ITT: Lifting music
ITT: Lifting music
Minus that one song.
jesus christ
shouldn't you be in your containment board on /mu/
He's not lifting to the music, but to the imagery of twentysomethings masquerading as tween korean girls.
Anything by Sabaton
My man
Don't look at me like that.
So what if I like listening to a happy tune while I make my gains?
or any of their other heavy stuff, but this one is the best for it
the structures of the tracks lend themselves to lifting perfectly
Gets me slammin
To each their own
Arch enemy
Angel vivaldi
Mors principium est
Gay names, good for gains
Post stats.
Just curious.
Please no e-stat.
Anonymous doesnt have to try to lie to impress anonymous
144.5 lbs
Say no more
As much as I don't like the band
Mama said knock you out - five finger death punch
Life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we get built
I only listen to this.
Also helps that [spoiler]im 6'3 210lbs with long blond hair[/spoiler]
17 by youth lagoon
Either expect tears or gains. I have gotten both.
I like working out to noisy neo-psych, fills the head space.
Fucking leave
I run like a superhero to this song.
Make me
i cant lift to that song it makes me wanna sip lean and chainsmoke with my niggas, best song on that album tho
all I'll ever need
Bolt Thrower
Cryptopsy (first and second album only)
Akercocke (muh fav)
Can't really think of other bands atm. Just neckbeard metal and good hardcore basically.
Anything SUPER EUROBEAT is also based.
Laugh all you want, I like this band.
literally every person I know who listens to metal exclusively is greasy neckbeard who swears he's some VIKANGZ N SHIET ALFA MALE
Are there Americans pretending they're Scandinavian in the same way there are Americans pretending to be Italian or Greek or German?
>has never gone to /pol/
oh my sweet child
Its bretty good cardio music. I can put Minus the bear on and just zone out, good chill tunes for running, not much for lifting
I meant lifting stats, ya dingus.
Paper Planes- M.I.A
This is very common
But Danes/norweggies/swedes never had a mass immigration to America.
This is what makes them feel special, because they feel like a minority/special snowflake
It is pretty sad that their only talking point is their ancestry, yeah ancestry is cool and be proud of it, but if you have no other life achievements or talking points then there is something wrong with you
So pumped for their new album.
But what if my grandmother is from denmark
u wot m8?
About 1,3M swedes left for America, which is a pretty damn huge number considering our population.
they you're a fourth danish, maybe?
And that's just genetically.
great asshole now i have Crayon Pop in my head
Awesome choice!
>literally every person I know who listens to hip hop exclusively is smelly basketball American who swears he's some KANGZ N SHIET ALFA MALE
you faggots should've posted this earlier. I already had shitty gym session today and now im fucking pumped
I like Minus the Bear, especially Omni. I'm a greasy metalhead swedefag.
Im probably the whitest latino in my country, but i enjoy minus the bear, its pretty upbeat, it helps me cool off when i have a bad day i like This Ain't a Surfin and Panchuca Sunrise
Blood and Thunder
Mostly just extreme or normal metal, sometimes aggresive rap.
Scandiboos are way worse than weeaboos.