise my arch.
Do whatever you feel like. If you're done with SS don't do SS.
Thanks man will try these tips out.
Do you guys touch low with elbows tucked or touch higher (nipple line) with elbows flared for close grip bench?
Which is better for maximum tricep?
My hips clunk like fuck. That whole bird dog thing is just not possible because every time I extend, clunk. I'ma try this breh.
low with elbows tucked lets me lift more and feels better
>can't sit still for very long without knee acting up
it'll go away on its own right? its only been 6 months will heal any day now
I'll try 531 I've ran it before but I think it would be a comfy move
Seriously you won't feel relief like it. It still feels better this morning so I'm going to keep doing it. Desk jobs, am I rite?
>desk jobs
Nah, just sat slouched in a chair for like 8 years playing vidya. Sitting though. Fuck sitting.
>tfw doing limber 11
>lower back stiffness and pain gone after two year
fucking magic i tell ya
now I can sit in my chair all day and dont have back pain kek
>tfw you can deadlift heavy but bending over in the morning used to be painful
Just stand up and stretch your back a couple of times each hour. Pro tip: purchase a light resistance band and do some shoulder work whenever you feel like it.
Any advice for avoiding bicep pain from squats? Feels like yesterday I had a killer Chad workout
Immidiate relief would be to widen your grip slightly. Even a finger width closer can upset my shoulders/biceps a lot. Long term you should try to increase shoulder mobility
How to do posterior chain werk or deadlifts for beginner intermediate with cuckols 3x week bench and squat? I don't really want to do diddys after amrap squats.
I hear taking your trip off will fix that
I'll try widening my grip thanks.
Any suggestions for shoulder mobility exercises? Google just Brought up ones that look pretty memey
>pic related
How about you take yours off. What makes you any different from lith?
This is powerlifting general. I've been competing for years, been to world's, founding trip of this general. And I've experienced both flavours of powerlifting.
Just ignore the seanposters
>"Waah waah my tripfag clubhouse is being ruined by someone I don't like"
Reminder that all tripfags are cancer. You bragging about starting a Veeky Forums circlejerk is like Pajeet bragging about his shitting streets.
And? Is he not training with the intent to compete one day? Are we not all? You're by no means any different than Lith, and should not feel like you're of any more worth to this place than anyone else.
Instead of being a pretentious elitist goon how about you work on bettering your horrid personality?
>you're of [no] more worth to this place than anyone else.
Except I am.
Polished shit is still shit, bruv.
>average /plg/ poster
this is what an intermediate power lifter looks like
mirin my bulge m8's?
on a serious note, how obvious is my dick going to be in a powerlifting singlet? i mean i've whacked off to maxx chewning in a powerlifting singlet you could see so much detail through it. and in real life i'm actually a pretty shy person
To be fair as much as Isley is a weasel and a cuck he is right if you are a faggot that isn't even competing can't even DL 180 kg the fuck are you doing tripfagging.
well Ras has a bigger penis so shush
kek if I was homosex i'd whack off to that too
Maxx is a pretty nice twink n-no homo
Literally not Lith i'm just tired of seeing isley pranze around on a message board thinking he's some sort of big shot who decides who's allowed to post with a name above their post and who's not
Doing Nuckols 3x week squat with AMRAPs. Should I DL 1x a week on one of those squat days or do it on a separate day? If so, which?
Squatting and benching on these days
I've been running SS for far too long, 155/90/190 are my maxes. Should I go onto sheiko, medium load?
Visible but no one really looks at it (except gay people and they won't mind)
All in the same boat so no one minds
Btw I hope you have a good day today :)
ooh diarrhea is spurting out of my asshole, like a volcanoe, my asshole has erupted shit clumps texturedike magma as the molten ash that is my burning hot diarrhea pours from out of me
You're up early. Have some ibuprofen and prepare to shitpost, right?
Any lifting to speak of?
my buttholes making this tingling sensation as my anal sphincter protrudes in and out as it excretes every last drop of the murky shit water
How about I spurt some of that hot lava all over your face, sweet cheeks?
Recently I've noticed that during my workouts that contain deadlifts, by the time I get to them I'm already really tired and if I don't give up during warming sets then I just can't complete my work set. Squat, bench and then deadlifts. Is it because I'm cutting? How to keep energy levels up during workouts?
Blop blip blop
Currently the sounds my buttholes making as fecal matter falls into my toilet water swoosh nigga
Spread them out over the week
>Btw I hope you have a good day today :)
>isley being nice
Like I spread your moms butthole all over my face
No. No trap. Just approval of your name field. Take care friend :)
Oh lol I was just about to trip. We're still friends though right? :)
Hahahaha kys shitter
Trust me buddy, you don't want to mess with me, I'm a force to be reckoned with
lol this is the kind of post I would make
A shitpost?
>No. No trap
trappy on suicide watch
Watch me trigger the fuck out of Isley
Hi guys
Hey diddlysquat how much do you diddlysquat
I diddlysquat under 4 plate! but I'm trying to get better :) I appreciate any advice guys! Ganbare!
He he are you also running SS like me :)?
no! I'm running layne nortons PHAT!
I don't want to get fat like brett haack xD so im doing a powerlifting and a bodybuilding routine to stay in shape :)
if you want to annoy us just call it powerbuilding
>annoy us
>an anonymous poster who's been posting here for 3 months speaking for the entire collective of PLG
>So I inflated my maxes
stahp :(
>week 1
wait 5 weeks
if by 3 months you mean closer to 3 years then
do you guys hold your breath on every lift? how do i stop feeling like im gonna pass out after a set of squats with my breath held?
>when you wake up to the rising sun and birdsong
Bodorio, post a happy pepe for me please.
Yo Bodoribro, I was benching yesterday and today my front delt hurts. Not anywhere near doms, and only if I make any pressing movements. Any ideas to make it go away?
Dont poke and prod at it. Could be nothing, wait until tomorrow imo.
I get random aches and pains often that go away in 1-2 days
Thanks amigo.
I hope you have a good day too!
>I don't really want to do diddys after amrap squats.
Tough shit desu
Do I need to add any accessories for Greg beginner bench or would I make most progress and gains from just doing the benching 3x week without accessory?
>starting Sheiko next week probably
Should I do the under 80kg or over 80kg 3 day routine?
>woke up this morning at 79.9 kg
Over 80kg is easier. Start with that
>George posting
>Joe posting
I guess it's FAT MANLET HOURS lads