Hey fitness!
I am a personal trainer, many years of experience. I figured I could help some of you reach your goals. Ask me anything!
Check out my website as well! It's in Norwegian but you can probably translate it with Google.
hiow often should I do deadlifts?
I would only do them once per week. If you do them wrong you can hurt your back. I recommend using rubber bands and cattle bells for training. :-)
heh heh heh heh, eheh
How many scoops should I take per hour?
How do I get a sexy 5.5/10 looking girl like you to date me?
Have you ever put any effort into anything in your whole life?
You failed the first easy test. Fuck off.
Whenever I run I get out-of-breath after a few minutes. Should I stop running all together?
Are you serious? She's 3/10 at best.
>cattle bells
Are you suggesting more cowbell?
could probably be a 7 if she lost 30 kg
Why are you pretending to be an obese fitness trainer on a polynesian upright paddle boarding forum?
Real PT here.
This response alone makes it too obvious you're trolling.
You should have tried to make it more subtle.
That ultimately depends on your goals.
If your goal is the get as strong of a deadlift as possible I'd suggest going heavy only one week but having two other days of moderate intensity to reinforce motor patterns and CNS activation.
If you're going for more hypertrophy/aesthetics than you only have to do them once to twice a week. Ultimately it depends on how your recovery is though.
I personally can't go heavy with deadlifts more than once a week or else my CNS gets taxed too hard with everything else added on top of that.
I'm almost convinced CNS overload is a meme and the real reason is that most people simply don't have the work capacity for high intensity deadlifts.
All of them ;^)
i think so too
Tr doing 3x8 dadlifts one week 3x3 other week see what happens
id cum on her face. who's that semen demon familia?
damn she fat. nvm
It is a meme.
Deadlifts take a lot more out of you than squats (or basically any other exercise) because they start with the concentric part of the lift, and have essentially no eccentric component.
Muscles contract harder/more efficiently concentrically when preceeded by an eccentric 'stretch' because the stretch stores elastic energy. That basically means that at the bottom of the squat, your muscles are 'primed' to work more efficiently on the way back up.
By contrast, the deadlift demands you to produce all the force you need to perform movement the immediately just to break it off the ground. Doing that requires a lot more energy, puts a lot more stress on your muscles and connective tissues, and generally tires you the fuck out faster.
Number 6 is the sweet spot for me. Does this mean I'm a 6 or lower or that I like interesting faces?
Dumb chart.
Work capacity basically is CNS development, along with cardiovascular health to some extent. But it's a big part of it.
When you feel exhausted after a brutal deadlift session? That's your CNS fried.
I think you do have a good point when Involving work capacity BUT just because many people lack it doesn't necessarily mean it invalidates CNS overtraining but simply means you have a higher ceiling.
Try doing a true 90%+ to failure 3x a week and I can gaurantee you that the weight you start with will decrease due to over CNS stimulation. That is considering you're not a novice. The rules change when you get to super heavy weights because you have to take into account the effect that heavier weight has on your tendons and ligaments. Which won't necessarily adapt as quick as your CNS and muscular strength initially.
It's obvious OP is a troll, but seriously, this is a legit website. She's an obese cow with no muscle, giving people advice on diet and exercise.
>mfw she's from my hometown
The gym she works out at is like 10 minutes away from my house what the fuck
Who's the fat fuck in the pic?
Eccentrics contribute more muscle damage than concentrics.
Deadlifts are not harder because they're concentric.
They're harder because most people can use more weight on them, it's easier to round your back on them, and you're gripping the bar with your hands.
Go do concentric-only squats. They're not as hard as deadlifts (although they will be a bit harder than normal squats).
The problem is that many stronger lifters interpret this wrong, and only do deadlifts once a week or once every two weeks.
Instead they should be increasing the frequency, but lowering the weight/intensity.
The more advanced a lifter, the higher frequency he should use.
i do this, cutting right now but would it realistically build muscle? i'll do something like 4x12 225lbs diddlys
Please post body. I want to see Norwegian men for science.