What sports does Veeky Forums play?
Pocket pool
I'm a professional tfwnogf player for the feeladelphia feels
Pickup football, basketball and volleyball games with friends. I want to try and get into a softball league but the closest one is like 30 mins away in an entirely different town
Hockey (ice cause I'm not euro). Used to play rugby, would love to get back into it as I'm not a twink like I was in HS.
>be me
>"star" middle school qb
>make jv hs football team
>first game
>break arm
>next year
>all healed
>arm still throwing bullets
>break forearm during practice
>had to quit
>going to college
>no sports
M-maybe an adult flag football team will take me?
I've been playing tennis for 7 years.
My friends and I play soccer occasionally.
Goalie reporting in
Must be why it looks like there's no one actually trying to stop the puck from going in the net
Daido juku (basically japanese sambo with a budo vibe). Got qualifiers for Japanese championships in September.
>that cameraman wearing sneakers on the ice
Mirin' balance gains.
Aussie rules footy
where all my soccerfags at?
>inb4 its a pussy sport
The topic is sport. Not manchild babysitting software.
not uncommon
Underage b&
Oh really? I'm an ausfag so my only knowledge of ice hockey is mighty ducks and wayne gretzki is a guy who is/was good at it.
Same, breh. You a slut?
It's an eSport
I'm on the varsity rowing team. I also play chess everyday, if that counts haha
football (soccer for burgers)
Fellow soccerfag reporting for duty
You know it