>He made it
>He doesn't have tattoos
What was even the point?
>He made it
>He doesn't have tattoos
What was even the point?
Why are you assuming?
i do have them
Maybe I'm not a low class piece of shit
Ive noticed that tattoes consistently correlate with low IQ
>Maybe I'm not a low class piece of shit
But you post on Veeky Forums?
>Ive noticed that tattoes consistently correlate with low IQ
I've noticed Veeky Forums usage correlates with low iq.
Also correlation has nothing to do with it. If you have high IQ, if you get tattoos does your IQ all of a sudden drop?
you don't put bumper stickers on a ferrari m8, fuck outta here with that logic
tattoos are for boys that are insecure about their bodies, and girls that think they're artsy
>Ive noticed that tattoes consistently correlate with low IQ
This is some elaborate b8 user, I r8 8/8
>If you have high IQ, if you get tattoos
sounds like
>If you have low IQ, if you get a PhD
no what he means is people with hi IQ's don't get tattoos because they're lame and a waste of money and permanent
it's the same reason people with hi IQ's typically don't max out their credit cards to buy truck parts. no it won't drop an intelligent persons IQ to do so, but he won't do that because it's stupid
Does Veeky Forums consider this a bit much?
Let me make this clear: most women who grew up with a father will not find tatoos attractive. In addition, I do not find tatoos good looking. So why would I get one
How are tattoos stupid?
Maxing out your credit cards is foolish because you should only use about 30% of your monthly credit in order to build an optimal FICO score. But how is an aesthetic stupid?
It's subjective and thus cannot be stupid. There's also all sorts of tattoos, are you just generalizing them all as distasteful? Lumping in even self-done Spongebob tattoos with well-thought out and well-done ones?
So do I buy new furniture every month? Can that value up to 30%? ? ?
Well yeah
I consider it cookie .
Like every tattood person is a cookie cutter
>b-but its specuul
Yea like you are the first person on earth who gets a sleeve
>So do I buy new furniture every month? Can that value up to 30%? ? ?
I'm saying to build your FICO score optimally you should not use more than 30% of your credit card's monthly limit.
Look up how fico scores are calculated. When you use too much even if you pay it off I'm pretty sure it damages your credit
IQ doesn't determine someone's interests, personality or way of expressing themselves.
I know a ton of smart people who are either ripped and tatted up or just tatted up in general.
Putting ink in your skin doesn't determine if someone has lower iq. Getting a fuck ugly tribal in your forehead on the other hand, that is some low IQ shit.
Visibility, quality and general caretaking of the tattoo would be a way of measuring the iq of someone.
you're right i'm biased, I think tattoos looks cool from a distance, but I literally can't think of one tattoo design that i've seen up close that I thought "man i wish i'd have thought of that, I would totally get something like that"
it seems like theres 3 types of male tattoos now adays, the super macho man tribal tat dude that has flaming skulls next to it and a spider web on his elbows, theres the super artsy dude that has a really well drawn clock on his arm, with a raven flying out of it and some other weird junk that has "deep meaning", and theres the "mom approved" tattoo boy, who has a bunch of tribute tats to dead grand parents and a cheesy lookin cross with praying hands that he probably picked out of a book at the local shop
please show me something sweet and unique and i'll shut up
Since you don't have tattoos you have no idea about this, but the first tattoo you get always "HAS TO HAVE A MEANING"
the rest either doesn't or you just make something up so people shut the fuck up when they continually ask you.
They literally stop have a meaning the second you walk out of the tattoo shop because you thought the pain had to have a meaning, but the pain isn't that bad and the meaning just make you sound like a dweeb.
It's true though, not him but it's mostly the lower-tier of the population that has tattoos.
and please don't get me started on female tattoos
no your dreamcatcher tat is not unique and artsy, a million girls have the feather thats breaking apart (and if you look really close you'll see that the little feather strands are birds slying away. super deep.)
or the really tacky star on the wrist, heart behind the ear, etc.
my fuckbuddy has this tattoo... wtf
Tell her it looks like she has ants on her.
Sweet pointless generalization with literally nothing to back it up, bro
Hes a cookie cutter
I don't own a rolls royce but I cant certainly say its a cool car and I'd like to have one if they weren't ridiculously expensive
I can afford a super elaborate, very well done tattoo, but I choose not to because they're lame, how am I not able to talk about this?
>hahaha bruh cuz if you get one you'll know how addicting they are
yes and heroin is probably great too, but I choose not to use it because it's stupid and a waste of money
>and please don't get me started on female tattoos
>no your dreamcatcher tat is not unique and artsy, a million girls have the feather thats breaking apart (and if you look really close you'll see that the little feather strands are birds slying away. super deep.)
Sweeping generalization...
Basically your argument is against SHITTY tattoos, which yes exist but it doesn';t make tattoos bad because a lot of girls have nice ones that look good
Tatoo originated as a way to differentiate tribal groups and thus were meaningful. This practice exists still among military, gangs, sailors etc. and is not stupid because it is not a way of making yourself look special, but a way of showing your subordination to a group.
90% of modern tattoos are stupid though. Think about it, teenage girls love tattoos and all want one. How can anything be cool that teenage girls like?
90% of modern tattoos also show that you are short-shighted, tasteless, and have low self esteem.
>short sighted
you don't know you will still want that tattoo 50 years from now.
you don't know if the symbol you used will change meaning. I know a middle aged woman who claims she got her "tramp stamp" before it got that name and before it was the label of sluttiness and stupidity that it now is. My friend's grandfather had to burn his SS tattoo out of his flesh after WWII. Did you know swastikas were a popular symbol in Europe prior to the Nazis?
The human body is a beautiful work of art and tattoos are ugly, just like makeup is not as beautiful as natural skin. Imagine a ballerina or a yogi with a tattoo, it takes away all the mystique of the body and labels you an immature American.
Look at it this way, is it okay to spray-paint graffiti on a blank wall? Really it's not that bad, if it's good and tasteful street art. What if that wall were part of a Frank Wright design? That would be wrong because that wall is already part of a composed piece of art. How can anyone disrespect the natural art of the human body? It's beyond me.
>Low self esteem
If you liked yourself you wouldn't want to change yourself. Period. The fact that you do so in an entirely useless and superficial way just proves that you're an idiot.
i know but she a typical wimmen.
please PLEASE show me some examples and I swear i'll shut up
but every female I know has the same stupid tattoos i've mentioned above, or a music note on their ribs, or some stupid fucking quote like "one step at a time" on their foot
tattoos back in the day were meant to make a statement, like "whoa, that sailor over there is tatted up, better not talk to him he's probably dangerous" nowadays justin bieber gets his face tatted so it's more of a statement to not have them in my opinion
I'm not a fan of tattoos. I think they can look very aesthetic or cool but I've never had anything important enough to me that I would want to have it on my body for the rest of my live and I don't want to have a tattoo for the sake of having a tattoo. That's just pathetic.
Holy shit man I just want something that looks cool comedy down
>so it's more of a statement to not have them in my opinion
AGree with you buddy first time posting in the thread. I thought the same way about 10 yrs in high school too whenever everyone is in the 'omg lets get tattoos to show how adult we are'. My thought process is, "Well you're all getting them so I'm more of a rebel to not get one right?"
I still have no tattoos. Sometimes I debate about what I'd get as a tattoo but I really have a hard time thinking about something I am so committed to that I think I will be committed to it in the next 50 yrs of my life.
>how can anything be cool that teenage girls like
Being cool is all about popularity. Tattoos are fashion. If you dont want one and think ita stupid but thats fine. But understand it is just fashion, it doesnt need to have meaning or anything
>90% of modern tattoos are stupid though. Think about it, teenage girls love tattoos and all want one. How can anything be cool that teenage girls like?
>90% of modern tattoos also show that you are short-shighted, tasteless, and have low self esteem.
Ok so 90% of tattoos are bad, so be in the 10% of the ones that are good.
This argument makes no sense.
>If you liked yourself you wouldn't want to change yourself. Period. The fact that you do so in an entirely useless and superficial way just proves that you're an idiot.
>If you liked yourself you wouldn't want to change yourself. Period.
So what if i don't like myself?
That's why I lift, that's why I took accutane for my acne, that's why I moisturize my skin, that's why I dress well, that's why I get a nice haircut and many more things.
>its more of a statement to not have them
Nope. No one cares you dont want tats
okay but ed hardy t shirts were considered fashionable at one point, bell bottoms were fashionable at one point
your stupid ugly tat is permanent, if it's a really cool tattoo thats great, but they all seem to look like shit especially once they're faded
so again, i'll ask for a third time, can you show me some really cool tattoos?
Ehh few of your points are good and then some of your logic is just retarded.
>If you liked yourself you wouldn't want to change yourself
So are you fat? A HAES supporter? I can like myself and still want to better myself. I'm not saying tattoos necessarily better you, but the logic is flawed.
That's a good way to look at it.
I've got plenty of tattoos. But its a dumb idea to get something inked into your skin unless you're really damn sure about what it should be and why you want it.
you're right no one cares that I don't have tats and don't want them, it's my choice
but when you're cuddling next to a girl you just met, and she asks "user what does this one mean" your answer is??
Even if you're among one of the exceptions I mentioned (you're not) you still will always look like an idiot who follows the herd in my mind.
You missed my point completely. With your argument I could say that I find Rolls Royce general design to be FUCK ugly and therefore you're an idiot for wanting one. Just because someone spend money on something that you would never spend money on it doesn't mean that money isn't well spent to that person.
If you find tattoos to be shitty then you aren't part of the category that does and so be it, don't fucking get them. Stop judging people who do, though, because the ink isn't in your skin and you didn´t have to pay your money for it to get there.
Ofc there seems to be 3 categories of men and 2 categories of women btw, because that's the majority anyone ever sees. They want what looks good in photoshop plastered on their hip. Everyone loves a vibrating summer day in a meadow where the sun strikes the leaves and the combination of nature and the sun makes everything look like gold and a high contrast green. OFC there will be a tattoo of it out there.
What you despise with tattoos are literally people taking the most standard things, like skulls, dragons and just generally nothing creative
or just a picture of something that not a single person in the world would ever be able to say "that is FUCK ugly, in every way, shape, or form. How could you EVER let anyone make a porcupine asshole with fiery pingpong balls covered in gonorrhea on your forehead?" because controversial shit doesn't fly if you can't handle conflict as a fragile person and therefore everything you do and always will do will be inside the lines of the box, not to make a fuzz. and that's where you get the general shitty tattoos from.
Then there are those who get tattoos just because "I felt like it" and they don't give a shit about what it looks like and that is the low IQ trash.
I already said I think tattoos look cool from a distance, but when I get up close and have someone explain theres it's always super dorky, super cliche, or just poorly drawn
it would be like seeing a rolls royce from 50 yards away, and walking up to find out it's really just a modified chrysler 300
I don't see how improving your body composition, healing chronic skin infections, and displaying social normalcy can be compared to drawing on yourself like a child crayoning on a valuable book.
>More of a statement not to have them
people with tattoos BTFO!!
I do want to get some at some point in my life (Almost 30 now as you can see by other post). I just haven't decided on anything yet which at this rate is maybe how I'll still feel in the next ten years and then never get one.
It's like.. a desire to want to be that committed to something I suppose.
Definitely a lot more degenerates with tattoos than more respectable people. Guarantee labourers would have tattoos more often than surgeons
Tattoos necessarily do not better you. The fact that you give any part of your time, body, or money to achieve such a petty thing shows that you are a petty person.
If I was looking for a non-degenerate wife to bear and raise children I would not assume some deep abiding insecurity and need to stand out or fit in because she worked to improve her body, finances, or mind. But that's exactly what I would suppose if she had a tattoo, actually (with the few exceptions I mentioned) it's virtually proof of being a petty and insecure person. There is literally no way you could go through the thought process of getting a tattoo if you weren't.
>made it
>covered muscle contours with ink
>he thinks drawing pretty pictures on his fucking body, that can never be erased, is "aesthetic"
lol you are a literal child
Tats are approved by the big guy himself
wouldve been twice as good without them
and steroids are cool too bruh, you should really start using hgh and tren bec-*gasp* MUH HEART HURTS OH GOD IM DYING
/Thread. Seriously tatoos have no value except as Art and that seriously diminishes the moment you get the tatoo. How do you think your old saggy skin is going to look with a faded ass tatoo?
>but when I get up close have someone explain
Exactly my point with tattoos having to have a meaning, if someone has to explain the reason to them getting fucking ink in their body it usually synergies with a cliché or otherwise retarded tattoo and/or person.
Of course the dyel's here would be against tattoos. No picture can make their shit delts look good.
rip brah
One is dedicated to my mother and the other to my father who was recently diagnosed with lukemia. Who are you to say what meaning is stupid or not?
Your mom was backed up last night when we did anal.
Only tat that matters.
Ruined his fucking symmetry.
What the actual fuck? BAKA
That explains it
but people want an explanation because it's a permanent life decision and the idea is that you must've put a lot of thought behind such a long term commitment
why did you marry claire user? people want an explanation like, " i fell in love with her because of our mutual interest in preserving wildlife and protecting endagered species, I also love her laugh, and the way he eyes light up when she talks about her writing, something she and I are both very passionate about"
not, why did you marry claire user? lol cuz she's hot bro, doesn't she look good?
No he didn't.
Not bad.
Pls tell me this pic related is real.
Dude that's me.
Tattoos are just tattoos man. Get over it. You don't have to assume everyone else is stupid and insecure for doing something you wouldn't. Let it go.
>ear gauges are ear gauges man just get over it
can we not all agree that those look stupid? do whatever you want, just sayin, they look dumb and you'll probably regret it (if not the tat the money you spent on it)
I'm not asking for timestamp. If that's actually you, a thousand internetts to you. This is the real stuff, best tattoo I've ever seen brah.
Didn't mean it like that, I myself have a tattoo in honor of my grandfather, but I meant meaning that is so forced and over detailed just for someone to feel accepted
like, "Hey I got this anchor, because I finally find that I've found myself since I just went through a lot of struggle with growing up and I had like a mental breakdown and started smoking but I'm well on my way with stopping the smoking and now I've been smoke free for a month so I felt like this is a milestone to me so I got this tattoo just to remind me of what I can accomplish and every time I touch the skin and feel how it raises where the ink is I know that so will I"
There's difference between meaning and meaning, ofc you get the tattoo for a reason, but there are like two different levels of having a fucking meaning to them
I get your point, I do, but people are so snowed in on how much meaning something needs to have. Being with "Claire" obviously needs a lot of meaning, since it's another human being with a mind of her own and you must love something about her enough to be with her and people want to know so they can see it too or whatever.
But I've found that when I get asked about my tattoos and then tell someone "I got this in memory of my grandfather and this in memory of my grandmother" I get the answer "aww, why?" like it's not enough to just get them since they were family and meant a lot. There always has to be a back story so great that the GoT books look like a pamphlet compared to it.
You know different things can have different meanings to different people right? People with tattoos mostly get them for themselves, they are not looking for outside recognition or other people's approoval.
Thinking that you get to decide what has actual meaning and what is bullshit in a completely subjective matter is retarded.
>they are not looking for outside recognition or other people's approoval
>i can't remember or honor my ancestors by myself at home, visit their tomb, or think about them while looking at a picture
>better get them painted on my body so everyone can see how deep i am and what an emotional, caring person i am.
i never ask people what their tat means, they always get an attention boner when someone does that.
tats are pictures to show off, people do it for ATTENTION
along with dying at 22, never squatting and not knowing how to deadlift.
rip in piss
what the fuck are you on about?
the majority of 18 year olds getting tattoos for example do it to get recognition and outside approval.
I myself did it at first, but growing out of that makes you realize it doesn't have to be so extravagant.
My example of what an over detailed bullshit meaning was clearly didn't get through your skull correctly.
>ITT: 17 year old boys who get cucked by tattoo'd alphas who do what they want
Not if he's a 19th century sailor.
Some do it for attention, some don't. For most, it's one of the reasons, but not necessarily the most important. People are complicated.
Getting attention from others is a part in almost everything people do with their bodies. Clothes, haircuts, even the fucking lifting we are talking about on this mongolian chipmunk harassing forum.
Why should tattoos be considered worse than any of those?
because i'm not trashy user
tattoos are the plebiest thing you can get after some weird piercings, but at least the piercings can come off
>have cute gf
>wants tattoos
>keep convincing her no for years
>break up later
>see pics of her
>gets 3 dumb aboriginal/420yolo/butterfly tattoos within a month
I mean she's 23 so it 'suits' her now because no one expects any better but she's gonna be 40 one day with this ugly shit.
Only fatties get btfo'd by tattoos
If you're not in a gang, don't have memetoos.
T. Unoriginal person
so? she's making herself more attractive when it counts. If you're still trying to attract the opposite sex at 40 years old then you've fucked up anyway.
unoriginal? most people i see in the beach have tattoos. from the people in my uni, no one has a tat. from the people in my gym, the only ones that have tats are some plebs working construction or some other manual labor shit that haven't set foot in a university
might as well tattoo "i'm low income low education trash" on your forehead, it will come out cheaper
>Dude I'm better than you lmao
You're really not.
i most likely am user
i'm sorry
Because you don't have tattoos?
Lol you probably don't even pay for your own internet
well he doesnt even lift so i dont care what normies do
>not getting a mark of Khorne on your chest
what's even the point
>I'm studying for a degree but I'm not cool enough to get a tattoo so I resent those that can pull it off.
the fact that you have tattoos shows that you're dumb, gullible, and probably don't have an education to speak of
am i wrong? don't you work some high-school diploma job in your mid 20s?
Tattoos are cool. I have a few. Not having tattoos is cool, too.
>be me
>dating an autistic control freak from early years
>finally get the courage to break up with him
>get the tattoos I've always wanted
>have never been happier sitting on Chad's couch eating his sausage pizza and talking about tats
I'm sure she's devastated m8